Basic ICT Skills. 2

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The steps to create a table using the Table button are:
1. Click the drop-down menu arrow of the Table button on the Standard bar.
2. A grid of cells appears. Move the mouse pointer in the grid to highlight the
number of rows and columns required in the table
1. A table will be inserted at the insertion point

Creating a Table Using the Table Menu

The steps to create a table using the Table menu are:
1. Select Table  Insert  Table.
Press Ctrl + F12.
Select Insert  Table
2. The Insert Table dialog box appears.
a. Specify the number of columns
b. Specify the number of rows
2. Click OK
Entering data in a cell
To enter data in a cell, click in the cell and then type the text.
Selecting row or column
To select a row or a column, click and drag the mouse button.
Inserting/Deleting Rows/Columns
A table can be modified by inserting or deleting rows or columns, and by
merging or splitting cells.
Inserting Rows
You can easily insert (add) new rows in a table in a Writer document. The
steps to insert rows in a table are:
1. Position the cursor in the cell where you want to insert a new row or a
2. Select Table  Insert  Rows.
3. The Insert Rows dialog box appears
a. Specify the number of rows to be inserted.
b. Select the position – Before or After the selected row.
c. Click OK
Inserting Columns
Columns can also be inserted in a document. The steps to insert
columns in a table are:
1. Position the cursor in the cell where you want to insert a new
2. Select Table  Insert  Columns.
3. The Insert Columns dialog box appears.
a. Specify the number of columns to be inserted.
b. Select the position – Before or After the selected column.
c. Click OK.
Deleting Rows
To delete rows in a table:
1. Select the rows to be deleted.
2. Select Table  Delete  Rows.
Deleting Columns
To delete columns in a table:
1. Select the columns to be deleted.
2. Select Table  Delete  Columns.
Merging the Cells of table

You can also merge (combine) cells in a table.

The steps are:
1. Select the cells to be merged.
2. Select Table  Merge cells
Splitting the Cells of the table

You can split (divide) a cell into required

number of rows or columns. The steps
1. Click in the cell to be split.

2. Select Table  Split Cells.

3. The Split Cells dialog box appears

a. Enter the number of parts in which

you want to split the selected cell.

b. Specify the direction—Horizontally

or Vertically—in which you want to
split the cell
Applying Borders and Background to the table

You can apply borders and background color to the entire table or selected cells
of the table. The steps to apply borders and background to a table are:
1. Select the table or rows/columns/cells.
2. Select Table Table Properties.
3. The Table Format dialog box appears
a. Click the Borders tab . Select the line style and line color.
b. Click the Background tab.. Choose the desired background color.
c. Click OK.

The Find & Replace feature of OpenOffice Writer can be used to find a
particular word or text in a document, or to replace a word or text in a

Finding Text
The steps to search a word or text in a document are:
2. Select Find & Replace option from the Edit menu.
3. The Find & Replace dialog box appears.
a. Type the word to be searched in “search for” box.
b. Click the Find button to locate the word one
by one.
Click the Find All button to highlight the word at
all locations in the document.
4. When the search is finished, click Close button.
You can add page numbers in the header or footer area. The steps
1. Click in the header or footer area.
2. Select Insert Fields  Page Number.
To print a document, do the following:
1. Select Print option from File menu.
Click the Print button on the Standard bar.
3. The Print dialog box appears

If you want to save a file in a format other than the default

format .odt of OpenOffice Writer. The Steps are:

1. Select Save As option of File menu.

2. The Save As dialog box appears.
a. Select the File type from the Save as type drop-down list.
b. Type the filename.
c. Click Save button.

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