Chap IV - Cobb Douglas PF

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The Cobb-Douglas Production


Chapter IV
• The simplest and the most widely used production
function in Economics is the Cobb-Douglas production
• The reasons for its popularity are, it possesses some
interesting properties and its computational ease in the
empirical estimation.
• C.W Cobb and P.H. Douglas (1928) used this function
for estimating the relationship between inputs and
outputs in the American manufacturing industry
during 1899 to 1922.
Cobb- Douglas production function
• The Cobb- Douglas production function represents the
relationship of an output to inputs as follows
Y = A Lα Kβ,
• Y = total production (the monetary value of all goods produced in
a year)
• L = labor input
• K = capital input
• A, α and β are the output elasticity's of labor and capital,
respectively. These values are constants determined by available
Cobb- Douglas production function
Further, if: α + β = 1
• The production function has “constant returns to scale”. That is, if L
and K are each increased by 20%,
Y increases by 20%.
If: α + β < 1
• The production function has “decreasing returns to scale”. That is if
L and K are each increase by 20%, Y increases by 10% only.
If: α + β > 1
• The production function has “Increasing returns to scale”. That is if L
and K are each increase by 20%, Y increases by 40% .
Criticism of Cobb-Douglas Production Function

• It includes only two factor inputs-capital and labour

• Labour input may be measured in number or man hours.
But it is difficult to measure capital input due to its
depreciation over a period of time.
• It assumes constant returns to scale which may not be
always possible
• This function assumes that there is perfect competition in
the market.
Managerial Uses of Production Function

• Least-Cost Combination
• In a dynamic set-up, the prices of inputs are often
• As a result, the feasible combinations of inputs will have
to be worked out regularly in order to ensure the least-cost
• This is possible by substituting high const inputs by
relatively cheaper inputs so that the cost of production
might be reduced considerably.
Managerial Uses of Production Function

• Decision-Making
• Production function is a useful managerial tool to arrive at a
decision regarding the employment of a variable input factor
in the production process.
• So long as the marginal revenue productivity of a variable
factor exceeds its price, it may be worthwhile to employ it.
• Moreover it is also useful in the long run. If returns to
scale are increasing, it will be worthwhile to increase
production; the opposite is the case if there are diminishing
returns to scale.

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