Training Need Analysis: Dr. Hanan Abdelmoneam

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ACADEMIC NO : 22221036016
Under the supervision of:

Dr. Hanan Abdelmoneam

What is Training Need
Assessment OR Analysis ?

It is a systematic process for determining and

addressing needs, or "gaps" between current
conditions and desired conditions or "wants
What is Training Need
Assessment OR Analysis ?
There are three major areas in which the staff displays such gaps i.e. they don’t meet
the job requirements. These are :
 When their performance in their present position do not match
the required standards,
 When the requirement of the job changes due to the
changed circumstances, and
 When the present job ceases to exist or the job holder changes
jobs, thereby creating new ‘gaps’ in the new job.
A training needs analysis is basically a data-gathering process used to
identify and compare an organisation’s actual level of performance to the
projected (desired) level of performance.

The difference (discrepancy) will identify the immediate and/or long- range
training need. The “performance” can be interpreted to new managerial
(behaviour) skills or technical (production) skills required to do a job.

 It provides a benchmark (pre-measure)of the

skills trainees possess before the training

 TNA focuses on those KSA’s, the trainees need

The Questions identified under
1. What are the existing skill levels of employees engaged in different tasks at
different levels?
2. What skill sets are required to complete the different tasks/jobs at different
3. How much is the deviations in the level of skills required and level of skills
4. Which training program can help in bridging the gap?
5. Whether in-house or outside training will be beneficial?
6. What is the likely cost of Training Program?
7. What the likely benefit of training Program?
Organizational Analysis (Macro
▶ This can be triggered as a result of new strategic plan (proactive) or as a result
of some identified performance discrepancy (Reactive).
▶ This would help in achieving strategic business objectives.

▶ An organizational Analysis Should be able to provide information on

▶ Mission & Strategies
▶ Resource Allocation
▶ Factors in the internal Environment (Structure, Design etc.)
Operational Analysis
▶ This can be triggered when a discrepancy (Reactive) is identified
▶ It determines exactly what is required of employees in order for them to be effective

▶ An operational Analysis Should be able to provide information on

▶ What KSA’s are required
▶ What kind of task environment will be able to meet the expectations.
▶ Job description, specification, work performance standards
Individual Analysis

This is basically identifying those incumbents who are not meeting the
performance requirements. (The Gap)
This is to develop programs that are customised to individual needs &
contribute in updating the desired efficiency level of the employees.
▶ Sources to obtain person analysis
▶ Performance Appraisal (Supervisor rating, Self rating, 360 degree)
▶ Performance Data
▶ Proficiency Tests (Cognitive Tests, Behavioural Tests, Surveys)
Levels in identification of TNA

At organizational level, Organizational goals are analysed to find out the

training requirements, At operational level, jobs and tasks are analysed
and at individual level, the KSA and performances of employees are
analysed to determine who needs training.

All these three are inter-connected TNA levels which help in designing
effective training solutions.

Focuses on anticipated performance problem in the future

▶ Proactive TNA is strategic and carefully planned without a definite problem as the focus. It is
used to deliver new techniques or processes to employees, as well as strengthen existing

▶ Proactive TNA happens when the weaknesses of a work force are unknown and it helps
indicate where help is needed

(Focuses on perceived performance problem in the present)

▶ Happens when a specificproblem is pinpointed. For

instance, if a worker's performance problem is evident, reactive TNA
is used to correct that specific issue.

▶ It occurs when a problem is already obvious, creating the need for specialized training
to correct the specific problem.
Other Methods and Techniques of
Training Need Assessment
Seven approaches/techniques are most common:

(a) Training Need Survey:

▶ most commonly technique used for training need assessment.
▶ largely depend on the quality of survey.

Survey of training need must define the following:

Present Needs Job requirement & Job performance
Future Needs level In house Training
Individual Needs Managerial Plan
Organisational Needs
Format for TNI Survey for Supervisory Development Programme
Name of Appraiser ..................................... Dept .....................................
S Subject Knowledge Must know Nice to know Not required
1 Role of a Supervisor
2 Role of a Technician
3 Role of an Inspector
4 Role of an Instructor
5 Role of a Worker or Subordinate
6 Knowledge of Budgeting and Planning
7 Knowledge of Monitoring and Controlling
8 Knowledge of Discipline
9 Knowledge of Conducting Meeting
10 Knowledge of Delivering a Talk
11 Knowledge of Appraising the Work
12 Knowledge of Trade Union Working
13 Knowledge of Labour Laws
14 Knowledge of Quality Concepts
15 Knowledge of Safety Measures
16 Knowledge of Methods of improvement
17 Knowledge of Routine Working
18 Knowledge of Value Analysis
19 Knowledge of Cost Effectiveness
20 Skill of leadership
21 Skill of Effective Communication
22 Skill of Decision-Making
23 Skill of Interpersonal Relationship
24 Skill of Grievance Handling
Methods and Techniques of
Training Need Assessment
(b) Competence Analysis:
Measurable human capabilities are Competencies. This analyses identify & document
employee competencies.
In this approach the responsibility for training & building competency shifts from organization to
the Individual. Although Organizations are responsible but individuals are expected to be more
responsible for building their own competencies.
They do it by being more proactive, assessing their competency against existing
competency model etc.
Ex. Talking to mentors
Keeping competency chart to record their competency building.
Methods and Techniques of
Training Need Assessment
(c) Performance Appraisal Approach:
This goes with analysing knowledge, skill and the job requirement.
This approach, however, starts after defining the criteria and the standards to measure or
compare the performance.
The main aim of this approach is to find out whether employees on the given work or
positions have the required knowledge and skill to do it properly or not.
Job description vs. job performance analysis provides sufficient data to identify the T & D.
Methods and Techniques of
Training Need Assessment
(d) Task Analysis Approach: (Task, Sub-Task & Smaller Steps)
Each task is break into steps, each step is analyzed for all sorts of applicable factors while keeping in mind
the worker’s existing skills and knowledge about the task. Then it is analysed.
If task can be accomplished by training (or if they have other issues like equipment problems, tool issues,
behavior factor etc.) then we identify individual training needs.
For each training need, separate learning objective must be created.
Tasks specifications and the competence desired to perform the task precisely, identify the training

Advantage:- It simplify the complex job by dividing the job into main task and sub task.
Disadvantage:- Required highly paid skill observer. Very time consuming process.
Methods and Techniques of Training Need
(e) Feedback Approach:
Generally used in most of the organizations.
The feedback or information regarding the necessity of training and development in a
department for a group or individual can be from:
◦ Annual reports
◦ Production report
◦ Performance report
◦ Sales Records
◦ Safety Reports etc.

Since the above sources of information are otherwise obligatory in an organization, this
approach is inexpensive and fastest to identify the training needs.
Methods and Techniques of
Training Need Assessment
(f) Management Decision Approach:
In most of the small organisations, the management decides who is to be trained and what is to be taught.
Of course these decisions are based on the future planning/career growth plan or the deficiencies in their
employees directly noted by the top management.

The sources of information may be various; management reports or the direct interaction. This approach
is also inexpensive but may not have the support of justification documents or a recorded present
performance and achieved performance level for measuring the change.

The format of appraisal, interview to be designed according to the objectives of the company, objective of
the training, trainees, interviews, relationship with interviewer and the sensitivity of the programme
Methods and Techniques of
Training Need Assessment
(g) Front end Analysis:

FEA defines job requirements, describes the ideal performance or instructions to meet the job
requirements and identifies acceptable alternatives.
Participants:- Training Coordinators, Associate managers, Employees (who cover a wide range of
years of service & some who are cross trained in other areas) etc.
Two Fold information collected. (The first is Test on existing job and product knowledge for current
training program & the second will be, series of informal questionnaires and meetings focused on
effective reinforcement of learning.)
Analysis will be done through grading of tests, summarizing the questionnaires and reviewing
meeting notes. Ongoing analysis will consist of periodic questioning of members in the form of job
related questions.
Designing the Training
Needs Analysis Process
When the purpose and objectives of the training analysis have been determined, the next phase of the training
analysis process is to identify the kinds of data required to meet those objectives.
The data needed falls into the following major categories:
(a) Data to define the need.
(b) Data to identify the solution.
(c) Data to specify those needing training.
(d) Data to provide the planning details for delivery of training.
To develop any kind of useful training plan, all these kinds of data must be obtained at some point in the
training needs analysis process, either formally or informally. It is extremely important that organisations be
aware of the kinds of data with which the training needs analysis process is concerned, so that they may select
or develop the most appropriate data-gathering instruments for their needs.
Processing the Data
By reviewing each of the stages of the model, organisations may re-examine the assumption behind their
own procedures. To help in this process, a summary of the major points of the needs assessment model is
outlined below.
Step 1: Determine the Purpose and Objectives of the Needs Assessment. Step
2: Identify the Kinds of Information Needed.
Step 3: Design the Data-Gathering Approach.
Step 4: Gather Data.
Step 5: Analyse and Verify Data.
Step 6: Set Training Priorities.

▶ One can determine what is the discrepancy

▶ Secondly what are the causes or reasons of the


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