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Branch Of Engineering

Mechatronics Semester

- 5th Date - 26 - 10 -

2023 Subject - Mini

Coordinator - ANUJ SIR

Arduino robotic Arm & Mecanum wheel Robot

Name of the students Dheeraj kumar Shikshant

Uid - 22BEM80006 21BEM1075



- Automation:
- Design a versatile robot for task automation.

- Assistance:
- Create a robot to assist in manufacturing, healthcare, and

- Education:
- Develop a learning tool for robotics education.

- Efficiency:
- Improve task efficiency and precision through automation.


Common problems for This Project:

• Precision: Achieving accurate movements can be difficult.

• Control Complexity: Coordinating arm and wheel movements
may be challenging.
• Power Supply: Ensuring a stable power source can be an
• Integration: Combining the arm and wheels seamlessly may
present challenges.

Task definition

Robotic Arm Design and Control:

• I will lead the design and assembly of the robotic arm, selecting the
appropriate components and ensuring precise control using Arduino
• Integration with Arduino:
• I will focus on connecting the robotic arm to the Arduino board and
developing the control software for the arm's movements.
• Programming and Testing:
• I will be responsible for writing the code that controls the arm's
movements and testing its functionality.

Shikshant’s Responsibilities:

• Mecanum Wheel Platform:

• He will lead the design and assembly of the Mecanum wheel

platform, including the selection of Mecanum wheels and chassis
• Integration with Arduino:

• He will work on connecting the Mecanum wheel platform to the

Arduino board, ensuring accurate control and synchronized movements.
• Testing and Calibration:

• He will be responsible for testing the Mecanum wheel system and

calibrating it for precise omnidirectional motion.


• These are some published research papers that we have

used as a reference for our project .

• There are various types of articles or research papers on

this project , But these research papers are the most useful
ones that we have found on

Design and Control of Mobile Robot with Mecanum Wheel

Kyimg-Lyong Han, Oh-Kyu Choi, Jinwook Kim, Hyosin Kim, Jin S. Lee
Department of Electrical Engineering, Pohang University of Science and Technology, Pohang, Korea (Tel: +82-54-
279-5574; E-mail: {sidabari, hyhl004,tw0822, foruever,jsoo}
Abstract: Ei this paper, we present a design of an omni-directional mobile robot with Mecanum wheel and suggest
a control method using the fuzzy technique. Our previous version of the mobile robot can be unstable due to the
characteristics of the custom-designed Mecanum wheel or to the unexpected effect by suspension. To remedy these
defects, we propose a new version of the custom-designed Mecanum wheel and a new structure design of mobile
robot. To improve the performance of the robot we implemented a motor control algorithm using the fuzzy gain
ftining scheme. The experimental results indicate that die developed liolonomic mobile robot is better in
performance than the previous robot.
Keywords: Mobile robot, mecanum wheel, omni-directional robot, fuzzy system

1. INTRODUCTION compared with the previous control algorithms.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section
The omni-directional mobile platform has 2 introduces the new designed Mecanum wheel, and
die advantages over the conventional Section 3 shows the structure of the mobile robot. Section 4
mobile one hi terms of mobility particularly describes the PID gam scheduling method using die fuzzy
in congested environments, for example, system, followed by performance evaluation in Section 5.
factories, offices, hospitals and elderly care Finally, we conclude this paper in Section 6.
facilities. The special wheels and structure
are needed for the mobile robot to have the 2. WHEEL DESIGN
omni-directional maneuverability. Three Our robot uses the special wheel, called Mecanum wheel, to
wheel structure using ‘Omni-wheel' and accomplish the omni-directional movement Swedish
four wheel stmchire using ‘Mecanum inventor, Bengt lion, came up with the idea in 1973 when
wheel’ are die representative examples of he was an engineer with the Swedish company Mecanum
the omni-directional platforms. Especially, AB. The Mecanum wheel lias the free-rolling sub-wheels
the omni-directional mobile platform with positioned at an angle offset from the wheel rotation around
Mecanum wheels is used in case of its circumference. This special characteristic of the wheel
requiring the stability of movement like as allows sideways movements by spinning wheels on the
the fork lift, die wheelchair and so on. front and rear axles in opposite directions. Forward and
Our omni-directional mobile robot is backward movements are the same as the conventional
originally developed as die mobile base for wheels. By compounding diese movements we can control
Mobile Haptic Interface (MHI) [1] - [3], die mobile robot at any desired direction at any time [4],
MHI refers to a desktop haptic interface [5],
mounted on a mobile base. It can provide Our previous robot has four Mecanum wheels and each
an unlimited haptic workspace by wheel consists of six sub-wheels. Because the gap between
autonomously moving the mobile base to a the adjacent sub-wheels can cause the unstability of mobile
location where a user wants to interact with robot control, it needs to be reduced. So w re designed a new
virtual objects using the force-feedback wheel that lias bigger diameter and sixteen sub-wheels.
Haptic interface. To cope with the MHI
user’s arbitrary motion, the mobile base
must be able to change its direction of
motion as quickly as possible. For this
reason, we designed the omni-directional
mobile robot with the rectangular
arrangement of four custom-made
Mecanum wheels. Our previous mobile
robot achieved the aim of the construction
of the mobile base witii die omni-
directional maneuverability for MHI.
However, we found the weak points of the
robot on user’s convenience, the stability of Fig. 1 Newr version of Mecanum wheel (left : CAD design,
the mobile robot’s movement and so on. So right: prototype)
we designed the new version of Mecanum
Here, we enumerate the design parameters of the new
wheel and the omni-directional mobile
Mecanum wheel except the design process.
robot to adjust these defects.
In terms of the mobile robot’s control, we
implemented die motor control algorithm
using die conventional PID controller at the
previous robot. However, the PID gain
tuning by trial and error can be time-

• The number of sub-wheels: n = 16. the wheel diameter doubles the moving distance per turn. So
• The angle between the axis of the sub-wheel and the to control the mobile robot with similar resolution, we alter
driving axis: rj = 45°. the CPT of optical encoder from 512 to 1024.
• The radius of the whole Mecanum wheel: Rwheel = 103
Haptic Device
• The radius of the sub-wlieel: rn„i = 12 nun. Linear Unit Tower LED (not in picture)
• The overlap angle between two neighbor sub-wheels: 0t =
. The radius of the sub-wheel axis: a = 8.5 mm.
From the above parameters, the radius of sub-wheel from the
axle side d and the length of sub-wheel L became 16.5024mm
and 75.0214mm, respectively. These values satisfy
constraints that must be fulfilled to complete the desired
design of Mecanum wheel. More details about designing
Mecanum wheel are presented in [2] and [6].

The structure of our robot with Mecanum wheel is
rectangular. To control the robot at our will, four contact Driving
points between wheels and the ground must be kept always. Mnhile Rasp I aptop
Control Box
So we install the suspension system using the spring. Our
Fig. 2 New design of mobile robot.
previous robot do have the suspension system, but its
structure can cause uneven force due to two springs. So the
new version of the robot comes with the suspension system
with only one spring whose structure is designed to decrease 4. CONTROL ALGORITHMS
its influence on the robot motion. We evaluate three algorithms (Algorithm 1,2, 3)
Because our goal is to develop the appropriate mobile base for motor control. Algorithm 1 and Algorithm 2 in
for MHI, the mobile robot is needed to be more compact for [2] use the PID control with the fixed gains.
user’s convenience. So it is essential in designing the Algorithm 1 is the conventional PID control that
structure of robot to develop more compact mobile robot than generates the control input using the error between
Are previous version. To do this, we reinforce the part of the desired velocity and the current velocity (see
fixing the wheel set and install the suspension system Fig. 3). To improve the performance of Algorithm
consisting of one str onger spring. Becairse it is hard to 1, Algorithm 2 considers the position error at the
reduce the size of the mobile robot using the direct previous control time step when it produces the
connection type between the motor and wheel, we design the current control input (see Fig. 4). Further details
motor part using the orthogonal connection type with the for Algorithm 1 and 2 can be found in [2],
miter gear. As a result, the width, length, and height are Command desired velocities for local axes CX,
Y. 0) of the robot.
552mm, 615mm, and 935mm, respectively. These values
show that the new mobile robot is more compact than the Calculate reference velocity of each
motor with kinematics.
previous. The weight is about 90kg [2],
Calculate current velocity of each motor from
The new robot also consists of five main parts: mobile base encoder of the motor.
(including the four suspension sets, 4 Mecanum wheels, 4
Calculate velocity error of each motor from the
geared DC motors, and batteries), driving control box reference and current velocities.
(including a DSP control board and 5 motor drivers), a
For each motor, calculate control value using
laptop, a desktop 3 degrees of freedom haptic interface PI control for the error.
(PHANToM Premium 1.5A; SensAble inc., USA; not in the The motors are revolved by the control
picture), and a linear unit that has about 400mm stroke (see values.

Fig. 2. This new robot has several improvements: the Fig. 3 Block diagram for Algorithm 1.
installation position of the haptic device for the user to feel
comfortable and the unified structure between the driving hi this paper, we apply the PID control algorithm
control box and the linear unit to improve the stability. whose parameters are tuned by a fuzzy system
Moreover, the user can easily know the state of the mobile (Algorithm 3) [7], [8]. The general equation of the
robot through the tower LED. The motor torque and the discretetime PID controller is written as
encoder’s CPT (countper turn) have been changed because
wheel diameters are enlarged to remedy the previous robot's i(k) = Kpe(k) + KiTsjrc(i) + e(k).
defects. To increase the torque we changed the gear ratio of
the gearhead from 53 : 1 to 113 : 1 at the same motor. The
double length of
The actually implemented form, the incremental PID

After all, our' goal is the determination of die parameters Kp,

K'd, and a. To do this, we use a set of fuzzy rules of the form

IF e{k) is A, and Ae{k) is Bi,

THEN Kp is Ci, K'd is Di, and a is at for i = 1,2,- ■ • , m.

Ai, Bi, Ci, and D, are fuzzy sets on the corresponding

supporting sets and a is a constant.

Fig. 4 Block diagram for Algorithm 2.

control function, is given as

u{k) = u(k — 1) + Kp(e(k) — e(k — 1))
+ KtTse(k) + Al {e(fc) - 2e{k - 1) + e(k - 2)}
J- S

Here, u(k) is tlie control input signal, e(k) is tlie error

between the desired and current process output at the
control time step k, Ts is the sampling period for the
controller, and Ae(fc) = e(k) — e(k — 1). The parameters of
the PHD controller Kp, Kd, and K, are adjusted to generate
the various response curve at the given system. However, it
is difficult to find the values of parameters which make the
given system show the best performance. So we apply and
test the on-line gain scheduling scheme of the PID
controller based on fuzzy rules. Algorithm 3, to our' new
robot. Fig. 5 shows

Figs. 6 ~ 8 show the membership functions of e{k) or

Ae{k), K'p or K’d, and a, respectively. To calculate Kp, K'd,
Fig. 5 PID controller with fuzzy system. and a, we use die fuzzy rule as Table 1 ~ 3 diat is extracted
from a typical curve of the desired time response.
the block diagram of the PID controller using the fuzzy Consequently, we can determine values of K'p,
system. The main concept of Algorithm 3 is to find the
optimal value of controller’s parameter using fuzzy system. Table 1 Fuzzy rule for K'p
The following describes tlie procedure of Algorithm 3. First
of all, we assume that Kp, Kd, and A’, have the ranges [Ap.
min ,KP. max ] - [A d. min .Amax]' and [Ki. i ,K{, max],
m n
A e(k)
respectively. These values can be determined NB NM NS ZO PS PM PB
experimentally. For die convenience of die further NBB B B B B B B
calculations, we also normalize Kp and I\d into the ranges NMS B B B B B S
[0,1] by the following linear transformation: NSS S B B B S S
Ap = {Kp Kp, min)/{Kp. max Kp. min)) e{k) ZOS S S B S S S
A ^ = {kd kd. min)/(-^d. max Kd.min)* PSS S B B B S S
The integral gain. A'*, is obtained by the following PBB B B B B B B
equation [7].
Ki = Kp/(aKd).

Table 2 Fuzzy rule for K'd

A e(k)
NM B B s s s B B
NS B B B s B B B
e(k) ZO B B B B B B B

Fig. 9 Product inference engine of frizzy rule.

Table 3 Fuzzy rale for a

the results of experiments when die mobile robot is

A e(k)
controlled to move along the X, Y, and 8 directions. The
NB NM NS ZO PS PM PB blue-dashed hue represents the desired velocity profile, and
NB S S S s S S S the red-solid line the real velocity profile calculated from
the measured encoder data. In the aspect of the RMS
NM MS MS s s S MS MS velocity error. Algorithm 3 has better performance dian
NS M MS MS s MS MS M Algoridun 1 and 2.
e(k) ZO B M MS MS MS M B The parameter’s values of Algoridun 3, Xp,mjn, Kp.max>
PS M MS MS S MS MS M Kd.max> and A; max. aie
PM MS MS S S S MS MS 5000, 6500, 100, 120, 290, and 310, respectively, hi this
PB S S S S S S S case, die values of S, MS, M, and B in die membership
function for a are 672, 934, 1195, and 1457. Hie minimum
and maximum of the center values in die membership
K'j, and a by the following defuzzification. functions for Ae(k) and e(k) are -0.00798, 0.00798, -
0.00498, and 0.00498, respectively. The gaps between the
m center values of each membership function are 0.00266 and
K = Y,*Kp.i, 0.00166. Fig. 13, 17, and 21 show that Algoridun 3 changes
i=i the parameters to find die optimal control inputs of the
m mobile robot.

1=1 0.25

a = y /i, n,.
Here, // , is the membership value of the ith rule in (1). A'p t
is the value of K'p corresponding to die grade fit for the i th
rule (see Fig. 9). X'd 1 is also obtained in die same way. In
brief, the frizzy output is obtained by using a singleton
fuzzifier, a product inference engine, and a center-average
defuzzifier. Further details for this method can be found in
Hie parameters inserted into the actual Algoridun 3 are Fig. 10 Result of Algorithm 1 (X-direction).
calculated from die following equations.
Xp — (lip, max Kp.m\n)Kp -{- /Tp.min, Xd — Table 4 describes the average values of RMS velocity
error after ten times experiments along each direction. This
(Xd. max Xd. min)Xd -{- Xd. mini also says Algorithm 3 carries out finer control of the mobile
Xi = X2p/(aXd). robot than Algoridun 1 and 2.

We compare three control algorithms (Algoridun 1,2, and In this paper, we introduced die new design of the omni-
3) using the new mobile robot. Figs. 10 ~ 21 show directional mobile robot widi Mecanuin wheel to

0.25 0.25

■SO.15 0.15

RMS error of velocity X = 0.0012827 RMS error of velocity X = 0.00090021

RMS error of velocity Y = 0.0007921 RMS error of velocity Y = 0.001476
RMS error of velocity Theta = 0.0017791 RMS error of velocity Theta = 0.0023756

t (second) t (second)

Fig. 11 Result of Algorithm 2 (A -direction). Fig. 15 Result of Algorithm 2 Q -direction).

□ 25


RMS error of velocity X = 0.0010632

RMS error of velocity Y = 0.00066905 RMS error of velocity X = 0.00083041 RMS error
RMS error of velocity Theta = 0.0015169 of velocity Y = 0.0011479 RMS error of velocity
Theta = 0.0020876

t (second)
t (second)
Fig. 12 Result of Algorithm 3 (A -direction).
Fig. 16 Result of Algorithm 3 (Y -direction).

A 1JU lllff
* no : [second]


i second]

: [second]

! (second)
Fig. 13 Parameters of Algorithm 3 (A-direction)
0.25 Fig. 17 Parameters of Algorithm 3 (1 -direction).

0.15 0.25

RMS error of velocity X = 0.0014517 RMS error of

velocity Y = 0.0024468 RMS error of velocity
Theta = 0.0038858 0.15

RMS error of velocity X = 0.0019301

RMS error of velocity Y = 0.0017923
t (second) 0.05
RMS error of velocity Theta = 0.0057298

Fig. 14 Result of Algorithm 1 (1 -direction)


Fig. 18 Result of Algorithm 1 (^-direction).

overcome the weakpomts of the previous robot. We im¬
plemented and tested the PID gam scheduling algorithm
using the fuzzy system because it is hard to find the op¬
timal values of the parameters, Kv, Kd, and A /, m the gonthm (Algorithm 3) shows better performances for the
conventional PID controller with the fixed gams. Tins al- mobile robot's movement.

Table 4 Average RMS velocity errors of 3 algorithms
along 3 directions


AL10.002145 0.001111 0.002676
X AL2 AL30.001269 0.000757 0.001831
0.001034 0.000751 0.001744
AL1 Y AL20.001504 0.002694 0.003749
AL30.000916 0.001514 0.002737
0.000902 0.001221 0.002609
AL10.001607 0.001659 0.005783
Fig. 19 Result of Algorithm 2 (0-direction). 0 AL2 AL30.001002 0.001037 0.003388
0.000903 0.000975 0.002509

and Control of Omni-Directional Mobile Robot for

Mobile Haptic Interface”, International Conference on
Control, Automation and Systems 2008, pp.
[3] In Lee, Inwook Hwang, Kyung-Lyong Han, Oh
Kyu Choi, Seungmoon Choi and Jin S. Lee, “System
Improvements in Mobile Haptic Interface”, 2th Joint
Eurohaptics Conference and Symposium on Haptic
Interfaces for Virtual Environment and Teleoperator
Fig. 20 Result of Algorithm 3 (0-direction). Systems, pp. 109-114,2009.
[4] Y.P. Leow and K.H. Low and W.K. Loh,
“Kinematic modelling and analysis of mobile robots
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
with omnidirectional wheels”, Control, Automation,
I (second) Robotics and Vision, 2002. ICARCV 2002. 7th
InternationaI Conference on, Vol. 2, pp. 820-
[5] P. Viboonchaicheep, A. Shimada, and Y. Kosaka,
“Position rectification control for mecanum wheeled
omni-directional vehicles”, Industrial Electronics
Society, 2002. IECON 02. The 29th Annual
Conference of the IEEE, Vol. l,pp. 854-859,2003.
[6] D. H. Shin and I. T. Lee and H. J. Kim, “Design
Fig. 21 Parameters of Algorithm 3 (^-direction). of Mecanum Wheel for Omni-directional Motion”,
KSME, pp. 661-667,1997.
[7] Zhen-Yu Zhao, Masayoshi Tomizuka, and Satoru
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Isaka, “Fuzzy Gain Scheduling of PID Controllers”,
This research was financially supported by the Ministry of IEEE Transactions On Systems, Man, and
Education, Science Technology (MEST) and Korea Cybernetics, Vol. 23, No. 5, pp. 1392-1398,1993.
Industrial Technology Foundation (KOTEF) through the [8] Jingwei Xu, Xin Feng, “Dedign of Adaptive
Human Resource Training Project for Regional Innovation. Fuzzy PID Tuner Using Optimization Method”,
Proceedings of the 5 th World Congress on Intelligent
REFERENCES Control and Automation, pp. 2454—2458,2004.

[1] Chaehyim Lee and Min Sik Hong and In Lee and Oh
Kyu Choi and Kyung-Lyong Han and Yoo Yeon Kim and
Seungmoon Choi and Jin S. Lee, “Mobile Haptic Interface
for Large Immersive Virtual Environments: PoMHI v0.5”,
Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient Intelligence, 2007.
Proceedings. 4th International Conference on, pp. 111-
[2] Kyung-Lyong Han, Oh Kyu Choi, In Lee, Inwook
Hwang, Jin S. Lee, and Seungmoon Choi, “Design

View punicanon state


International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE)

Vol. 12, No. 2, April 2022, pp. 1411-1418
ISSN: 2088-8708, DOI: 10.11591/ijece.vl2i2.pp 1411-1418 □ 1411

Design and implementation of Arduino based robotic arm

Hussein Mohammed Ali, Yasir Hashim, Glia da h Alaadden Al-Sakkal

Department of Computer Engineering. Tishk International University, Knrdstan Region, Eitnl. Iraq

Article Info ABSTRACT

Article history: This study presents the model, design, and construction of the Arduino based robotic arm, which
functions across a distance as it is controlled through a mobile application. A six degree of freedom
Received May 17, 2021 robotic arm has been designed and implemented for the puipose of this research. The design
Revised Jul 14, 2021 controlled by the Arduino platform receives orders from the user’s mobile application through
Accepted Aug 12, 2021 wireless controlling signals, that is Bluetooth. The arm is made up of five rotary joints and an end
effector, where rotary motion is provided by the servomotor. Each link has been first designed
using solid works and then printed by 3D printer. The assembly of the parts of the robot and the
Keywords: motor’s mechanical shapes produce the final prototype of the arm The Arduino has been
programmed to provide rotation to each corresponding servo motor to the sliders in the designed
Arduino mobile application for usage from distance.
Autonomous system
Distance control
Mobile application This is ail open access article under the CCBY-S.4 license.
Robotic arm

Corresponding Author:
Yasir Hashim
Department Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Tishk International University
Erbil-Kurdistan, Iraq
Email: [email protected]

Autonomous systems and robots can contribute in plenty of functional operations over the world. The robotic ami
can solve many limitations of humans in industrial fields especially with the aid of the distance controlled feature.
Robotic arms' functions and their operations are extensively used in research laboratories and industries to automate
processes and reduce human errors. Some of the tasks achieved by robotic arms include assembly lines and motions
that demand the force control with feedback to its controller [1], [2].
Robotic systems have grown broadly due to their increasing applications in all fields of industry and their ability to
decrease errors and wastage of material. Many different robotic systems have been developed for invasive proposes
[3], [4]. The robotic amis could initially be used to move objects from one place to another [5], [6] in any industrial
area [7], [8] that needs to achieve tasks repetitively for manufacturing products. Some industrial environments are
not suitable for humans, thus robotic aims may be used. For instance, cases in which human workers cannot easily
or safely gam access are handling radio-active materials or dealing w ith work in the deep sea and space [9], [10].
Generally, the two mam purposes of the robotic arm systems are to minimize the risk of life by ensuring human
safety, and to speed up industrial processes. This is where an automated, simple, and effective Arduino controlled
robotic aim comes into play [11], [12]. The aim could be used for numerous tasks such as painting cars, soldering
cars access unevenly placed parts for scanning, selecting. Most of the food industry companies use pick and place
robots, which is useful in many criteria. In a human-designed environment, the robotic arm can also operate on a
mobile base to be sent in a damaged/radioactive building and used to open the doors and manipulate the tools either
by itself or through remote control [13], [14]. Table 1 illustrates a technical review on features of some robotic arms
designed by researchers.

Journal homepage:

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Sure, here are four points to address the situation in a PowerPoint presentation:

1. Cost Constraint:

- Due to increased costs or budget constraints, the planned Mecanum wheels need to be

replaced with conventional wheels, impacting the robot's omnidirectional mobility.

2. Code Unavailability:

- The unavailability of operational codes or algorithms specific to regular wheels poses

a challenge in programming the robot's movements, affecting its intended functionalities.

3. Lack of Voltage Control PCB:

- The absence of a dedicated PCB (Printed Circuit Board) for voltage control or

regulation further complicates the adaptation process, hindering precise motor control

and performance optimization.

4. Impact on Functionality:

- These combined limitations may compromise the robot's maneuverability and

operational scope, necessitating a reevaluation of mobility capabilities and potential

adjustments in the project's scope or objectives.



Versatile Mobility: Enable precise and omnidirectional movement using

mecanum wheels.

Manipulation Precision: Develop an Arduino-controlled robotic arm for

intricate tasks.

Integrated Control: Synchronize robotic arm and wheel functions


Prototype Demonstration: Showcase combined capabilities in real-

world scenarios.

Features Identification:

l.Omnidirectional Movement

Arduino Integration

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