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Module 26: Revisiting the 14- Learner-

Centered Psychological Principles
• Describe how the 14 principles are
connected to each of the modules
that was studied.
• Align the learnings/ insights gained
to the 14 principles
• Demonstrate appreciation of the
14 principles as a sound framework
for effectively facilitating learning.
Study the picture below:
Facilitating learning should be firmly
anchored on the 14 learner centered
psychological principles. The 14 principles
espouse that everyone in the learning
community is a learner, not just the students.
There is mutuality in learning. Student learn
from teachers. Student learn from one another.
And more importantly is teachers learn from
Applying the 14 principles, Eggen and Chauchak give us
Three Characteristics of Learner- Centered Instruction:
• Learners are at the center of the
learning process.
• Teacher guides students’ construction
of understanding.
• Teachers teach for understanding.
Learners are at the center of the
learning process
The criticisms of direct instruction have led
educators to put more emphasis on the role of the
student in the learning process. Many opted for a
more student-centered environment as opposed to
the traditional teacher-centered set-up. Learners
are given more choices. Learning activities are
designed with the needs, interests and
developmental levels of the learners in foremost
Teacher guides students’ construction
of understanding.
The 14 principles were put together because of the
growing implications of research in cognitive
psychology. Teachers in learner-centered classrooms
provide a lot of opportunity for the learners to actively
think, figure out things and learn on their own. The
teacher serves more as a facilitator, a “guide on the
side” rather than a “sage on stage”
Teachers teach for understanding
Students are placed at the center of the learning
process. The teachers help them to take
responsibility for their learning. As a result,
students, through their own active search and
experimentation, experience a movement from
confusion to searching for answers, to discovery,
and finally to understanding.
The Program Intended Learning Outcomes Addressed (PILOs)
by Facilitating Learning

PILO Assessment Task

a. have ... • Share learning skills that you have learned.
LEARNING skills Prove that your acquired learning skills will help
for lifelong learning you embark on lifelong learning.
• Teach a group of elementary/secondary students
some tips on learning skills. Make use of a
powerpoint presentation. Good for 40 minutes.
Convince them that these learning skills are
essential for lifelong learning.
PILO Assessment Task
b. have a deep and principled • Make a Table of 2 columns. In Column
understanding of the learning 1, state a principle of learning and in
processes and the role of the Column 2, describe the facilitating role
teacher in facilitating these of the teacher to ensure learning. Get a
processes in their students. learning partner and do Columns 1 and
2, alternately.
c. have a deep and principled Cite instances to prove that for education
understanding of how to be relevant, it must relate to: a.)
educational processes relate to historical, b.) social, c.) cultural and d.)
larger historical, social, political processes.
cultural, and political processes.
PILO Assessment Task
d. can facilitate learning of • On seperate Tables, identify different
diverse types of learners, in groups of learners according to
diverse type of learning learning styles and multiple
environments, using a wide intellegences. The first column
range of teaching knowledge contains the different learning styles/
and skills. multiple intellegences and the second
column contains the learning activities
that you will make use of to make
them learn what happens in the process
of mitosis.
PILO Assessment Task
d. can facilitate learning of • On seperate Tables, identify different
diverse types of learners, in groups of learners according to
diverse type of learning learning styles and multiple
environments, using a wide intellegences. The first column
range of teaching knowledge contains the different learning styles/
and skills. multiple intellegences and the second
column contains the learning activities
that you will make use of to make
them learn what happens in the process
of mitosis.
PILO Assessment Task
d. can facilitate learning of 2. Students can also vary in language,
diverse types of learners, in culture, and in home background. Give
diverse type of learning POINTS to REMEBER in dealing and
environments, using a wide teaching these diverse types of learners.
range of teaching knowledge POINTS TO REMEBER WHEN
and skills. TEACHING ______ (mention the type of
PILO Assessment Task
d. can facilitate learning of 3. Describe your strategies to facilitate the
diverse types of learners, in learning of children who belong to the
diverse type of learning Indigenous People’s group. The lesson is
environments, using a wide on care for the environment and the
range of teaching knowledge learning outcome is for IP children to
and skills. maintain their cultural practic es in
preserving the environment.
Thank You

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