Andode Tuma Presentation

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contribute to the regional, national…

 The purpose of this report is to describe the current status

of electric power, street light and telecom infrastructure
level in

the selected area

Objective of Project
The general objective as described in the TOR is to prepare an implementable Neighborhood
Development Plan for the site to “facilitate the implementation of the Spatial Development Plan
Framework proposal to bring compact, healthy, livable, vibrant, inclusive and sustainable.
The Scope of Project Services

Carry out the necessary field investigation, preliminary and final design

works covering preparation of preliminary design and final design.

Identifying and evaluating of the existing utilities and preparing the existing statues

Location of the Andode Tuma Project

Small Village within project area
Existing Power Supply and Telecommunication System

Electric Power System

Energy sector has an important role to play and remarkably accelerates the development effort of a

Assured electricity supply is one of the core infrastructure elements of a Smart City along with water
supply, sanitation, robust IT connectivity, public transport etc.

A Smart City would include different types of land uses like residential, commercial, IT, hospitals,
hotels etc.
The key features of the power distribution system: -

Uninterrupted and Quality supply

Smart Sustainable

Existing Electric Lines, Sub Stations and Transformers

There are only three rural kebels which do have access to electricity, most area is agriculture land.

Medium voltage line with concrete pole is connected from the nearest sub-station
Existing Electric Line (project Area)…

The rural community that included do have access to


An electric line with concrete pole of 15KV connected

from the nearest
On the other hand, four electric tower carrying high tension of 66KV, 132kV, 230KV or 500KV

Exist Transmission Line

Transfer the generated power from the power plant to the national power grid as well as to provide
quality electricity nationwide.

Currently, the total stretched high voltage transmission lines has reached more than 17,000km across
the country ranging from 132kv to 500kv
Alternative Electric Power Source for Andode Tuma Site.

No Name of Sub-station Voltage Installed Reamrk


1 Holeta Sub-Station 500KV

2 Kaliti-I 230KV 6MW Near by to our project

3 Gefersa-I 230KV 22MW

4 Gefersa-II 230KV

5 North Kalitiy 230KV 12MW Nearby to our project

6 Kality II sub-station 230KVA 26MW Nearby to our project

7 Sebeta Substation 230KV 30MW

8 Wereganu 132KV 19.5MW

9 Kotebe 132KV 14MW

Picture Sample of different High Tension Tower, and

Picture for sample transformer and MV electric line

Two Sub-Stations found at –Salo Gora Gelan condominium and Andode

Salo Gora sub-station

Around Andode village substation

Selection of Topology and Hierarchy

The fundamental structure of the power system configuration (topolog y)

The selection of the new substation locations are influenced by

initial loads and expected loads after 5, 10, 20 years?, transformer

capacity required & quantity, The orientation of the proposed incoming
lines, transmission line constraint, cost,

Are there any sensitive installations nearby – e.g. telephone exchanges,

Selection of Topology-in the power distribution system

Typical radial topology

Ring Topology

Typical ring topology

Hierarchical Approaches

From the substations, outgoing circuits are provided to all the nearest loads (logistic site, industries,
manufacturing, housing…). In most cases, a single feeder is considered for all the land use
Distribution System and Design

The reliability of the power supply system (Power station, transmission, and distribution system,
etc.) is influenced by:

The operational mode of the power supply system, the selection of equipment

The fundamental structure of the power system configuration (topology)

The operation approach of the power supply system.

System cost

Possibility of expansion

Fault detection

Suitability for long‐distance

The selection of equipment
The voltage levels are selected based on IEC recommended system voltages as shows in below
table and EEP distribution voltage recommendations.

The voltage level of the nearby substations also influences the type of transformers at the
Distribution System Remote Monitoring
SCADA implementation to the power distribution not only reduces the manual
labor operation and its cost but facilitates smooth processes by reducing

It also gathers the data from various electrical substations and correspondingly
process it. PLCs in substations continuously monitor the substation
components and corresponding transmits that to the central system.
Distribution System Remote Monitoring
So, SCADA system is proposed in our distribution plan as it fits the technical
requirement and it is already utilized by Ethiopian Electric Power for remote

The right light levels are determined by the internationally accepted standard
Commission (CIE, International Commission on Illumination).
Road Lighting Design

This standard defines the required lighting for every type of motorized road, with
roads classified according to a set of defining characteristics such as traffic volume
and composition, the number of lanes, usage, weather condition (fog, rain), and type
of road surface ( paved, unpaved, cemented, asphalt).

The height and spacing between street pole is depends on the road design, land use
and final city plan layout.
Telecommunication Networks
Telecommunication systems play a very important role in the infrastructure of smart cities. An excess of
networked devices interact to provide safe, convenient and environmentally conscious new services.

Service provided by Telecommunication are:-

1) Telephone and telegraph services

2) Public telephone service

3) Cellular mobile service

4) Public Data Network (Data Transmission Leased Line and Internet)

An Existing Telephone line, cabinet and manholes

Telecommunication serves can be done through wire (copper, optical fiber), or

wireless like electromagnetic field or light used as a signal transmission media.
S.No Telecom service Type Exist/not Exist Quantity Remark

1 Transmission-optical fiber Passover the site 1 line For East &South part of country

2 Telephone line Not installed 1 line For East &South part of country

3 Telecom Center/core Not installed ----

5 Telecom switch cabinet Not exisst

4 Telecom Tower installed two
6 Manholes Not exist
Preferred Telecom Infrastructure for Andode Tume Project
A strong network infrastructure is needed to support different applications in smart city systems.

Gigabit broadband is an internet connection that offers a speed of 1 gigabit per second (1Gbps/
1GB) or more, is proposed for NDP projects.

 Giga network, 1Gbps to 80Gbps and beyond

 Fiber to the x (FTTx)

 Giga home and smart homes, Free Wifi

 Private LTE (Long term evolution) and Private 5G

Having Gigabit Solution Infrastructure, the following things
can be achieved…

Main Data Centers, Backup data center, Satellite backup

Cloud Network

Big Data

Internet of things (IoT), SCADA, Robotic network

4K / VR / Game online
Optical Access Network

No exist switching center within the area, Optical fiber

No existing fiber route in the site that cross the Andode Tuma area

No telecom cabinet, manhole, fiber duct

 No Data center and backup data center

Full-Service Optical Access Network
To provide service like data and video communication using access networks, quickly, efficiently,
and cost‐effectively---it is necessary to construct optical access networks

optical access network ---is a network of optical fiber cable that extends from CO to..
Optical Access Network Architecture
Point to Point Architecture

Distributes one or more fibers individually from an OLT-in a central office to an ONU..

has a low optical loss and provides the maximum distance between central office and customers..
Ring Architecture

starts and ends at the same central office

distributes two or more fibers to ONUs
Point-to-multipoint architecture

one branching component per OLT port

Point-to-multi point architecture shall be adopted because of its many

advantage over others
SWOT Analysis Major Finding and their Implications

SWOT Analysis
Strength and Opportunity

Two electric power sub-stations are located nearby

So, it will take the short routine for transmission line.

This minimum cost requires to stretch transmission line, decrease

electric loss.
Strength and Opportunity

Adopting fiber optic technology-which high performing


World technology rapid growing

Weakness and Threat
Disproportion relation b/t energy Demand & Supply

Rising cost of electric building new

High tension transmission line crossing site

Summary of Major Findings/ Planning Issues & Planning

Summary of Major Findings

No telecom center, telecom tower and fiber transmission line across
the Andode Tuma site

Two sub-stations are found closer to the project site.

Four high tension transmission line have passed over the Andode
Planning Assumption
Peak power demand is known after loads estimation will be done

B/c electric utility should be Uninterrupted and Quality supply, Smart,

Sustainable and expandable for the supposed NDP project-One power
sub-station will be installed.

Transmission for network access shall be optical fiber from CO to

customers, point-to-multipoint architecture is the better one for its many
Synthesis of Major Finding/planning issue and
their implication

One new transmission sub-station is required

One central office/core is required for six NDP projects

optical fiber for telecom transmission system is essential


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