Non-Muscular Movement and Muscle Types (Dalahay)

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Non-Muscular Movement
and Muscle Types

R E P O R T E D B Y: P E A R L A I YA N A T.
 Introduction

Non- muscular movement

Non- muscular structures
Types of non- muscular movement and its mechanism of
 Muscle types

Anton van Leeuwenhoek

- became one of the earliest cell biologists.
- created a homemade lens that allowed him to discover the microscopic organisms inhabiting
pond water
- movement was synonymous with life, and he recognized that the microscopic ‘’animalcules’’, as
he called them, were alive.
• Eukaryotic organisms show some form of movement, either within cells, by cells, or by
Non-Muscular Movement
Near all cells have some capacity to move
and change shape due to their

•Eukaryotic cells possess a

cytoskeleton composed of:
 intermediate filament
Three ways to use the cytoskeleton for movement:

(a) Cells can use their cytoskeleton as a road on which motor proteins move, often carrying intracellular cargo.

(b) Some cells move by pushing the cytoskeleton forward, much like a bulldozer pushes earth ahead.

(c) Movement sometimes resembles a tug-of-war, where motor proteins, depicted as people, can pull the cytoskeleton, symbolized by the rope.
Non-Muscular Movement
Protozoan protists move by means of
specific non-muscular structures.
 Pseudopodia
 Flagella
 cilia
Non-Muscular Movement
Types of Non-Muscular Movement

 Amoeboid Movement
 Ciliary Movement
Types of Non-Muscular Movement

Amoeboid Movement
- was first observed in amoeba
-amoeba moves with the help of
pseudopodia that means false foot
Types of Non-Muscular Movement
Amoeboid Movement
The plasma membrane of an
amoeba has adhesive
properties since new
pseudopodia attach to the
substrate as they form.
Mechanism of Amoeboid Movement

Endoplasm(sol) flows into an

advancing pseudopodium. At the
tip (fountain zone) of the
pseudopodium, endoplasm
changes into ectoplasm(gel). At
the opposite end (recruitment
zone) of the amoeba, ectoplasm
changes into endoplasm and
begins flowing in the direction of
Types of Non-Muscular Movement
Ciliary and Flagellar Movement
Types of Non-Muscular Movement
Ciliary and Flagellar Movement
Muscle Types
Three Muscle Types
1. Cardiac (in the heart)
2. Skeletal (around the skeleton)
3. Smooth (in the viscera)
Muscle Types
1.The cardiac muscle
- found in the heart
- is an involuntary muscle that constantly pumps blood throughout the body. Cardiac muscle
tissue is controlled involuntarily.
There are striations in the cardiac muscles
2. Skeletal muscle
-are the only voluntary muscle tissue in the human body and control every action that
person consciously performs.
-Most skeletal muscles are attached to two bones across a joint
3. Smooth muscle
-is responsible of contractility of visceral organs, such as blood vessels, the gastrointestinal
tract, the bladder, or the uterus.
- movements are mostly involuntary, and there are no striations in this type of muscle.
-weakest of all the muscles.
Thank you for listening!!

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