Idiolect Sociolect Presentation
Idiolect Sociolect Presentation
Idiolect Sociolect Presentation
Watches a lot of
Reads a lot of books. American films and TV
As a result, here are some of the things that I might say:
Team-Mate Korean
After you have added your words, see who else in the
class uses these words for similar identities / situations –
talk to these people and exchange ideas! (2 mins)
You have found at least one other student who uses
similar words to you in similar situations.
Think about your sociolect – you may not even be aware that you
change the way you speak!
It is different from:
Dialect – Differences in lexis/vocabulary based on geographical
Accent – Differences in pronunciation based on geographical region
Analysis and Effectively analyzes Analyzes and Analyzes and Fails to effectively
Synthesis of and synthesizes synthesizes synthesizes analyze and synthesize
Sources information from all information from most information from information from
provided sources, sources, provides clear some sources, sources, provides no
provides insightful connections. provides few clear connections.
connections. connections.
Presentation The presentation is The presentation is The presentation lacks The presentation lacks
engaging, well- mostly engaging and engagement or engagement and
organized, and organized, and clearly organization in some organization, fails to
effectively communicates parts, somewhat communicate findings
communicates findings. communicates effectively.
findings. findings.