Pinouts of 8086
Pinouts of 8086
Pinouts of 8086
Pin Diagram
of 8086
SIGNALS FOR • AD15- AD8 : The address/data bus lines compose the upper multiplexed
BOTH MINIMUM address/data bus. This lines contain address bit A15- A8 or data bus D15- D8 .
The address and data bits are separated by using ALE signal.
MAXIMUM • A19/S6- A16/ S3 The address/status bus bits are multiplexed to provide address
signals A19-A16 and status bits S6- S6 . The address bits are separated from the
MODE: status bits using the ALE signals. The status bit S6 is always a logic 0, bit S5
indicates the condition of the interrupt flag bit. The S4 and S3 indicate which
segment register is presently being used for memory access.
0 0 Whole word
0 1 Upper byte from or to odd
MODE: address
1 0 Lower byte from or to even
1 1 None
RD’ : Read: whenever the read signal is at logic 0, the data bus receives the data from
the memory or I/O devices connected to the system
READY: This is the acknowledgement from the slow devices or memory that they have
completed the data transfer operation. This signal is active high.
• INTR: Interrupt Request: Interrupt request is used to request6
a hardware interrupt of INTR is held high when interrupt
COMMON enable flag is set, the 8086 enters an interrupt
SIGNALS FOR acknowledgement cycle after the current instruction has
BOTH MINIMUM completed its execution.
MAXIMUM • TEST’ : This input is tested by “WAIT” instruction. If the
MODE: TEST input goes low; execution will continue. Else the
processor remains in an idle state.