Lecture 1 - Introduction To Project Management-2019

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SC 420

Management of Construction Projects

Lecture 1:
Introduction to
Project Management
Why Studying Construction Project
 Construction Industry is largest in the world,
offer employment, indicator to economic
 Projects have a terrible track record in

 Construction for example, projects take up

to about three times longer than the planned

 Budgets are not met;
 Quality is poor;
Why Studying Construction Project
 Projects are becoming larger and more
 New technologies such as 4th Industrial

Revolution considered to have a huge impact

project. (Internet of Things, Virtual,
Augmented Reality, Bid Data, cloud
Computing, BIM, 5G etc)
What Is a Project?
 A project is a temporary endeavor undertaken to
accomplish a unique purpose
 Attributes of projects

◦ unique purpose
◦ temporary
◦ require resources, often from various areas
◦ should have a primary sponsor and/or customer
◦ involve uncertainty
Types of Constructed Facilities
 Residential housing construction-includes houses
and high-rise apartments
 Institutional and commercial building-schools,
universities, medical centres and hospitals sports
facilities, shopping centers, warehouses and light
manufacturing plants, and skyscrapers for
 Specialized Industrial Construction-high degree

of technological complexity, such as oil

refineries, steel mills;
 Infrastructure and Heavy Construction-highways,

tunnels, bridges, pipelines, drainage systems and

sewage treatment plants
Challenge in Project Management-”The Triple

 Every project is constrained in different ways

by its
◦ Scope goals
◦ Time goals
◦ Cost goals
 It is the project manager’s duty to balance
these three often competing goals
Conflict between goals
 If time is to be minimised, then both scope
and cost may be negatively affected;
 If scope is to be increased, then both more

time and money may be needed;

 On the other hand, if one wishes to minimise

cost, then scope may have to be reduced and

it may not be possible to expedite the
Figure 1-1. The Triple Constraint of
Project Management
What is Project Management?
 Project management is “the application of
knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to
project activities in order to meet the project
requirements” (PMI*, Project Management Body
of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide), 2000, p. 6).
 It is accomplished through use of processes

such as: Initiating, planning, executing,

controlling and closing.
 It has always been practiced informally, but

began to emerge as a distinct profession in the

mid-20th century.
*The Project Management Institute (PMI)
is an international professional society.
Their web site is www.pmi.org.
What is Project Management?
 The project team manages the works of the
project and typically involves;
◦ Competing demand for scope, time, costs and risks
◦ Stakeholders with different needs and expectations
◦ Identified requirements
Project Stakeholders
 Stakeholders are the people involved in or
affected by project activities
 Stakeholders include
◦ the project sponsor and project team
◦ support staff
◦ customers
◦ users
◦ suppliers
◦ opponents to the project
9 Project Management Knowledge
 Knowledge areas describe the key
competencies that project managers must
◦ 4 core knowledge areas lead to specific project
objectives (scope, time, cost, and quality)
◦ 4 facilitating knowledge areas are the means
through which the project objectives are achieved
(human resources, communication, risk, and
procurement management)
◦ 1 knowledge area (project integration
management) affects and is affected by all of the
other knowledge areas
Figure 1-2. Project Management Framework

Project Management Tools and
 Project management tools and techniques
assist project managers and their teams in
various aspects of project management
 Some specific ones include

◦ Project Charter and WBS (scope)

◦ Gantt charts, PERT charts, critical path analysis
◦ Cost estimates and Earned Value Analysis (cost)
Sample WBS for Road Project in Chart Form
Road Project

Concept Preliminary Detailed Design Tendering Implement Handover


Feasibility Study Drainage Advertise Mobilise

Allignment Structures Evaluate Tenders Clear site

Gemetric Design Pavement Award Contract Set out

Tender Documents Earthworks



Road furniture
Figure 1-4. Sample Gantt Chart*
WBS Gantt Chart

*This template file comes with MS Project

Figure 1-5. Sample PERT Chart

1 1 day 4 4 days 8 6 days

Mon 8/3/98 Mon 8/3/98 Tue 8/4/98 Fri 8/7/98 Wed 8/12/98 Wed 8/19/98

5 5 days
Wed 8/5/98 Tue 8/11/98 J
10 3 days
2 2 days Thu 8/20/98 Mon 8/24/98
0 days
Mon 8/3/98 Mon 8/3/98 Mon 8/3/98 Tue 8/4/98

6 4 days
Wed 8/5/98 Mon 8/10/98


3 3 days 7 6 days 9 2 days

Mon 8/3/98 Wed 8/5/98 Thu 8/6/98 Thu 8/13/98 Fri 8/14/98 Mon 8/17/98

Each box is a project task from the WBS. Arrows show

dependencies between tasks. The tasks in red are on the critical
path. If any tasks on the critical path take longer than planned, the
whole project will slip unless something is done.
Sample Earned Value Chart



BCWS or Cumulative Plan

150 ACWP or Cumulative Actual

BCWP or Cumulative EV
Cost Variance

Schedule Variance

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Advantages of Project Management
 Managers, customers, and other stakeholders
do not like surprises. Good project
management (PM) provides assurance and
reduces risk
 PM provides the tools and environment to
plan, monitor, track, and manage schedules,
resources, costs, and quality
 PM provides a history or metrics base for
future planning as well as good
 Project members learn and grow by working
in a cross-functional team environment
How Project Management (PM)
Relates to Other Disciplines
 Much of the knowledge needed to manage
projects is unique to PM
 However, project managers must also have

knowledge and experience in

◦ general management
◦ the application area of the project
 Project managers must focus on meeting

specific project objectives

Figure 1-3. Project Management and Other

A good project
Knowledge and manager

General Application
Management Knowledge and
Knowledge and Practice
Project Management Profession
 Modern project management began with
the Manhattan Project, which the U.S.
military led to develop the atomic bomb
 In 1917 Henry Gantt developed the

Gantt chart as a tool for scheduling

work in job shops
 By the 1990s, virtually every industry

was using some form of project

 By 2000 PM is a well established

academic discipline and profession

The Project Management Profession
 Authoritative authors (international) stress
that projects are what add value to
 Professional societies like the Project

Management Institute have grown

Project Management Certification
 PMI provides certification as a Project
Management Professional (PMP)
 A PMP has documented sufficient project

experience, agreed to follow a code of

ethics, and passed the PMP exam
 The number of people earning PMP

certification is increasing quickly, and the

certification program department received
ISO approval in 1999
 2006 accepted almost worldwide.
Code of Ethics
 Number of PMP by 2005 almost 200,000;
 PMI developed a project management code of

ethics that all PMPs must agree to abide by;

 Conducting work in an ethical manner helps

the profession earn confidence

 Ethics are on the web at

 Based on your experience from the practical
training Select a Project that you were
involved and respond to the following;
(i) Description of the Project, Indicate the
scope of work, Construction Costs
(ii) Prepare project organization structure and
indicate who was financier,
Contractor,Subcontractors, Employer/Client
and Consultant plus their roles;
(iii) Mention and describe the project duration
The assignment should be done in groups of 5-people
Dead line is on 10th December. BEFORE 1500 HOURS.
Thank You

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