DTPM2 Close Program Template v1.0

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Program Close Template

For use in Program Closing Phase

Using the Template
For Use on all Programs and Complex programs

• The template is pre-populated with the Layout and Lorem Ipsum text *
• Format the template as per standard program formatting including the inclusion of
Customer Logos as agreed and appropriate.
– Consider updating master slides at the start to simplify editing - Microsoft Guide

• “<>” is used as a placeholder for content that should be replaced with the content
from your Program
• An example is included as an appendix for reference

*Placeholder text commonly used to demonstrate the visual form of a document or a typeface without relying on meaningful content.

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<Program Name>

Project Closure Summary

AGENDA Customer

Executive Summary and Business Outcomes

Summary of Achievements
Deliverables and Handover Material
Milestones Achieved
Lessons Learned

Internal Use - Confidential of441 © Copyright 2021 Dell Inc.

Executive summary Customer

Background <Customer>’ Request Dell Program Objectives and Scope

< < <
Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat
adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor
nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat
incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut
cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui
Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud enim ad minim veniam
officia deserunt mollit anim id
exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex
Quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut
ea commodo consequat. • Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in
aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat
Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in
nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in
voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat
cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla
nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat
officia deserunt mollit anim id pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non
cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui
proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit
officia deserunt mollit anim id • Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in
anim id
voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor
cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor
incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
officia deserunt mollit anim id incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut
Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud
exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex • Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in enim ad minim veniam
ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat >
> nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat
cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui
officia deserunt mollit anim id

Internal Use - Confidential of541 © Copyright 2021 Dell Inc.

<Program Name> Phase <x> Summary Customer

<Lorem Ipsum Summary >

1. <Title >: < Summary > <Achievement>
2. <Title >: < Summary > <Achievement>

Top improvements needed
1. <Content 1 >
2. <Content 2 >
Timeline Summary 3. <Content 3 >
• dd/mm/yy – <deliverable issued >
<CR Process > xx delay Dell Adjustments (no Customer cost)
• dd/mm/yy – <deliverable issued >
<CR agreement
• ~3 week delay 4. <Content 1 >
5. <Content 2 >
Key Events 6. <Content 3 >
• <Month – Month> <Lorem Ipsum>
• <Month – Month> <Lorem Ipsum> Current Status
• <Month – Month> <Lorem Ipsum> 7. <Content 1 >
8. <Content 2 >
Dell Concession summary 9. <Content 3 >
• <Lorem Ipsum DDMMYY – Value <($xx) – <Summary Text >
• <Lorem Ipsum DDMMYY – Value <($xx) – <Summary Text >
• <Lorem Ipsum DDMMYY – Value <($xx) – <Summary Text >

Internal Use - Confidential Repeat slide as necessary

of641 © Copyright 2021 Dell Inc.
Summary of Achievements Customer

<Workstream or Project>
• Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut
labore et dolore
• Lorem ipsum dolor
• Dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur
sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa

<Workstream or Project>
• Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et
• Lorem ipsum dolor

<Workstream or Project>
• Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et
• Lorem ipsum dolor
• Dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint
occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa

Internal Use - Confidential of741 © Copyright 2021 Dell Inc.

<Project / Workstream Name > Deliverables Customer

Lead(s): < Customer and Dell Names

Section Description Deliverable Status Document Name

<Deliverable Phase>
<Deliverable> Completed <Doc Name>
<Deliverable Phase>
<Deliverable> Completed <Doc Name>
<Doc Name>
<Deliverable Phase>
<Deliverable> Completed <Doc Name>

<Deliverable> Completed <Doc Name>

<Deliverable> Completed <Doc Name>
<Deliverable Phase>
<Deliverable> Completed <Doc Name>

<Deliverable> Completed <Doc Name>

<Deliverable> Completed <Doc Name>
<Deliverable> Completed <Doc Name>
<Deliverable Phase>
<Deliverable> Completed <Doc Name>

<Deliverable> Completed <Doc Name>

<Deliverable Phase>
<Deliverable> Completed <Doc Name>
<Deliverable> In progress <Doc Name>
<Deliverable> Out of Scope <Doc Name>
<Deliverable> In progress <Doc Name>

Internal Use - Confidential Repeat slide as necessary

of841 © Copyright 2021 Dell Inc.
Internal Use - Confidential of941 © Copyright 2021 Dell Inc.
•Executive Summary and Business Outcomes
•Summary of Achievements
•Deliverables and Handover Material
•Milestones Achieved
•Lessons Learned

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1041 © Copyright 2021 Dell Inc.
Executive summary

Background Centene’s Request Dell Program Objectives and Scope

As a result of the January 2020 acquisition of Centene has issued a Request for Proposal Dell will provide Centene with an accurate server
WellCare (and its previous acquisitions), (RFP) that includes the following discovery and dependency mapping for Centene
Centene has identified five data centers as requirements: application and infrastructure technology
candidates for consolidating into the Centene Establish and drive data center consolidation environments. This information will be used to facilitate
infrastructure program management a future data center consolidation. The program scope
The five data centers, and their applications Conduct application and systems
and infrastructure, will be relocated to two of dependencies discovery for approximately Datacenter Discovery & Analysis & Migration Planning
the current Centene data centers: 8,500 servers their corresponding
applications Application discovery
– Buffalo, NY (production & non-production
systems) Build an asset reuse and retirement plan to Dependency mapping
– O’Fallon, MO (disaster recovery systems) help Centene maximize the value of their Analysis and Validation
infrastructure investments Project management and mobilization
Discovery and planning for the migration is to
be completed by September 2020 Develop a program-level work and resource Migration schedule Asset reuse and retirement plan
plan Cloud Suitability (criteria and framework)
Migration of applications and infrastructure is Create, implement, and manage a program-
to begin in October 2020, with target Re-IP
level communication plan
completion by September 2021 Discovery & Analysis
Remediate IP overlap between WellCare and
Meridian before integrating into Centene Design & Planning
Perform detailed discovery, planning, testing Implementation & Testing
and execution for performing IP Project management
renumbering for five Centene/Meridian data Post Implementation Support & knowledge transfer

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WellCare DC Migration Phase 1 - Summary

SOW included 2 workstreams to be completed in 6 months (original schedule April 2020 - Oct 2020)
1. Data Center Optimization (DCO): discovery of 300 critical WellCare apps (+/- 10%), and development of application migration plan (COMPLETED ON TIME)
2. Re-IP: Re-IP WellCare devices connected to the 300 (+/- 10%) critical WellCare applications (ROLLED OVER TO 2021)

Top improvement needed

Revised 1. Data - Quality, Accuracy, and Timeliness
Original 2. Escalations
3. Urgency
April 20’ Aug Oct Dec Feb Mar Dell Adjustments (no cost to Centene)
4. Added dedicated individual resources to address
data quality, accuracy, and timeliness.
Timeline Summary 5. New processes added
• 3/10/20 – RFP issued 6. Added 2 workstream teams in December to increase
• 4/1/20 – RFP responses due (original date 3/24) RFP Process – 6 week delay output velocity
• 5/13/20 – RFP award (original date 3/30)
SOW Approval - 2 months 7. Additional resources added for final 5 weeks of
• May - July 2020 – SOW approval process project along with Program Management oversight
• 7/1/20 – Centene signed SOW received by Dell
• 7/8/20 – Centene/Dell Project Review and Preparation Meeting Current Status
• 7/13/20 – Centene/Dell Project Kickoff • Project expected to be completed on time
• July - August 2020 – Dell Mobilization (Centene VPN/VDI access and credentials) ~3 week delay • 4 week sprint cycle – War Room Approach
Work started
• August - October 2020 – Centene request for AEP-associated applications prioritization
• ​October - December 2020 – DCO work completed on time; Re-IP: ~195 apps not completed & work continued into 2021

Dell concession summary

• Cloud suitability ($54K) – Mark Brooks ask and included at $0 as part of original SOW
• December Change Order - $502k concession
• January Change Order for 2020 carryover Re-IP work - $450k concession plus four resources and Program Management at no cost
• Change orders - Discount off List (DOL) @ 27% (Centene std 15% DOL )

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1241 © Copyright 2021 Dell Inc.
Summary of Achievements

Application Discovery and Analysis

• Discovered ~7,000 end points in the WellCare and Meridian environments
• Mapped end points to applications and servers
• Performed Gap Analysis
• Published Executive readout of Discovery and Analysis results

Data Center Migration Planning

• Analyzed over 2,000 applications in CMDB for WellCare and Meridian
• Documented Application Owners and SMEs for all Apps in Scope
• Developed Application Bundles supporting Data Center Migration Planning
• Completed Cloud Suitability Framework
• Developed T-Minus Migration Schedule
• Developed Migration Runbook Templates

Re-IP Planning and Execution

• Completed Re-IP of ~400 applications and more than 6,500 end points for WellCare and Meridian
• Developed detailed runbooks and Discovery phase questionnaires
• Transitioned reporting, scheduling, and tracking artifacts to Centene
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1341 © Copyright 2021 Dell Inc.
APO Deliverables

Project Leads: Chris Chew and Chris Threadgill

• Overall deliverables:
• Executive overview
• Summary workbook in Excel
• Visualization of Dependencies (Power BI)
• Detailed extracts of normalized data are provided to the migration team:
• Detailed Server configuration report
• Local storage mount point allocations by server
• Databases discovered on servers
• Mapping from Applications to Servers and Application to Application
• Data archives:
• Full set of detected communications, software installed and all discovery data provided will be archived in SQL
Server sqlmondev02 in database “DellReIp”

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1441 © Copyright 2021 Dell Inc.
DCM Deliverables
DCM Deliverables
Project Leads: Tim Tarsi and Sean MacKinnon
Section Description Deliverable Status Document Name
SOW Excel Checklist
SOW Deliverable Summary Checklist Completed 1_SOW - D&A Deliverables

Application Discovery
List of VM's needed by location & size to Completed 2_Device 42 - Centene - Infrastructure Request - 072220 Servers for Device 42
host Device42. (2 docs)
2_Device 42 - Centene Discovery Environment - 2020-07-22

Dependency Mapping
Application Data Ingestion Plan written in Completed 3_Centene Migration Kickoff Presentation_v7 - Slide 6
Microsoft Power Point format
Infrastructure Data Ingestion Plan written Completed 3_Centene Migration Kickoff Presentation_v7 - Slide 6
in Microsoft Power Point format
Deliver the integrated Excel reporting Completed 4_DTM - Full Application - Server Mapping_20201216_v1
workbook of dependencies

Migration Plan
Move packaging criteria presentation Completed 3_Centene Migration Kickoff Presentation_v7 - Slide 6-7
written in MS Power Point format
Move packaging analysis presentation Completed 3_Centene Migration Kickoff Presentation_v7 - Slide 6-7
written in MS Power Point format
Migration overview presentation written Completed 3_Centene Migration Kickoff Presentation_v7 - Slides 8-17
in MS Power Point format
Migration Runbook Template Completed 5_TEMPLATE - Centene Data Center Runbook 20201216_v6-MASTER

Asset Reuse and Decommissioning

Gap Analysis in MS Excel format Completed 6_Centene Asset Reuse & Decommissioning Workstream 20201218
Initial Findings Report in MS PowerPoint Completed 6_Centene Asset Reuse & Decommissioning Workstream 20201218
Asset removal / reuse plan in MS Completed 6_Centene Asset Reuse & Decommissioning Workstream 20201218
PowerPoint format

Additional Applications to Scope

Centene to validate additional Application In progress Due no later than 1/8
SME contacts
Added additional WellCare applications to Completed Applications have been added – Validations in progress
Added additional UAM applications to In progress Validations with SME’s still in progress
Adde additional Windsor applications to Out of Scope Windsor was already migrated to Buffalo
Conduct Application one-on-one In progress Estimated time to complete 1/29
Internal Use - Confidential Validation meetings with SME's
1541 © Copyright 2021 Dell Inc. 15
Project Milestones

Milestone Milestone Deliverable Description

Target Date

1 Fully executed SOW, project kickoff completed, DT Services resources engaged 13 Jul ‘20

2 D42 installed, Apps & Infrastructure Discovery commenced 24 Jul ‘20

3 Apps & Infrastructure Dependency Mappings commenced 21 Aug ‘20

4 Completion of Phase 2 Design Planning for Re-IP 23 Oct ’20

5 Completion of Phase 3 Implementation and Testing 31 Mar ‘21

6 Project Closeout, meeting completed 23 Apr ‘21

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1641 © Copyright 2021 Dell Inc.
Lessons Learned Summary
What Worked Well ? Recommendations
Program Team taking learnings out of Re-IP events and putting that Best practice. Repeat.
Governance information back into the process for the next event

Program Have structured agenda for meetings, especially on the Establish and enforce an agenda the
Governance daily standups accounts for most important topics and
accomodates intake of any critical new

Program Frequent communications across teams - i.e. spinning up Foster real-time cross team collaboration to
Governance war rooms share information and avoid emails

Program Execution of Re-IP Wave events each weekend Planning and Execution with broad team
Execution representation
Program Runbook tracking process was highly effective Establish a framework, process, and
Execution tracking tool and assign to coordinator

Program Staffing augmentation to flex to meet customer needs and Proactively plan to augment resources that
Execution deliverables may be required to shore up gaps in

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1741 © Copyright 2021 Dell Inc.
Lessons Learned Summary

What Didn’t Work Well ? Recommendations

Program Communication format and style - too many emails Avoid over-leveraging emails as a
Governance method of communication and ensure
dedicated communications lead

Program Escalations did not happen early and often enough Identify rules with timing expectations and
Governance communicate broadly to the team with
established escalation paths

Reporting and Reporting and Data Quality did not meet business Define explicit reporting requirements,
Data Quality needs assign ownership, and framework to
establish guardrails to ensure accuracy

Program Re-IP Coordination role not as effective as expected Dedicate a coordinator that stays out of
Execution the detail discussions and meetings and
focuses on change management

Program Pre-Discovery process did not yield expected results Plan to get discovery and analysis
Execution completed proactively
Program Project sponsorship, ownership, and support not as PMO engagement roles and
Governance strong as needed in the beginning responsibilities must be clear and agreed
upon up front with separations of duty

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1841 © Copyright 2021 Dell Inc.

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