1 - Introduction To CNC

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Computer Numerical Controlled

Motion Control—The Heart Of CNC

Conventional Machine

CNC Machine
Numerical Control Programming
 CNC user must be able to view the machine
tool from two distinctly different
 First as a programmer.
 Secondly, when machining the component.
A programmer needs to be
comfortable with:
 the machine’s most basic components.
 the direction of the machine’s axes.
 any additional accessory equipment.
 and finally be aware of what programmable
functions are included.
From the machine tool manual
you should find answers to:
 What is the machine’s maximum RPM?
 What is the spindle and drive axis motor
 What is the maximum travel distance of
each axis?
 How many tools can the machine hold?
 What is the machine’s rapid traverse rate?
 What is the machine’s fastest cutting speed?
Machined Example
Axis Reference Point
 Most machine tool builders make the
reference position the extreme plus side of
each axis.
 Note: always make sure that all the axes are
set to zero (0,0,0) before you carry out any
operation on any machine tool.
Absolute Versus Incremental Motion

In the absolute mode, the

end points for all
motions will be specified
from the program zero
point. Assign By G90

In the incremental mode,

end points for motions
are specified from the
tool's current position,
not from program zero.
Assign by G91
Table movement from machine reference

-ve Y table
+ve X table
table ref.
Pt 0,0
It is more convenient to think of the tool moving
around the component, than thinking of the table
direction when writing programs.



To move tool from A to B table needs to move
in the –ve X direction, from B to C the table table ref.
moves in the Y +ve direction, and to move Pt 0,0
from C to D the table moves in the +ve
Vice position with respect to
machine’s set datum
Controller Reference Setting
Program Writing
What we need to know:
 Where the tool starts from.
 Where the tool moves to.
 The tool path.
 How it gets there.
 When the machine needs to start and stop.
 When coolant is turned on or off.
 What tools are available.
 How is the workpiece held.
Program Makeup
Programs are made up of commands
and commands are made up of words
or Leter
O - Program number (Used for program identification)
N - Sequence number (Used for line identification)
G - Preparatory function (See below)
X - X-axis designation
Y - Y-axis designation
Z - Z-axis designation
R - Radius designation
F - Feedrate designation The preparatory function (G)
S - Spindle speed designation
H - Tool length offset designation
specifies is commonly used to
D - Tool radius offset designation set modes.
T - Tool Designation
M - Miscellaneous function

Miscellaneous functions (M
words) allow a variety of
special functions.
Tool Setting
Common Mistakes
 Spindle not on before cutting.
 Coolant not turned on during machining.
 Toolpaths out of order. Eg. holes were
tapped before they were drilled.
 Incorrect tool installation.
 Improper feed and speed entered.
 Start program in wrong place.
Simple Program Example 1



Start and end

Program start
 N10 G40 G49 G90; Safe line
 N20 M06 T10 ; tool change sequence
 N30 G43 H10; tool length offset

 N40 G00 X410.0 Y-192.0 Z-340.0;

work ref. Pt.
 N50 M03 S2000; turn spindle on

 Typical start to NC program ie. Set the

machine parameters.
Tool path
 N60 G91 G00 Z-4.0;
 N70 G01 Z-9.0 F100;
 N80 Y45.0;
 N90 X50.0;
 N100 Y-45.0;
 N110 X-50.0;
 N120 G00 Z15.0; clear workpiece
Typical end of program.
 N130 MO5; stop spindle
 N140 G28 X0 Y0 Z0; return to machine ref. pt.
 N150 M30; end program

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