Ch. 14 Cont - Managerial Cost Concepts

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Ch. 14 cont.

- Managerial Cost Concepts

Learning Objectives:
1. Describe the three classes of manufacturing cost.
2. Differentiate between product costs and period costs.
3. Compute cost of goods manufactured and prepare
financial statements for a manufacturer.
3 Classes of Manufacturing Costs
Manufacturing consists of activities and processes that convert raw
materials into finished goods.

Direct Materials

Basic materials used in manufacturing process.

Direct Materials
Raw materials that are p_________ and d________
associated with the finished product during the manufacturing
Indirect Materials
1. Not physically part of the finished product OR

2. They are impractical to trace to the finished product

because their physical association with the finished
product is too small in terms of cost.

Considered part of manufacturing overhead.
Direct Labor

Direct labor
Work of factory employees that can be
p_____________ and d____________
associated with converting raw materials into
finished goods.

Indirect Labor
Wages of maintenance workers, security guards,
supervisors (employees with no physical association with the
finished product or for which it is impractical to trace costs to
the goods produced.)

Manufacturing Overhead

 Costs that are i_____________ associated with

manufacturing the finished product.
 Includes all manufacturing costs except direct materials
and direct labor.
 Also called factory overhead, indirect manufacturing
costs, or burden.

 Examples include:

Indirect materials
Indirect labour
Amortization on factory buildings, Insurance and
5 maintenance on factory facilities LO 2
Product Versus Period Costs

Product Versus Period Costs
Product Costs
 Costs that are an integral part of producing the product.
 Recorded in “i_______________” account.
 Not an expense (COGS) until the goods are sold.

Period Costs
 Non-manufacturing costs.
 Charged to e_______________ as incurred.
 Includes all selling & administrative costs

Classify these costs:
-------------------------- Product Costs ---------------------- Period Cost

Direct Materials Direct Labor Mfg Overhead Period Costs

Material cost ($25) per board

Labor cost ($37) per board

Depreciation on factory
equipment ($25,000) per year.

Property taxes on factory

building ($15,000) per year

Advertising costs ($45,000) per

Sales commissions ($20) per
Factory maintenance salaries
Salary of plant manager
($70,000) per year
Cost of shipping boards ($8 per

Prime Costs and Conversion Costs

• Prime costs are the sum of all direct

m________ costs and direct l________ costs.
These are all direct manufacturing costs.
• Conversion costs are the sum of all direct
l______ costs and manufacturing overhead
costs, which together are the costs of
converting raw materials into a final product.
Prime Costs and Conversion Costs

Prime costs and conversion costs

Manufacturing Costs in
Financial Statements
Income Statement
• The income statement for a manufacturer is
similar to that of a merchandiser except for the
cost of goods sold section
Cost of Goods Sold – “COGS”

Recall: How do you calculate the cost of the goods sold

during the year using a periodic inventory system?

COGS is an e___________ of making the sale.

12 LO 3
How do you calculate COGS?

Cost of Goods Sold Components

Merchandiser versus Manufacturer

Costs of goods sold components

Income Statement
COGS sections of merchandising and manufacturing income statements.

Cost of Goods Manufactured

For a business that manufactures its inventory, you can see that
the costs to make inventory must be tracked because at year-
end there may be some products still in process.
- The cost of goods being manufactured is tracked through a an
account called W_________ I___ P______________


15 LO 3
Cost of Goods Manufactured Schedule

Balance Sheet

Inventory accounts for a manufacturer

- typically 3 types of inventory

The balance sheet for a merchandising company shows just

one category of inventory.
17 LO 3
Balance Sheet
Current assets sections of merchandising and manufacturing balance

Balance Sheet: Inventories
• Manufacturing companies may have 3 inventory accounts:

1. Raw materials inventory – shows the cost of raw

materials on hand
2. Work in process inventory – shows the cost applicable
to units on which production has started
but is only partially complete
3. Finished goods inventory – shows the cost of completed
goods on hand

• Merchandising companies have only one category of

inventory: Merchandise inventory


Let’s Review

What amount is given by the sum of direct materials,

direct labour, and manufacturing overhead incurred?

a. Total cost of work in process

b. Cost of goods available for sale
c. Total manufacturing costs
d. Cost of goods manufactured
Let’s Review

In a manufacturer’s balance sheet, three inventories

may be reported: (1) raw materials, (2) work in
process, and (3) finished goods. In what sequence do
theses inventories generally appear on a balance
a. (1), (2), (3)
b. (2), (3), (1)
c. (3), (1), (2)
d. (3), (2), (1)

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