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Design and Simulation

Analysis of Electric Vertical

Takeoff and Landing Aircraft
What is e-VTOL ?
• An e-VTOL aircraft is one that uses
electric power to hover, take off, and
land vertically. Most e-VTOLs also
use what is called as distributed
electric propulsion technology which
means integrating a complex
propulsion system with the airframe.
CAD design e-VTOL
• To create tri-rotor aircraft design with the
help of CAD software which is help to
take off and landing vertically with the
source of electric power fuel source
• This includes fixed-wing aircrafts with the
ability to take off and touch down vertically as
well as helicopters or other aircraft with
powered rotors
CAD Model
Objective of e-VTOL
• e-VTOL technology means aircraft can theoretically take off and land almost anywhere,
making them far more flexible. They're also able to perform various maneuver’s
• It’s also possible with electric propulsion system of tri–rotor design it easy conventional
to achieve e-VTOL concept
• Convertiplane A convertiplane is an aircraft which uses rotor power for vertical takeoff
and landing (VTOL) and converts to fixed-wing lift in normal flight. It takes off under
rotor lift like a helicopter, then transitions to fixed-wing lift in forward flight.
• Tilt rotor’s
• A tiltrotor or prop rotor tilts its propellers or rotors vertically for VTOL and then tilts them forwards for
horizontal wing-borne flight, while the main wing remains fixed in place
• Tiltwing
• A tiltwing has its propellers or rotors fixed to a conventional wing and tilts the whole assembly to
transition between vertical and horizontal flight.
• Tail-sitter
• A tail-sitter sits vertically on its tail for takeoff and landing, then tilts the whole aircraft forward
for horizontal flight.
Different type rotor’s
Advantage of e-VTOL
• VTOL, technology means aircraft can theoretically take off and land anywhere, making
them far more flexible. They're also able to perform various manueuvers not possible
with a conventional plane;
• a significant advantage for aircraft in combat situations. VTOL aircraft, such as drones,
that use electric motors are more energy efficient than those using jet engines.
• World slowly move towards electric energy source e-VTOL could new air transport in
the future
Future development of VTOL
• A number of firms are developing aircraft that use a VTOL system, Despite a flood of
recent controversies, ride-sharing app firm Uber has pledged to launch its first flying taxis
in 2020 using VTOL.
• Meanwhile, Munich based aviation startup Lilium aims to offer an on-demand flying taxi
service that it claims will be five times faster than travelling in a car. The Current prototype
is a two-seater aircraft shaped like a conventional plane that uses a VTOL system.
• At the 2017 Geneva Motor show, Airbus showcased a prototype flying hybrid car. The
modular vehicle can disconnect from it wheels, after which it is picked up by a flying set of
rotors. o Nasa has developed the battery-powered GL-10,which take off and land vertically
but flies efficiently like a conventional plane.
Next Phase of work
• Next phase of work going to test the model in the
CFD simulation software to analysis fluid dynamic
analysis with the help of CFD and Auto desk
• Checking various type of testing include pitch roll
and yaw controls checking stability checking
• Electric propulsion system checking in the testing
process thrust analysis of the aircraft system

• Hirschberg, M. Electric VTOL is Taking Off. Vertiflite. July–August, 2018,

• Michael J. Duffy et al., A Study in Reducing the Cost of Vertical Flight with Electric Propulsion, AHS International
73rd Annual Forum & Technology Display, Fort Worth, Texas, USA, May 9–11, 2017.
• IATA, Annual Review, 2019, International Air Transport Association Annual Review 2019 75th Annual General
Meeting, Seoul, June, 2019, https://airlines.iata.org/news/passenger-numbers-to-hit-82bn-by-2037-iata-report
• IATA, Annual Review, 2019, International Air Transport Association Annual Review 2019 75th Annual General
Meeting, Seoul, June, 2019, https://airlines.iata.org/news/passenger-numbers-to-hit-82bn-by-2037-iata-report
• IATA, Annual Review, 2019, International Air Transport Association Annual Review 2019 75th Annual General
Meeting, Seoul, June, 2019, https://airlines.iata.org/news/passenger-numbers-to-hit-82bn-by-2037-iata-report

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