03 - Fundamentals of Physics - Naghi Gasimov

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Lecture 3. Work and Energy. Conservation of Energy. Power.

Fundamentals of Physics
 7 Work and Energy
 7–1 Work Done by a Constant Force
 7–3 Work Done by a Varying Force
 7–4 Kinetic Energy and the Work-Energy Principle
 8 Conservation of Energy
 8–1 Conservative and Nonconservative Forces
 8–2 Potential Energy
 8–3 Mechanical Energy and Its Conservation
 8–5 The Law of Conservation of Energy
 8–8 Power
Alternative analysis of the
translational motion
 Until now we have been studying the translational motion of an object in
terms of Newton’s three laws of motion.

 In that analysis, force has played a central role as the quantity

determining the motion.

 There is an alternative analysis of the translational motion of objects in

terms of the quantities energy and momentum.

 The significance of energy and momentum is that they are conserved.

What is Energy?
 The concept of energy is one of the most important topics in science and

 Every physical process that occurs in the Universe involves energy and
energy transfers or transformations.

 Despite its extreme importance, energy cannot be easily defined.

 The notion of energy is more abstract.

Work Done by a Constant Force

 The work done on an object by a constant force (constant in both magnitude and direction)
is defined to be the product of the magnitude of the displacement times the component of
the force parallel to the displacement. In equation form, we can write

 where F1 1 is the component of the constant force F parallel to the displacement d.

 We can also write

where F is the magnitude of the constant force, d is the magnitude of the displacement of the
object, and θ is the angle between the directions of the force and the displacement.
Work Done by a Constant Force

 A force does no work on an object if the force does not move through a
 The sign of the work depends on the direction Force
relative to Displacement.

 If an applied force is in the same direction as the

displacement, then , and
In this case:

An object is displaced on a frictionless,

horizontal surface. The normal force and the
gravitational force do no work on the object.
In the situation shown here, is the only force
doing work on the object.
Another example
 You also do no work on the bag of groceries if
you carry it as you walk horizontally across the
floor at constant velocity.

 No horizontal force is required to move the bag

at a constant velocity.

 The person does exert an upward force on the

bag equal to its weight, mg. But this upward
force is perpendicular to the horizontal
displacement of the bag and thus is doing no
Work is an energy transfer.
 If W is the work done on a system and W is positive, energy is transferred
to the system; if W is negative, energy is transferred from the system.

 If a system interacts with its environment, this interaction can be

described as a transfer of energy across the system boundary. The result
is a change in the energy stored in the system.

 Work is a scalar quantity. The unit of work is a joule (J)

1 joule = 1 newton . 1 meter = kg ∙ m² / s²
Scalar Product of Two Vectors

Scalar Product of Two Vectors

The scalar product of two vectors is

written as A B .
 It is also called the dot product.
A B  A B cos 
  is the angle between A and B
Applied to work, this means

W  Fr cos  F  r
The scalar product can be written as
Work Done by a Varying Force
To use W = F Δ r cos θ, the force must
be constant, so the equation cannot be
used to calculate the work done by a
varying force.

In many cases, the force varies in

magnitude or direction during a

Figure shows the path of an object in

the xy plane as it moves from point a
to point b.

During each small interval Δl, the force

is approximately constant, assuming
the intervals are taken small enough.
Work Done by a Varying Force
Let the size of the small displacements
approach zero.

We can rewrite

This is a general definition of work done by a

force F. In this equation, a and b represent two
points in space, (xa , ya , za) and (xb , yb , zb) .
In rectangular coordinates
Work Done by a Spring Force
 For a person to hold a spring either stretched or
compressed by a displacement x from its normal
(relaxed) length requires a force FP that is directly
proportional to x. That is,

 where k is a constant, called the spring constant.

 Let us calculate the work a person does to stretch
(or compress) a spring from its normal
(unstretched) length, xa=0, to an extra length, xb=x.

 Thus we see that the work needed is proportional

to the square of the distance stretched (or
compressed), x.
Graph of F vs. x
 Same result can be obtained
by computing the area under
the graph of F vs. x.

 The work a person does to

stretch or compress a spring
an amount x is,

which is the same result as

Translational kinetic energy
 The energy of motion is called kinetic energy, from the Greek word kinetikos,
meaning “motion.”
 To obtain a quantitative definition for kinetic energy, consider a simple rigid
object of mass m that is moving in a straight line with an initial speed v1 .
 To accelerate it uniformly to a speed v2 , a constant net force Fnet is exerted on it
parallel to its motion over a displacement d.

 We define the quantity mv2/2 to be the translational kinetic energy, K, of the

Kinetic energy
 An object in motion has the ability to do work and thus can be said to have
 The energy of motion is called kinetic energy.
 To obtain a quantitative definition for kinetic energy, let us consider a simple rigid
object of mass m that is moving in a straight line with an initial speed v1 . To
accelerate it uniformly to a speed v2 , a constant net force Fnet is exerted on it
parallel to its motion over a displacement d.
 Then the net work done on the object is
Work–energy principle
 When work is done on a system and the only change in the system is in
its speed, the net work done on the system equals the change in kinetic
energy of the system.

 The work–kinetic energy theorem indicates that:

- the speed of a system increases if the net work done on it is positive
- the speed of a system decreases if the net work is negative

 The work-kinetic energy theorem applies to the speed of the system, not
its velocity.
Conservative and Nonconservative
 Conservative:
By definition, we call any force a conservative force if the
work done by the force on an object moving from one point
to another depends only on the initial and final positions
of the object, and is independent of the particular path
 A conservative force can be a function only of position,
and cannot depend on other variables like time or
 Equivalent definition:
a force is conservative if the net work done by the force
on an object moving around any closed path is zero.

 Many forces, such as friction and a push or pull exerted

by a person, are not conservative: they are
nonconservative forces because any work they do
depends on the path.
Potential energy
 Kinetic energy is not changed.

While the book was at the highest point, the energy of

the system had the potential to become kinetic
energy, but it did not do so until the book was allowed
to fall.
The energy storage mechanism is called
potential energy.
Gravitational potential energy

In solving problems, you must choose a reference configuration for which the
gravitational potential energy of the system is set equal to some reference
value, which is normally zero. The choice of reference configuration is
completely arbitrary because the important quantity is the difference in
potential energy, and this difference is independent of the choice of reference

Potential energy is always associated with a system of two or more

interacting objects.
Total mechanical energy

 The total mechanical energy of a system is

defined as the sum of the kinetic energy and
the potential energy:
Conservation of energy
 We can neither create nor destroy energy: energy is always conserved.

 Principle of conservation of energy can be described mathematically:

 Esystem the total energy of the system, including all methods of energy
storage (kinetic, potential, and internal) and T (for transfer) is the
amount of energy transferred across the system boundary by some

 Mechanisms for energy transfer

Work Mechanical waves Heat Matter transfer

Electrical transmission Electromagnetic radiation

Nonisolated and Isolated System:

 A nonisolated system is one for which energy crosses the

boundary of the system.
 An isolated system is one for which no energy crosses the
boundary of the system.
 Power: the rate of energy transfer.

 The instantaneous power is defined as the time rate of

energy transfer:

 The SI unit of power is joules per second (J/s), also called the
watt (W) after James Watt
 Thank you…

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