Some Terms

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Some terms

A Simple Image Formation Model

• Images by two-dimensional functions of the form f(x, y).

• The value or amplitude of f at spatial coordinates (x, y)

gives the intensity (brightness) of the image at that

• As light is a form of energy, f(x,y) must be non zero and


• The function f(x, y) may be characterized by two

(1)the amount of source illumination incident on the

scene being viewed
(2)the amount of illumination reflected by the objects
in the scene.
• These are called the illumination and reflectance
components and are denoted by i(x, y) and r(x, y),

• The two functions combine as a product to
form f(x, y):

f(x, y) = i(x, y) r(x, y)

r(x, y) = 0 --- total absorption

1 --- total reflection

• The intensity of a monochrome image f at any
coordinates (x, y) the gray level (l) of the image at
that point.

That is, l = f(x0 ,

y0 ) L lies in the range

• The interval [Lmin , Lmax ] is called the gray scale.

• Common practice is to shift this interval numerically to

the interval [0, L-1],

• where L = 0 is considered black and

L = L-1 is considered white on the gray scale.

All intermediate values are shades of gray varying from

black to white.
• The interval [Lmin , Lmax ] is called thegray scale.

• Common practice is to shift this interval numerically to

the interval [0, L-1],

• where L = 0 is considered black and

L = L-1 is considered white on the gray scale.

All intermediate values are shades of gray varying from

black to white.
• Pixel
• Pixel is the smallest element of an image.
• Each pixel correspond to any one value.
• In an 8-bit gray scale image, the value of the pixel between 0 and
• The value of a pixel at any point correspond to the intensity of the
light photons striking at that point.
• Each pixel store a value proportional to the light intensity at that
particular location.
• Gray level
• The value of the pixel at any point denotes the intensity of image at that
location, and that is also known as gray level.

• Pixel value.(0)
• that each pixel can have only one value and each value denotes the
intensity of light at that point of the image.
• The value 0 means absence of light. It means that 0 denotes dark, and it
further means that when ever a pixel has a value of 0, it means at that
point, black color would be formed.
• Look at this image matrix
• 000
• 000
• 000
• Now this image matrix has all filled up with 0. All the pixels have a value of
0. If we were to calculate the total number of pixels form this matrix, this is
how we are going to do it.
• Total no of pixels = total no. of rows X total no. of columns
• =3X3
• = 9.
• Bpp or bits per pixel denotes the number of bits per pixel.
• The number of different colors in an image is depends on the depth of
color or bits per pixel.
Some terms
• its in mathematics:
• Its just like playing with binary bits.
• How many numbers can be represented by one bit.
• 0
• 1
• How many two bits combinations can be made.
• 00
• 01
• 10
• 11
• If we devise a formula for the calculation of total number of combinations that can be made from bit, it
would be like this.
• Where bpp denotes bits per pixel. Put 1 in the formula you get 2, put 2 in the formula, you get 4. It grows
Some terms
• Number of different colors:
• Now as we said it in the beginning, that the number of different colors depend on the number of bits per pixel.
• The table for some of the bits and their color is given below.
• Bits per pixel
• Number of colors 1 bpp2 colors
• 2 bpp 4 colors
• 3 bpp 8 colors
• 4 bpp 16 colors
• 5 bpp 32 colors
• 6 bpp 64 colors
• 7 bpp 128 colors
• 8 bpp 256 colors
• 10 bpp1024 colors16 bpp65536 colors24 bpp16777216 colors (16.7 million colors)32 bpp4294967296 colors
(4294 million colors)
Some terms
• Shades
• You can easily notice the pattern of the exponentional growth. The famous gray scale
image is of 8 bpp , means it has 256 different colors in it or 256 shades.

• Color images are usually of the 24 bpp format, or 16 bpp.

• We will see more about other color formats and image types in the tutorial of image
• 0 pixel value denotes black color.
• 0 pixel value always denotes black color. But there is no fixed value that denotes white
• White color:
• The value that denotes white color can be calculated as :
Image storage requirements

• After the discussion of bits per pixel, now we have every thing that we
need to calculate a size of an image.
• Image size
• The size of an image depends upon three things.
• Number of rows
• Number of columns
• Number of bits per pixel
• The formula for calculating the size is given below.
• Size of an image = rows * cols * bpp
The binary image

• The binary image as it name states, contain only two pixel values.
• 0 and 1.
• Here 0 refers to black color and 1 refers to white color. It is also known as
• Black and white image:
• The resulting image that is formed hence consist of only black and white
color and thus can also be called as Black and White image.
• No gray level
• One of the interesting this about this binary image that there is no gray
level in it. Only two colors that are black and white are found in it.
• Format
• Binary images have a format of PBM ( Portable bit map )
• 2, 3, 4,5, 6 bit color format
• The images with a color format of 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 bit are not widely used today.
They were used in old times for old TV displays, or monitor displays.
• But each of these colors have more then two gray levels, and hence has gray
color unlike the binary image.
• In a 2 bit 4, in a 3 bit 8, in a 4 bit 16, in a 5 bit 32, in a 6 bit 64 different colors are
• 8 bit color format
• 8 bit color format is one of the most famous image format. It has 256 different
shades of colors in it. It is commonly known as Grayscale image.
• The range of the colors in 8 bit vary from 0-255. Where 0 stands for black, and
255 stands for white, and 127 stands for gray color.
• This format was used initially by early models of the operating systems UNIX and
the early color Macintoshes.
• A grayscale image of Einstein is shown below:
• 16 bit color format
• It is a color image format. It has 65,536 different colors in it. It is also known
as High color format.
• It has been used by Microsoft in their systems that support more then 8 bit
color format. Now in this 16 bit format and the next format we are going to
discuss which is a 24 bit format are both color format.
• The distribution of color in a color image is not as simple as it was in
grayscale image.
• A 16 bit format is actually divided into three further formats which are Red ,
Green and Blue. The famous (RGB) format.
• It is pictorially represented in the image below.
• 24 bit color format
• 24 bit color format also known as true color format. Like 16 bit color
format, in a 24 bit color format, the 24 bits are again distributed in
three different formats of Red, Green and Blue.
• 24 bit color format
• 24 bit color format also known as true color format. Like 16 bit color
format, in a 24 bit color format, the 24 bits are again distributed in
three different formats of Red, Green and Blue.
• Since 24 is equally divided on 8, so it has been distributed equally
between three different color channels.
• Their distribution is like this.
• 8 bits for R, 8 bits for G, 8 bits for B.
• Behind a 24 bit image.
• Unlike a 8 bit gray scale image, which has one matrix behind it, a 24
bit image has three different matrices of R, G, B.
• Different color codes
• All the colors here are of the 24 bit format, that means each color has
8 bits of red, 8 bits of green, 8 bits of blue, in it. Or we can say each
color has three different portions. You just have to change the
quantity of these three portions to make any color.
• Binary color format
• Color:Black
• Image:
• Decimal Code:
• (0,0,0)
• Color:White
• Image:
• Decimal Code:
• (255,255,255)
• RGB color model:
• Color:Red
• Image:
• Decimal Code:
• (255,0,0)
• Color:Green
• Image:
• green
• Decimal Code:
• (0,255,0)
• Color: Blue
• Image:
• Decimal Code:
• (0,0,255)
Digital Image Representation
 A digital image can be
represented as a two-dimensional n

i(1,1) i(1,2) ……. i(1, n-1)

i(2,1) i(2,2) ……. i(2, n-1)
. .
I(mn) = . . . . . . . . . ...
. . I(m,n)
i(m-1,1) i(m-1,2) … i(m-1, n-1)

• Each element is called a pixel (picture

•A color (RGB) image is represented
by a 3-dimensional matrix I(mxnx3)

Digital Image Size
 The size of a digital image is determines by its
dimensions ( M x N ) multiplied by the number of
bits b required to store the intensity levels (L = 2b).

 image size = M x N x b (bits)

 Typical values of b are:

 b=1 black and white (binary) images.
 b=8 grayscale (256 gray levels), or
indexed color images
 b = 24 RGB color image.

• L = 2b
• Bpp or bits per pixel denotes the number of bits per pixel.
• The number of different colors in an image is depends on the depth of
color or bits per pixel.
Digital Image Size
 The size of a digital image is determines by its
dimensions ( M x N ) multiplied by the number of
bits b required to store the intensity levels (L = 2b).

 image size = M x N x b (bits)

 Typical values of b are:

 b=1 black and white (binary) images.
 b=8 grayscale (256 gray levels), or
indexed color images
 b = 24 RGB color image.

• The interval [Lmin , Lmax ] is called thegray scale.

• Common practice is to shift this interval numerically to

the interval [0, L-1],

• where L = 0 is considered black and

L = L-1 is considered white on the gray scale.

All intermediate values are shades of gray varying from

black to white.
Digital Image Representation
 A digital image can be
represented as a two-dimensional n

i(1,1) i(1,2) ……. i(1, n-1)

i(2,1) i(2,2) ……. i(2, n-1)
. .
I(mn) = . . . . . . . . . ...
. . I(m,n)
i(m-1,1) i(m-1,2) … i(m-1, n-1)

• Each element is called a pixel (picture

•A color (RGB) image is represented
by a 3-dimensional matrix I(mxnx3)

Digital Image Size
 The size of a digital image is determines by its
dimensions ( M x N ) multiplied by the number of
bits b required to store the intensity levels (L = 2b).

 image size = M x N x b (bits)

 Typical values of b are:

 b=1 black and white (binary) images.
 b=8 grayscale (256 gray levels), or
indexed color images
 b = 24 RGB color image.

Digital Image size
 Digital image resolution is determined by the
number of pixels (samples) in the image.
Digital Image Resolution
 Digital image with low resolution has low

1024x1024x8 512x512x8 256x256x8

128x128x8 64x64x8 32x32x8

Digital Image Acquisition
 Effect of Quantization

256 128 16 8

64 32 4 2
Digital image Types
 RGB (Color) Images

Each pixel is a mixture of

three values of Red, Geen,
and Blue.

R,G,B = {0-255, 0-255, 0-

0 = Black
255 = White

In normalized values:
R,G,B = {0-1, 0-1, 0-1}
0 = Black
1 = White
Digital image Types
 Grayscale (Intensity) Images

Each pixel is given

a gray level value
between 0 – 255 or
between 0 – 1.

We need 8 bits to
store a
grayscale value.

Digital image Types
 Black and white (Binary) Images
• Each pixel has one of two gray levels either black (0) or white (1).
• We need 8 bits to store a grayscale value.
Types of Pixel Neighborhoods

•Image sampling:
•Rectangular sampling - In most cases, images are sampled by laying
a rectangular grid over an image.
•Hexagonal sampling - An alternative sampling scheme is shown.

•Pixel Neighborhoods:
•4-connected and 8-connected neighborhood (Rectangular sampling)

•6-connected neighborhood (Hexagonal sampling)

Types of Pixel Neighborhoods
 Basic Relationships Between Pixels

4-connected 8-connected 6-connected

Basic Relationships Between Pixels
• 1. Neighbors of a Pixel :-
A pixel p at coordinates (x, y) has four horizontal and vertical neighbors
whose coordinates are given by (x+1, y), (x-1, y), (x, y+1), (x, y-1)

• This set of pixels, called the 4-neighbors of p, is denoted

by N4(p).

• Each pixel is a unit distance from (x, y), and some of the
neighbors of p lie outside the digital image if (x, y) is on
the border of the image.

ND(p) and N8(p)
• The four diagonal neighbors of p have coordinates
(x+1, y+1), (x+1, y-1), (x-1, y+1), (x-1, y-1)
and are denoted by ND(p).

• These points, together with the 4-neighbors, arecalled the 8-

neighbors of p, denoted by N8(p).

• If some of the points in ND(p) and N8(p) fall outside the image if
(x, y) is on the border of theimage.

Distance Measures
 If pixels p and q have coordinates (x, y) and (s, t),
 The Euclidean distance between p and

 De(p, q) = [(x – s)2 + (y – t) 2] ½

 The D4 (City-block ) distance between p and q

 D4(p, q) = |x – s| + |y – t|

 The D8 (Chessboard ) distance between p and


 D (p, q) = max(
. |x – s| , |y – t| )
Distance Measures
 Results of D4 and D8 distances

 The pixels with D4=1 are the 4-neighbors

 The pixels with D8=1 are the 8-neighbors
•To establish whether two pixels are connected, it must be
determined if they are neighbors and
•if their gray levels satisfy a specified criterion of similarity (say, if
their gray levels are equal).

•For instance, in a binary image with values 0 and 1, two pixels may be

•but they are said to be connected only if they have the same value
• Let V be the set of gray-level values used todefine
connectivity. In a binary image, V={1} for the connectivity
of pixels with value 1.

• In a grayscale image, for connectivity of pixels with a

range of intensity values of say 32, 64 V typically contains
more elements.

• For example,

• In the adjacency of pixels with a range of possible gray-

level values 0 to 255,
• set V could be any subset of these 256 values.We consider
three types of adjacency:
• We consider three types of adjacency:
(a) 4-adjacency.
Two pixels p and q with values from V are 4-adjacent if q is in the
set N4(p).

(b) 8-adjacency.
Two pixels p and q with values from V are 8-adjacent if q is in the
set N8(p).

(c) m-adjacency (mixed adjacency).

(d) Two pixels p and q with values from V are m-adjacent if
• (i) q is in N4(p), or

• (ii) q is in ND(p) and the set whose values are from V.

• A path from pixel p with coordinates (x, y) to
pixel q with coordinates (s, t) is a sequence of
distinct pixels with coordinates

• where y0) = (x, y) and (xŶ’ yn) = (s,

(x(x yi) and (xi-ϭ’t),yi-1) pixels and are adjacent for ϭ ч i ч
i’ Ϭ’
Ŷ. IŶ this Đase, Ŷ is the length of the path.

• If (xϬ’ y 0) = yn) the path is a closed path.


• Two pixels p and q are said to be connected in S if
there exists a path between them consisting entirely
of pixels in S.

• For any pixel p in S, the set of pixels that are

connected to it in S is called a connected component
of S.


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