Methods of Alternative Dispute Resolution System
Methods of Alternative Dispute Resolution System
• Modes of ADR have been in existence from a long time and were used long
before the sophistication of civilization.
• Methods of Alternative Dispute Resolution System
• The techniques or modes of ADR, though widely accepted all over the
world, may vary from region to region.
• Arbitration
• Arbitration is a mode of ADR wherein the dispute between the parties goes through a process to achieve an
amicable resolution by an impartial third party known as an 'arbitrator,' without recourse to litigation.
• In the case of arbitration, the arbitrator, after reviewing the dispute between the parties comes to a settlement.
• Unlike other methods of dispute resolution, once the parties have submitted a matter to arbitration, neither
• Arbitration can either be voluntary or mandatory. In the case of compulsory arbitration, the parties to the
dispute enter into Arbitration either under a statute, an order of the court, or through a specific clause
• Whereas on the other hand, in the case of voluntary arbitration, it is up to the discretion of parties to enter
into arbitration. The decision that results from the proceeding is known as an 'arbitral award.'
• Advantages of arbitration:
• Confidentiality- The disputes which are subject to arbitration are treated with privacy,
and are not released to the public.
• Arbitrator- The parties have the liberty to choose an arbitrator to handle their dispute.
• Mediation is a mode of dispute resolution, where an amicable decision arises with the help of a
third party known as a 'mediator,' without recourse to the court of law.
• It is a voluntary process, and unlike arbitration, it is more flexible; therefore, the parties to the
dispute are under no obligation to agree to the settlement.
• Thus, an agreement taken via mediation shall be binding upon the parties, only as long as they
agree to it.
• There may be instances where parties are advised to adhere to Mediation, however, under such
circumstances, the result is up to the parties.
• Therefore, Mediation is a process where the parties are in total control over their final
settlement. Here, the mediator only acts as a facilitator and does not interfere in the decision of
the dispute. Therefore, it is a win-win pact.
• Advantages of mediation:
• The primary aim of this type of dispute resolution is to reach an agreement that
is fair and acceptable by the parties.
• The parties engage in the dispute with each other until they reach a desirable
outcome for all involved.
• Advantages of Negotiation:
their dispute.
• These modes of dispute resolution are now widely accepted and applied in