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Res Net 2

Deep residual networks are actually exponential ensembles of relatively shallow networks, not single ultra-deep networks. Each residual block allows data to flow along multiple paths through the network in a multiplicative manner. While the total theoretical depth is high, the paths contributing most to the gradient are relatively shallow. Removing residual blocks mostly affects longer paths, and the network relies more on shorter paths for optimization.

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Res Net 2

Deep residual networks are actually exponential ensembles of relatively shallow networks, not single ultra-deep networks. Each residual block allows data to flow along multiple paths through the network in a multiplicative manner. While the total theoretical depth is high, the paths contributing most to the gradient are relatively shallow. Removing residual blocks mostly affects longer paths, and the network relies more on shorter paths for optimization.

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jaffar bikat
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Deep Residual Networks

Reporter : Liyan Sun

Kaiming He et al, “Deep Residual Learning for Image Recongnition” ,

CVPR 2016 (oral & best paper award), Google scholar citation: 468

Kaiming He et al, “Identity Mappings in Deep Residual Networks” ,

ECCV 2016 (spotlight), Google scholar citation: 34

Andreas Veit et al, “Residual Networks are Exponential Ensembles of

Relatively Shallow Networks” ,
NIPS 2016, Google scholar citation: 2
Evolution of deep networks
What does depth mean?

Deep ↑ Representation ability ↑

Forward (data flow)
What does depth mean?

Backward (gradient
flow) Is optimization is as easy as stacking layers?
Gradients Vanishing
• The multiplying property of gradients causes the phenomenon.
• This can be addressed by:
①Normalized Initialization
②Batch Normalization

③Appropriate activation function

sigmoid(x) → ReLU(x)
Performance Saturation/degradation
• “plain” networks on CIFAR-10

① Rich solution space

② deeper “should” means lower training
⑴Original layers: copies of shallow ones
⑵Extra layers: set as identities
⑶Results: same training error
③ Networks cannot find solutions when
going deeper
Residual Learning Block
• Define H(x) = F(x) + x, the stacked weight layers try to approximate
F(x) instead of H(x).
If the optimal function is close to identity
mapping, the nonlinear stacked weight layers
can capture the small perturbations easier.

① No extra parameter and computation complexity introduced.

② Element-wise addition is performed on all feature maps.
ResNet can be deeper
The Insight of Identity mapping
• We turn the ReLU activation function after the addition into a identity

Smooth Forward Propagation
• Any xl is directly forward-prop to any
xL, plus residual.
• Any xl is additive outcome.
In contrast to the multiplicity:
Smooth Backward Propagation
• The gradients flow is also in
the form of addition.
• The gradients of any layer is
unlikely to vanish.
In contrast to the multiplicity
What if shortcut mapping h(x) ≠ identity?
If scaling the shortcut
• If h is multiplicative, e.g. h(x) = x, the forward and backward is
denoted as

• Either  is larger or smaller than 1 is problematic!

If gating the shortcut

• The gating should increase

the representation ability.
• It’s the optimization
rather than the
representation dominates
the results!
If after-adding f(x) is identity mapping
• f(x) are tested in the
below forms:

• f(x)=ReLU

• f(x)=BN+ReLU

• f(x)=identity
(pre-activation ResNet)
ReLU v.s. ReLU+BN
• BN could block propagation.
• Keep the shortest path as
smooth as possible.
ReLU v.s. Identity
• ReLU could block propagation
when the network is deep.
• Pre-activation ease the
difficulty in optimization.
ImageNet Results
Conclusions from He
• Keep the shortest path as smooth(clean) as possible!
By making h(x) and f(x) identity mapping.
Forward and backward signals directly flow this path.

• Features of any layer is additive outcomes.

• 1000-layer ResNet can be easily trained and have better accuracy.

Further expansion of the ResNet block
• According to previous analysis, and we replace xl
Fl() with yl and F with fl
L 1
yL  yl   f l  yl 
i l

• We further expand this expression by unrolling

the recursion in terms of basic input yl.

Example of the unrolling
• We take L=3 and l=0 for
example for unrolling.
• The data flows along paths
exponentially from input to
• We infer that residual
networks have 2n paths
Different from traditional NN
• In traditional NN, each layer depends only on the previous layer.

• In ResNet, each module fi() is fed data from a mixture of 2i-1

configuration of every possible combination of the previous i-1
residual modules.
Theoretical Hypothesis
• Residual networks are not single ultra-deep networks, but very large
implicit ensembles of many networks.

• This means depth may not be the only key idea in deep learning.
Lesion Study
• Experiment 1: Deleting individual layers from neural networks.

• Experiment 2: Deleting many modules from residual networks.

• Experiment 3: Reordering modules in residual networks.

Deleting individual modules in ResNet
For ResNet
• We show not all transformation
within a residual network are
• It shows the importance of
each building block.
• When a layer is removed, the
effective number of paths is
reduced from 2n to 2n-1, leaving
half of them valid.
For 12-layer VGG
• Deleting any layer in VGG reduces performance to chance level,
because when a single layer is removed, the only viable path is
Deleting many modules from ResNet
• One characteristic of
ensembles is their
performance depends
smoothly on the number of
• When k residual modules are
removed, the effective
number of paths is reduced
from 2n to 2n-k.
Reordering modules in ResNet
• We change the structure of
ResNet by re-ordering the
building blocks.
• We swap k randomly
sampled pairs of building
• Kendall Tau correlation is
adopted to measure the
amount of corruption.
The ensembles of relatively shallow networks
• Distribution of path lengths

• Vanishing gradients in residual networks

• Residual networks are exponential ensembles of relatively shallow

Distribution of path lengths
• Not all paths are of the same length.
• The distribution of all possible path lengths through the ResNet
follows a Binomial distribution. The length of paths center around the
mean of n/2.

p l  k   Cnk p 1  p 
Vanishing gradients in ResNet
• Data flows along all the paths in
ResNet, while not all paths carry the
same amount of gradients.
• We sample individual paths of a
certain length and measure the norm
of gradients that arrives at the input.
• The gradient magnitude of a path
decreases exponentially with the
number of modules.
ResNets – exponential ensembles of
relatively shallow networks
• We multiply the frequency
of each path length with
its expected gradient
• Almost all of the gradient
updates come from paths
relatively shallow.
• Removing residual modules mostly removes long paths

• Connection to highway networks

• Effect of stochastic depth training procedure

Removing residual modules mostly removes
long paths
• Deleting d residual modules from a network of n, the fraction of paths
remaining per path length x is given by

• The deletion of residual modules

mostly affects the long paths.
Connection to highway networks
• The exponential nature of ResNet arises when data can flow both
paths within a residual block at once.
• For highway networks, it’s not the case.

• In highway networks, gates commonly deviate from ti()=0.5, reducing

the number of expected paths.
• Highway networks are biased to send data through the skip
connection, meaning they use short paths at the cost of decreasing
expected multiplicity.
Effect of stochastic depth training procedure
• In stochastic depth training, a random subset of the residual modules
is selected for each mini-batch during training both forward and
• The training method does not affect the multiplicity of the network
because all the paths are available during the training.
• It shortens the paths seen during
training and encourage the paths
to independently produce good
• It is not depth, but the ensemble that makes residual networks

• ResNet pushes the limit of network multiplicity rather than depth.

• The paths that contribute gradient are very short compared to the
overall depth of the network.

• First step, further exploration.

Other literatures in ResNet
• Inception ResNet
“Inception-v4, Inception-ResNet and the Impact of Residual Connections
on Learning”, arxiv 2016/8/23, Christian Szegedy et al.

• ResNet in ResNet
“ResNet in ResNet: Generalizing Residual Architectures”, arxiv 2016/3/25,
Sasha Targ et al.

• Width v.s. Depth

“Wide Residual Networks”, arxiv 2016/5/23, Sergey Zagoruyko et al.

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