Chapter-23 - Mutual Fund Operations

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Chapter Objectives

 Explain the concept of mutual fund operation

 Explain various types of mutual funds
 Describe the various types of stock mutual
 Describe the characteristics of money market
Background on Mutual Funds

 Mutual funds offer a way for small investors

to diversify when they could not do so on their
own with the purchases of individual stocks
 Comparison to depository institutions
 Like depository institutions, mutual funds
repackage proceeds from individuals to make
Background on Mutual Funds
 Regulation of Mutual Funds
Mutual Fund must register with the Securities and Exchange
Commission & provide interested investors with a prospectus.
Information Contained in a Mutual Fund Prospectus
 The minimum amount of investment required
 The investment objective of the fund
 The return on the fund over the past year, the past three years
and the past five years
 The exposure of the fund to various types of risk
 Services offered by the mutual fund
• Check writing
• Telephone or Internet funds transfer
 Management fees incurred that investors pay
Background on Mutual Funds

Pricing shares of the mutual Fund

The price per share of a mutual fund is equal to the net
asset value (NAV= A-L) per share.
Estimating the net asset value
 Net asset value is the value per share
 NAV is estimated daily
 Determine the market value of all the securities in the fund
 Any interest or dividends accrued are added to the market
 Any expenses are subtracted
 Divided by the number of shares outstanding
Mutual Fund Distributions to Shareholders

Mutual funds can generate returns to their shareholders in

three ways.
First, they can pass on any earned income (from dividends
or coupon payments) as dividend payments to the
Second, they distribute the capital gains resulting from the
sale of securities within the fund.
A third type of return to shareholders is through mutual
fund share price appreciation. As the market value of a
fund’s security holdings increases, the fund’s NAV
increases, and the shareholders benefit when they sell their
mutual fund shares.
Mutual Funds Categories

 Mutual fund classifications depend on the type

of securities the fund invests in and can include
 Stock or equity mutual funds- An equity fund is a
mutual fund that invests principally in stocks.
 Bond mutual funds- A bond fund is simply a mutual
fund that invests solely in bonds.
 Money market mutual funds- A money market fund is
a kind of mutual fund that invests in highly liquid, near-term

 Exhibit 23.6 Distribution of Investment in Mutual

Background on Mutual Funds

 Management of mutual funds

Each mutual fund is managed by one or more portfolio
managers, who must focus on the stated investment objective
of that fund.
Managers invest in a portfolio of securities to meet the
objectives of the fund
Managers adjust the composition of their portfolios in
response to market and economic conditions
They prefer liquid securities that can easily be sold in the
secondary market at any time.
Background on Mutual Funds
 Expenses
 Fees include management plus record-keeping and clerical
 Expense ratio = annual expenses/fund NAV
 Investor should compare expense ratios
 Corporate control by mutual funds
 Mutual funds are large shareholders in companies whose
stock they hold
Since mutual funds invest large amounts of money in some stocks, they
become major shareholders of firms.
 Managers may serve on the board of directors of
companies in which the fund invests
Load versus No-Load Mutual Funds

Classification refers to whether or not there is a sales

No-load means funds are promoted, bought and sold
directly via the mutual fund. A no-load fund is a mutual
fund in which shares are sold without a commission or
sales charge.
Load funds
 Promoted by registered representatives of
brokerage firms who get a commission
 Investors pay the sales charge
Open-End versus Closed-End Funds

 Open-end “mutual” funds

 Willing to repurchase investor shares at any time
 Number of shares outstanding does not remain constant
 NAV determined by fund daily

 Closed-end funds
 Mutual fund does not repurchase the shares they sell—
similar to direct common stock investment
 Number of outstanding shares is constant
 Value of shares related to expectations of portfolio and
determined in market
Stock Mutual Fund Categories

The more popular stock mutual fund categories

1. Growth funds
2. Capital appreciation funds
3. Growth and income funds
4. International and global funds
5. Specialty funds
6. Index funds
7. Multifund funds
Stock Mutual Fund Categories

 Growth funds for investors who want high

returns with moderate risk
 Mutual fund invests in companies that are
expected to grow at a higher than average rate
 Generate an increase in investment value rather
than steady income
 Capital appreciation or aggressive growth
 High but unproven growth potential stocks
 Higher risk
Stock Mutual Fund Categories

 Growth and income funds try to offer growth

but with some stability of income
 International and global funds allow
investment in foreign securities without the
costs involved in purchasing and monitoring
individual stocks
 Returns affected by stock prices
 Returns also affected by foreign exchange rates
 A global mutual fund invests in assets around
the world including the home country.
Stock Mutual Fund Categories

 Specialty funds focus on a group of

companies sharing a particular characteristic
 Index funds are designed to simply match the
performance of an existing stock index
 Multifund funds invest in a portfolio of
different mutual funds
 More diversified
 Involves higher expenses
Exhibit 23.7 Growth in Number of
Equity and Bond Funds

Bond Funds

6000 S tock Funds






1978 1985 1990 1995 1999 2001
Growth and Size of Mutual Funds

 Volume and mix in the kind of funds varies

over time
 Overall investment via mutual funds much
higher in recent years
 New kinds of funds target customers with
different risk preferences
Money Market Funds (MMF)

 Money market funds are portfolios of short-

term assets
 Can include check-writing privileges for investors
 Number of checks per month may be restricted
 Shareholders get periodic statements
 Liquid, “cash” balance for investor
Money Market Funds

 Asset composition of money market funds

 Individual funds concentrate in assets that reflect
the fund’s objective
 Money market securities of varying maturity

 Maturity of money market funds

 Varies over time with market conditions
 Risk increases with term
Money Market Funds

 Risk of money market funds

 Credit risk minimized by the short-term nature of
 Returns for money market funds fall as interest
rates in the economy fall
 Expected returns are low relative to stock and
bond funds
 Consistent positive returns over time
 Lower credit risk
 Lower interest rate risk
Money Market Funds

 Management of money market funds

 Managers try to maintain the overall objective of
the fund
 Manage the composition of the assets
 Investors have a variety of choices when it comes
to money market funds
Hedge Funds

 A hedge fund is a type of actively managed

fund that focuses on high risk high return
 Hedge funds sell shares to wealthy investors and
financial institutions

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