Engine Cycles (Otto)

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Internal Combustion Engines

Dr. Mohammad A Al Zubi

Engine Cycles and Thermal efficiency
1. Otto Cycle
Engine Cycles
•The cycle experienced in the cylinder of an internal combustion engine is very complex. First, air

(CI engine) or air mixed with fuel (SI engine) is ingested and mixed with the slight amount of

exhaust residual remaining from the previous cycle.

•It is an open cycle with changing composition, a difficult system to analyze.

•To make the analysis of the engine cycle much more manageable, the real cycle is approximated

with an ideal air-standard cycle which differs from the actual by the following:
• The gas mixture in the cylinder is treated as air for the entire cycle, and
property values of air are used in the analysis. Air will be treated as an
ideal gas with constant specific heats.
• The real open cycle is changed into a closed cycle by assuming that the
gases being exhausted are fed back into the intake system.
• The combustion process is replaced with a heat addition term Q in of equal
energy value.
• The open exhaust process, which carries a large amount of enthalpy out of
the system is replaced with a closed system heat rejection process Qout of
equal energy value.
• Actual engine processes are approximated with ideal processes.
(a) The almost-constant-pressure intake and exhaust strokes are assumed
to be constant pressure.
At WOT, the intake stroke is assumed to be at a pressure Po of one
atmosphere. At partially closed throttle or when supercharged, inlet
pressure will be some constant value other than one atmosphere. The
exhaust stroke pressure is assumed constant at one atmosphere.
(b) Compression strokes and expansion strokes are approximated by
processes. To be truly isentropic would require these strokes to be reversible
and adiabatic
(c) The combustion process is idealized by a constant-volume process (SI
cycle), a constant-pressure process (CI cycle), or a combination of both (CI
Dual cycle).
(d) Exhaust blowdown is approximated by a constant-volume process.
(e) All processes are considered reversible.
Exhaust Blowdown
• Exhaust Blowdown Late in the power stroke, the exhaust valve
is opened and exhaust blow down occurs. Pressure and
temperature in the cylinder are still high relative to the
surroundings at this point, and a pressure differential is created
through the exhaust system which is open to atmospheric
pressure. This pressure differential causes much of the hot
exhaust gas to be pushed out of the cylinder and through the
exhaust system when the piston is near BDC. This exhaust gas
carries away a high amount of enthalpy, which lowers the
cycle thermal efficiency. Opening the exhaust valve before
BDC reduces the work obtained during the power stroke but is
In air-standard cycles, air is considered an ideal gas such that the following ideal
gas relationships can be used:
• This is the cycle of most automobile engines and other four-stroke SI
• The intake stroke of the Otto cycle starts with the piston at TDC and is a
constant-pressure process at an inlet pressure of one atmosphere
(process 6-1).
• The temperature at point 1 will generally be on the order of 25° to 35°C
hotter than the surrounding air temperature.
• The second stroke of the cycle is the compression stroke, which in the
Otto cycle is an isentropic compression from BDC to TDC (process 1-2).
• The compression stroke is followed by a constant-volume heat input
process 2-3 at TDC. This replaces the combustion process of the real
engine cycle, which occurs at close to constant-volume conditions
• During combustion or heat input, a large amount of energy is added to
the air within the cylinder. This energy raises the temperature of the air
to very high values, giving peak cycle temperature at point 3
• The very high pressure and enthalpy values within the system at TDC
generate the power stroke (or expansion stroke) which follows combustion
(process 3-4).
• The Otto cycle replaces the exhaust blowdown open-system process of the
real cycle with a constant-volume pressure reduction, closed-system
process 4-5. Enthalpy loss during this process is replaced with heat
rejection in the engine analysis.
• It is not uncommon to find the Otto cycle shown with processes 6-1 and 5-
6 left off the figure. The reasoning to justify this is that these two
processes cancel each other thermodynamically and are not needed in
analyzing the cycle.
• When analyzing an Otto cycle, it is more convenient to work with specific
properties by dividing by the mass within the cylinder
This efficiency is the indicated thermal efficiency because heat transfer
values are to and from the air within the combustion chamber
Otto Cycle Diagram

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