Lesson 1 Argumentation Essay

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Argumentation Essay

Argument and Discussion (pp. 85-90)

Persuasion versus Argument
• Persuasion and argument are often used

• Persuasion is a broad term, which includes many

tactics designed to move people to a position, a
belief, or a course of action

• Argument is a specific kind of persuasion based on

the principles of logic and reasoning
Think about the last time you were persuaded
to do something. What happened? Was it
something you saw? Something someone
said? Something you heard? Something that
would happen based on your actions?
Forms of Persuasive Writing
Advertisements try to convince you to do or
buy something.
Forms of Persuasive Writing
Editorials about current issues appear in
newspapers and magazines, or on television,
radio, and the internet.

Forms of Persuasive Writing
Persuasive speeches try to convince an
audience to take action
Forms of Persuasive Writing
Propaganda is often about political issues, and
usually includes emotionally charged appeals.
What exactly is an Argument?

• An argument involves the process of

establishing a claim and then proving it with
the use of logical reasoning, examples, and
Types of Supporting Arguments
Logos—an appeal to logic

• Often contain expert testimony

• Often contain statistical information
• Suggest that the product is the “logical” or “right” choice
Types of Supporting Arguments
Ethos-an appeal to do the “right” thing
Types of Supporting Arguments
Pathos-an appeal to the emotions

Not all emotional arguments are sad!
The Rhetorical Triangle
Don’t forget to incorporate elements of ethos, pathos, and logos.
Is the thesis statement argumentation or
There are three main reasons why the media
manipulate the news.

This thesis statement is not argumentative. Although

the writer has the assumption that the media
manipulate the news, the aim of this essay is not to
convince the reader on this issue, but to simply list
the three reasons for media manipulation. The
reader, too, expects to learn the three reasons.
More Examples to Show the Difference
The media should not manipulate the news in any way.

This thesis statement is acceptable as an

argumentative thesis statement because the writer
clearly takes a stand in the debate about whether the
media should manipulate the news or not. Here, the
writer intends to influence the mind of readers
rather than to merely inform them.
Time to Practice!
ARG. Censorship is the best way of controlling the minds of the
1. ________

3. ________ Parents control their children’s TV viewing habits in three

ARG. In war journalism, it is never appropriate to show on the news

4. ________
how a country’s soldiers suffer in combat.

5. ________
ARG. The only way to receive high ratings for a TV series is to cast
attractive actors or actresses.
On the Whole
• On the whole, while writing argumentative
thesis statements, be sure to have a debatable
topic, state your claim and stance as strongly
as possible and make the reader understand
that your aim is to persuade rather than only
to inform.
The Essential Ingredients
of an Argument
• An issue open to debate
• Your position on the issue
• Your reasons for that position
• Evidence to support your reason
– Experience, expert opinion, research and statistics
Look at the following key words and
see if you can create a sentence
showing your opinion (without
using the word “I”)
• Pollution • Vegetarianism
• University education • Renewable forms of
• Giving to charities energy
• Abortion • Foreign aid
• Drinking age • Democracy
• Community work • Drone attacks
• Animal testing
Offering a Counterargument
• Addressing the claims of the opposition is an
important component in building a convincing
• It demonstrates your credibility as a writer –
you have researched multiple sides of the
argument and have come to an informed
• It shows you have considered other points of
view – that other points of view are valid and
Counter Arguments
Address reader objections – make your own counter argument

• Oil
make overweight
not be permitted
to drill
for oil
diet meals
in Alaska.
for school lunch.

http://factbank.blogspot.com/2012/05/alaska-facts.html http://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/GettingHealthy/Overweight-in-Children_UCM_304054_Article.jsp
Organizing Ideas into an Outline
e 5-
nd th
b e yo s ay
ing e s
m ov
g ra ph

Legalize it – Argumentation Example
Read the first two paragraphs in the main body and identify the counter
arguments and refutation.

Counter Arguments Refutation

• Physical harms of • Test on monkeys were discredited
Marijuana • American Medical Association has
endorsed its use
• Other studies of the effects on
reproductive and immune systems do not
show adverse effects
• Users follow on
with harder • Correlation is not causality
drugs • Cocaine users also used alcohol and
• Use of cocaine and heroin have decreased
Select one of the topics below. Decide on your
opinion. Think of three counter arguments and how
you would refute them

• Should men get paternity leave from work?

• Are we too dependent on computers?
• Should cigarette smoking be banned?
• Are law enforcement cameras an invasion of
• Does religion cause war?
• What age is appropriate for dating?
The Argument Essay
Most importantly, the argument essay
uses evidence to both show one’s
own position and to refute the
opposing argument.
Lead / Hook - Grab the Reader’s Attention
Persuasive paper about school dress code
I walked proudly through the hallways of AMS, my new blue
Anecdote mohawk glistening magnificently in the florescent lighting of the
(narrative vignette) hallway, but then I saw Mr. Caruthers. I felt the wax in my hair
start to melt.

Do schools have the right to tell children how to dress?

For the past 300 years in this country, schools have been
Hyperbole (bold crushing the artistic freedom of students with oppressive dress
overstatement) codes!
At Centerville Middle School, a controversy is brewing. Walk
Setting down the hallways, and amidst a tranquil sea of khaki pants
and navy blue polo shirts, the blades of a fuchsia mohawk cut
through the peaceful learning environment.

Timeless. Tasteful. Tried and true. The traditional school

Alliterative Phrase uniform is the foundation of a true learning environment.

“Give me liberty or give me death.”

Extension activity: Think of three counter arguments
and refutation for these topics
Should boxing be banned? Should tobacco products be banned?

Should semi-automatic weapons Should the Internet be censored?

be banned?
Should music lyrics be censored?
Should teens who murder be
Should parents of teen vandals be
Should hunting be outlawed? held responsible for their child's
Should recycling be mandatory?
Should research on cloning be
Should schools require student discontinued?

Should college athletes be paid? Should a rookie salary cap be

enforced in pro sports?

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