t2 T 680 Anti Bullying Week Powerpoint Ver 12

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What Types of Bullying Are There?

Physical bullying can range from Verbal bullying could include

pushing, shoving, biting, pinching, name-calling, saying nasty things
hitting and kicking. It could also be about someone, teasing and
damaging or taking someone's threatening them.
Verbal bullying is not always as
It is often more obvious to other clear to see as it can be done more
people as it may leave bruises or secretly and doesn't leave visible
visible damage and people may marks. However, it damages
see it happening. people’s feelings and emotions and
is very harmful.
What Types of Bullying Are There?
Physical bullying (like hitting or kicking) and verbal abuse
(like calling names or making fun of someone) are often more obvious to see.

What do you think social bullying is?

Social bullying can include spreading

rumours about someone, leaving someone
out on purpose, telling others not to be
friends with someone or embarrassing
someone in public.
Remember, these are only bullying if
they happen often and repetitively.

You may not be the one doing the bullying but if you
know it is happening to someone, what can you do?

In is ways
what cyberbullying?
do you think
cyberbullying can happen?

Cyberbullying can
include trolling,
Getting nasty or Receiving nasty or mobbing (a gang
inappropriate text inappropriate targeting you),
messages emails stalking, grooming
or any form of
Nasty comments Prank phone calls abuse online. This is
on social media done with the use of
Someone you don't know
online asks to meet you
How Can You Stay Safe Using
the Internet?
What do you think the dangers could be when being
online, using chat rooms or social media, and how
this could lead to cyberbullying?

How can you stay safe online?

• Never post personal details about yourself

online, such as your address, date of birth,
phone numbers or pictures.

• Don't post your full name - use a


• Don't post a picture of yourself.

How Can You Stay Safe Using the
• Never
Don't give
meetout upyour
someone you to don't
anyone- they
else. might not be who they say
they are.
• Lots of social media sites have a
• Check
'Reportyour privacy
It' button. settings
This meansand thatmake
sure onlysomething
you see people you know can
upsetting, orsee
your posts. you think should not be
being posted, you can press this
• Make
buttonsure that whoever
to report looks after
it to the people whoyou
run the that
site you
and use
stop it. so they
can be vigilant too.

• isNever
make to stay safe online.
conversation online
with somebody you don’t know.
What Can You Do?
It is sometimes really hard to intervene if you know
someone is being bullied.

Why do you think it is sometimes really

hard to intervene?

• A fear of being bullied yourself.

• A fear that you will get into trouble.

• A fear of physical injuries.

• A fear that you are getting someone you

are friends with into trouble.
What Can You Do?

• Tell someone you trust – this could be a

parent, teacher or older relative. If you
make sure someone knows what you have
seen, they can make sure that it is dealt

• Often, someone who is being bullied

feels very alone, sad and scared. Smiling
to them, talking to them or including
them in something you are doing can
mean the world to them!
Look at these scenarios. In your groups, can you come up with a
solution to the problem?

Scenario 1
You are in a chat room,
chatting with your
friends. Someone tries to
enter the conversation
but you don't know

What should you do?

Look at these scenarios. In your groups, can you come up with a
solution to the problem?

Scenario 2
You have received a nasty
text message from
someone in your class.

What could you do to

keep yourself safe and
get help?
Look at these scenarios. In your groups, can you come up with a
solution to the problem?

Scenario 3
You have heard nasty
rumours about someone
in your class and have
found out who is
spreading them.

Is this direct or indirect

bullying, and what could
you do about it?
What have you learnt today that will help you to
keep safe from bullying?

Do you think you would know what to do, and who to talk to, if
you or someone you know is being bullied in any way?

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