Elevator Project Powerpoint2003

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• Literature review
• Statement of the problem
• Objectives
• Design of different components of the
• The first reference to an elevator is in the works of the
Roman architect, who reported that Archimedes built his
first elevator, probably, in 236 B.C.

• In the later historical periods elevators were mentioned as

cabs on hemp rope and powered by hands or by animal. But
in 1793 elevators with screw lifting mechanism were
created by IVAN KULIBIN.

• In the middle 1800’s a hydraulic elevators were introduced

that used a plunger below the car to rise or lower the
elevator and
• Later a rope geared elevator with multiple pulleys was
• Standing rope control for an elevator is created in 1850 by
• The first electric elevator was built in 1880 by WARNER
• The development of elevators was lead by the need for
moment of raw materials .

• The first and the latest residential elevator were created in

1929 by an American inventor, CRIPON.
Comparison between the oldest and modern
types of passenger elevators.
• Now a day there is a wide expansion of constructions of
large buildings and condominium houses through out the
country. But there is a problem on the movement of
passengers from the bottom floor to the top of the
buildings. Because of
– It takes more time
– It is tiresome and needs more energy
– It is difficult for disabled persons who can’t move
up and down hall of the buildings
– It is impossible for children’s and old persons
• After identifying those problems, we try to find the
solution for these problems by designing and modeling of
passenger elevator or lift.
3.1 General objective: -
Our objective is to design and modeling of passenger elevator or lift that fitted
with variety models and height of large buildings and condominium houses .

3.2 Specific objectives: -

• To reduce lose of time and energy of passengers while moving
up and down of the buildings
• To increase the participation of disabled persons or workers to
work on any floor of the building.
• To ensure the participation of children’s and old persons
• To design simply operated elevator or lift with locally available
and cost effective materials
• To replace the foreign imported elevators which have high cost
and complicated operation.
• The objective of the design is to design a G +10
passenger elevator.
Known data’s
• Average height of the room = 2.8m
• The slab of the room of adjacent floors = 0.2m
• Total height of the building = 34m
• number of passengers = 9
• the average weight of each passenger = 75Kg
• the maximum height of a person = 2m
• the average shoulder width of a person=50cm
4.1 Design of car
• Based on the above known data’s and assumption’s
we will have the following dimensions.
– height of the car = 2.3m
– width of the car = 1.8m

Because, the car contains 9 persons and the average

shoulder width of a person is 50cm and we take
10cm gap between each person and 5cm gap b/n
The person and the car wall.
Design matrix for Material selection
St – 32 St – 34 St – 37 St – 42 St - 50

δu (Mpa) 320 340 370 420 500

δy (Mpa) - 210 220 240 300

Availability Moderate High Low Low

Corrosion resistance Moderate Moderate High High High

Load carrying capacity Medium Medium High High High

Weld ability Low Medium Medium High High

cost Low Low Medium High High
Diagram of the three dimensional view of
elevator car
Summary table

Name of Car platform Car uprights Extra Limitation

material dimension dimension informati

St – 37 Thickness=4mm Thickness=4mm The car The car is

platform designed to
δu = 370Mpa Width=1800mm Width= 1800mm and carry 9
δy = 220Mpa Length=1800mm Length=2300mm uprights are passengers or
E = 207Mpa joined by 700Kg so,
filet don’t use
welding above it
4.2 Design of car frame
• We have to select the same material to the car (St – 37)

1. platform and cross head: - Both are considered as a single

beam with pin jointed ends and the formula for the stress δ
and deflection Y are as follows.
δinduced = N*gn*l (N/mm2) = 1100*9.81*100 = 18.6Mpa
4*wx 4*14,500
since, 18.6Mpa < 110Mpa. so, the design is safe

Y = N*gn*l3 (mm) = 1100Kg*9.81m/s2*(100mm) 3 = 0.002mm

48*E*Jx 48*207,000N/mm2*569,000mm4
Since, 0.002mm < 3mm. The design is safe for deflection
2. Uprights: - Car frame uprights or stiles are subjected to a combined
stress in tension and bending. The value of the critical stress of the
uprights or stiles is obtained from the following equation.
δcritical = N*gn + M*l = 1100*9.81 + 261.25*103*3300
2S 4h*w 2*1570 4*3400*11800

= 8.81Mpa
since, δcritical (8.81Mpa) < δallowable (110Mpa).so, the upright of the car
frame is safe for both bending and tensile stress at the critical cross
Assembly drawing of the car frame

Where: -
1 – cross head beam
2 – safety plank
3 – uprights
4 – Brake rods
5 – car platform
6 – toe guard
Summary table
Name of Car frame Car frame Car frame Extra Limitation
material base up right cross head information
dimensions dimensions beam
Steel-37 h =40mm h=2600mm h = 40mm The car The
δu= 370Mpa w=1900mm w = 80mm L=1900mm frame has an maximum
δy=220Mpa t= 4mm t= 4mm t = 6mm angle iron load
base carrying
E=207Mpa capacity of
The car
frame cross the car
head beam frame is
has a T-cross 1100Kg.
4.3 design of guide rails
• Guide rails are used to guide the car and counter weight in
their vertical travel.
• From cold drawn and machined types of guide rails machined
guide rail is the best because it’s easy for production and has
wide application.
Determination of forces on guide rails
1. Force on car guide rail: - under normal operational condition
the load may be unevenly distributed in two perpendicular
directions. Each guide rails are subjected to bending due to Fy
and combined bending and torsion due to Fx.
Fy = Q*gn*b = 700*9.81*1.8 = 594.26N
8h 8*2.6
Fx1 = 5Q*gn*c = 5*700*9.81*0.004 = 0.825N
64h 64*2.6
Fx2 = 3Q*gn*c = 3*700*9.81*0.004 = 0.495N
64h 64*2.6

the braking force is given by the following formula.

Fb = (Q +K)*(a + gn)
The practical value of Fb for gn = 9.81m/s2 for instantaneous
safety gear operation is
Fb = 25*(Q +K) i.e. a= 40 m/s2
Fb = 25*1100 = 27.5KN
The buckling stress in the guide rail is given
δkinduced = Fb*w (N/mm2)
=27.5KN*5.21 = 91.258N/mm2
• The permissible buckling resistance for steel –
37 is 140N/mm2
Since, δkinduced < δallowable
• So, the design of guide rail is safe.
Design of bolt for guide rails
The design is first doing for shearing and then checks for crushing

1. Doing for shearing

db=((8* M*n)/ (τall*3*л*d))1/2= ((8* 669*4)/ (55*106*3*л*0.089)) 1/2
db = 0.0212m = 21.2mm
from standard table, db = 22mm

2. Now let us check for crushing.

δcinduced = (2*M)/ (3*b*n*db*tf),
δc = (2*669)/ (3*0.089*4*0.022*0.007) = 10.35MPa
From material property table we have,
δcall = δy/Fs = 220/2MPa = 110MPa
Since δcinduced < δcallowable
10.35MPa < 110MPa.
Diagram of the bolt and assembly drawing
of the guide rail
Summary table
Dimension of
Name of T- Extra information Limitation of the
material cross section guide rail
guide rail
St – 37 Thickness=4mm -The guide rail should The allowable load
δu = 370Mpa Width=89mm be sufficiently carrying capacity of
δy = 220Mpa Length=62mm smooth. the guide rail is up to
-The guide rail must 1100Kg for its normal
E = 207Mpa operation, if not it will
be bolted properly
with the wall of the bend and deflect
building. suddenly.
4.4 Design of counterweight
Counterweight is used for
balancing the mass of the Cast Concret
car and the portion of the iron e
rated weight. Strength 3 2
Material selection Costly 1 3
The counterweight usually Availability 2 3
composed of steel frame Simple
and The filler are most 1 3
times filled by cast iron or process
concrete. total 7 11
The mass of the counterweight can be calculated by the following

Z = K + ψ*Q + H*qe/4
Where: - Ψ – Coefficient taking and its value is (45 – 50) %
= 50% = 0.5
H = Htot – Hcar = 34m -
qe = 4(ql - qk)
Assume - ql = 3Kg/m
qk = 2.5Kg/m
qe = 4(ql - qk) = 4(3 – 2.5) Kg/m = 2 Kg/m
Q = 9*75Kg + 25Kg baggage = 700Kg
K = weight of the car is about 400Kg

Z = K + ψ*Q + H*qL/4 = 400Kg + 700Kg*0.5 + 30.7m*2 (Kg/m)/4

Z = 756Kg
Summary table

Material Dimension of the Extra Limitation

counterweight information

Concrete Length = 900mm The frames of The frame is

Width = 200mm counterweight designed to
are concerted carry about
Height = 1722mm
by filet 756Kg,
4.5 Design of buffer
• Buffer can be distorted when the load is applied and return
to its original shape when the load is removed and its
location is at the tip bottom limit of travel for both car and
Types of buffers
1. Energy accumulation: - it provides a rated speed up to
1m/s or 1.6m/s and has stroke length less than 65mm.
2. Energy dissipation: - it provides a rated speed up to 4m/s
and also exceeds it, and has stroke length must not be less
than 420mm.
Based on their properties we have to select energy
accumulation type of buffer.
1. Buffer for car: -
For the design of spring assume the ratio of center diameter of spring
and wire diameter (spring index).
C = Ds/d = 10
Based on the above assumptions we can get the Wahl’s coefficient
Ψ = 4C – 1 + O.615 = 4*10 – 1 + O.615 = 1.1448
4C – 4 C 4*10– 4 10

The value of wire diameter (d) and Center diameter of the spring (Ds) are
not known, to determine them use the following formula.

d ≥ √ 8*Fmax *C* Ψ → d ≥ √ 8*2943N*10*1.1448 = 13.87mm

Π* τp Π* 425.6N/m
d =14mm
So, Ds = 140mm, Do = Ds +d = 140mm +14mm =154mm
Number of the active turns of the spring can be determined from the
following formula.
n = G*d4 → 80,000N/mm*(14mm) 4 = 14
8Ds3*C 8*(140mm) 3*10
Number of deflection per active turn and the total maximum deflection will
be defined as
σtot = 8*Fmax * D3 *n = 8*2943N* (140mm) 3 *14 = 210
G*d4 80,000N/mm*(14mm) 4
σ = σtot /n = 15
The free length of the spring Lf is given by
Lf = n’*d + σmax + 0.15 σmax = 14*14mm + 210mm
+210mm*0.15 = 437.5mm
Pitch of the coil is
P = Lf = 437.5mm = 33.6mm
n’ -1 14 – 1
2. Buffer for counterweight: -
With the same procedure, it has
d = 13mm
n = 14mm
σtot=207mm, σ =σtot/n =14.8mm
Lf = 404.5mm
p = 31mm
Summary table
Material Dimension of Dimension of Extra Limitation
buffer for car buffer for information

ASTM – A582 d = 14mm d = 14mm - The cover of The design of

δts = 1520Mpa Do = 154mm Do = 154mm each buffers buffers for both
δy = 1410Mpa σ = 15mm σ =14.8mm has 1mm car and
thickness and counterweight is
G = 80Gpa n = 14 n =13 the cover is based on their
E = 210Gpa P = 33.6mm P = 31mm connected by weight, so it is
Lf = 437.5mm Lf = 404.5mm filet welding. not necessary to
use above the
calculated value.
4.6 Design of Suspension of car and
Suspension of car and counterweight is a rope which can connect
both car and counterweight to slide up and down.

The available material to design it is steel wire rope and there are
two types of steel wire ropes. They are,

a. 6*19 construction – means the natural or man made fibers are

rounded by 6 strands which contain 19 wires in each.
b. 8*19 construction – means the natural or man made fibers are
rounded by 8 strands which contain 19 wires in each strand.

Based on their properties we have to select 6*19 construction of

steel wire rope for our specific design.
Rope Termination: - The fitting of end of attachment to rope
should be carried out with care and skill to ensure that the
load can be efficiently transferred from the rope to the
• Among the different mechanisms of rope terminations, rope
gripe fixing and fastening is more preferable.
Life, maintenance and replacement of elevator
rope: -
Satisfactory performance of elevator as well as their life is depends on
the number of factors
• Traction sheave or pulley.
• height of travel
• lubrication of elevator rope
• environmental condition and maintenance
For, Qtot = (Q+K)*gn + Z*gn = (1100)*9.81+ 756*9.81 = 18207.36N
the life time of the wire is about 6.8*105 alternate bending from the
for 12 hours operation per day it can be available for 2.6 years, if one
alternate bending takes about 1 minute at an average height of the
Summary table
Material Dimension Extra Limitation
Steel wire Length = 40m - For long life of the - steel wire rope designed
rope Diameter = 11mm steel wire ropes it is to carry under about
Construction = 6*19 necessary to 2*104 N loads
lubricate it at - The designed ropes
sheaves have about 2.6 year life
continuously. time then it is necessary
to maintain and replace it
with a required time.

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