Discoverer 2000 Vs Oracle Reports V2

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Discoverer &
Oracle Reports

Slide 1
 Discoverer - Overview
 Advantages over D2K Reports
 Disadvantages over D2K Reports

Slide 2

Slide 3

OracleAS Discoverer offers web based

decision support capabilities to end-users
and is an integral element of a
comprehensive business intelligence
solution provided by Oracle Application

Slide 4

Discoverer is an intuitive ad-hoc querying,

reporting, analysis, and web-publishing tool.
It provides business users with immediate
access to information from data marts, data
warehouses, online transaction systems, and
Oracle Applications.

Slide 5

Discoverer allows both Inexperience and

experienced users to create queries,
navigate through data, and publish report
Discoverer can be deployed in either a
scalable web architecture or client/server
architecture or a combination of both. It has
six components: Discoverer Plus,
Discoverer Viewer, Discoverer
Administrator, Discoverer Portlet Provider,
the Discoverer End User Layer, and
Slide 6
Font, size, alignment, color – foreground and
background, display names and format masks –
numeric, monetary, date, etc… can be applied to
report elements in Discoverer Plus. Format
modifications are independent of the platform.
Changes applied in Discoverer Plus are visible in
the Discoverer Desktop and vice versa. This
formatting is preserved when uses view these
reports in Discoverer Viewer or in a portal page.
Slide 7

End users can create graphs in Discoverer with
an easy to use wizard that supports more than 50
different standard and custom graph types. Users
can add graph titles, resize, format styles, colors
and much more to create ‘boardroom quality’
graphs, or to conform to corporate standards.

Slide 8
Analytic calculation templates available in
Discoverer Plus:
Users can use the following analytic calculation
templates to get quick insights into their data

- Rank
- Percent Rank
- Difference
- Percent Difference
- Preceding Value

Slide 9

- Following Value
- Running Total
- Percent Running Contribution
- Percent Contribution
- Moving Total
- Group Total
- Band By Value
- Band By Rank

Slide 10
Discoverer provides advanced scheduling
capabilities. Users can schedule workbooks
using a wizard based user interface, specify and
maintain a 'repeat' interval, choose to keep either
all results sets or just the latest
version. Discoverer suggests users to schedule
workbooks when their query prediction threshold
is exceeded. Discoverer automatically notifies
users when scheduled workbooks are available or
when expired result sets are to be removed.
Slide 11
Performance when number of users increased:
Discoverer is optimized for performance and
designed to minimize network traffic.
Performance options include HTML paging,
client side timeouts and zero software
download. Discoverer Viewer breaks large
documents into pages in the background and
displays the first page initially.

Slide 12
Performance when number of users increased:

Discoverer Services monitors client activity

and end inactive sessions after a specified
timeout limit. This frees up valuable
resources for other users.

Slide 13
Licenses (Purchasing):
You need to purchase the following Oracle
products in order to receive Discoverer:

· Oracle Application ServerTM Enterprise

Edition for Discoverer Plus and Viewer.

· Oracle Developer SuiteTM for Discoverer

Administrator including 1 user license of
Discoverer Desktop Edition.
Slide 14
Licenses (Purchasing):
Oracle Discoverer Desktop Edition can be
purchased as a stand alone product for additional

Price :
Discoverer Desk top Edition –
Named User Plus Perpetual ($1,000.00)

Slide 15
Discoverer Can Export data to Oracle Reports:
Discoverer provides seamless integration with
Oracle Reports Developer, the enterprise-
reporting tool. Discoverer users can export
workbooks with full fidelity.

This provides users access to the full suite of

publishing capabilities of Oracle Reports
Services, such as batch scheduling and PDF
Slide 16
Revenue Strategic Report (Screen Layout):

Slide 17
Advantage of Discoverer
Over Oracle Dev. Reports

Slide 18
Advantage of Discoverer over Oracle Reports

Oracle Discoverer Oracle Reports

Effort in Development Effort is significantly

is lesser more in Development
Very easy to modify the Change in Layout is a
Worksheet significant effort

Slide 19
Advantage of Discoverer over Oracle Reports

Oracle Discoverer Oracle Reports
Analytical Functions This feature is not
like Rank, Running available dynamically
Totals, Statistical
Functions are available
“Out-of-the Box” to be
used by Users in a
dynamic fashion

Slide 20
Advantage of Discoverer over Oracle Reports

Oracle Discoverer Oracle Reports
Users can Sort by any Sorting can be
Item in the Work-sheet. provided, but at the
This can be changed time of Report creation
effortlessly by User at by the developer

Slide 21
Disadvantage of Discoverer
Over Oracle Dev. Reports

Slide 22
Disadvantage of Discoverer 2000

Initial Efforts
Oracle Discoverer Oracle Reports

Meta data needs to be

No need to create
created by Oracle
Meta data
technical consultants

Slide 23
Disadvantage of Discoverer 2000


Oracle Discoverer Oracle Reports

Can not create Can create multiple

multiple graphs in one graphs in one sheet

Slide 24
Disadvantage of Discoverer 2000

Oracle Developer Suite includes:

Discoverer Administrator : Creating and maintaining
a business view of the data and access control

Discoverer End User Layer : Discoverer’s metadata

repository stored in the database

Discoverer Desktop : Ad hoc query creation,

advanced analysis (client/server version)

Slide 25
Administration Edition
Is an application that database administrators use to
prepare the data so users' exploration can be easy and

User Edition

Enables business professionals to explore and analyze

the data that's important to them -- while avoiding
complex database structures and procedures.

Slide 26
End User Layer

The End User Layer lies between the User Edition and
the database. It shields users from the complexity of
database tables, views, columns, joins, and SQL.

Slide 27
Business Area

A business area is a logical grouping of information from

database tables or views. Within a business area, you
Folders -- based on tables and views.
Items -- based on columns.

Business areas are stored in the End User Layer.

Slide 28
Admin Edition Components

End User Layer

Business Area




Slide 29

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