Convexity Calculation

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Convexity Calculation

Interpretation of Convexity Values

Higher Convexity and Lower Interest Rate Risk

 Bonds with higher convexity values are less sensitive to interest rate changes, offering lower
interest rate risk.
 Higher convexity indicates that the bond's price will experience smaller fluctuations in response
to interest rate shifts, providing a cushion against rate changes.
Lower Convexity and Higher Interest Rate Risk
 Bonds with lower convexity values are more sensitive to interest rate changes, exposing
investors to higher interest rate risk.
 Lower convexity suggests that the bond's price will experience larger fluctuations in response to
interest rate shifts, increasing the potential for losses.
 Dollar Convexity : t*(t+1)*Cf/(1+y)^(t+2)
Bond  Convexity : [t*(t+1)*Cf/(1+y)^(t+2)]/p
Coupon Rate 7%
Par Value 1000
Years Mat 4
YTM 3%

Macaulay Dollar Convexity

Duration (4)
Time (1) Cash Flow (2) PV of Cash Flows
(1)x(3)/Price Conv
1Coupon 70 67.96117 0.059164 128.120 128.1198323 0.111536192
2 70 65.98171 0.114882 373.165 373.1645601 0.324862696
Bond A 3 70 64.05992 0.167304 724.591 724.5913789 0.630801351
Coupon +
4 Principal 1070 950.68114 3.310506 17922.163 17922.16309 15.60234502
1148.68394 3.651857 19148.039 19148.03886 16.66954526 16.66954526
Bond B 4Principal 1000 888.48705 4 16749.685 18.85191818

Modified Change in Bond Price Δp = Δy Change in Bond Price Δp = Δy

Macaulay x (4) x (4) + 0.5*(7)*Δy2
Duration Dollar Covexity
Bond (1) Duration Convexity (7)
(3) = (6)
(2) Dollar Duration Δy = .005 Δy = .02 Δy = .005 Δy = .02
(4) = -P*(3)
A 3.6519 3.5455 -4072.6494 -20.3632 -81.4530 19148.039 16.6695 -20.1239 -77.6234
B 4.0000 3.8835 -3450.4351 -17.2522 -69.0087 16749.685 18.8519 -17.0428 -65.6588
 Dollar Convexity : t*(t+1)*Cf/(1+y)^(t+2)
 Convexity : [t*(t+1)*Cf/(1+y)^(t+2)]/p
 If the only modified duration is used:
 Change in price = – Modified Duration *Change in yield
 Change in price for 1% increase in yield = ( – 4.59*1%) = -4.59%
 So the price would decrease by 41.83
 To accommodate the convex shape of the graph, the change in price formula changes to:
 Change in price = [–Modified Duration *Change in yield] +[1/2 * Convexity*(change
in yield)2]
 Change in price for 1% increase in yield = [-4.59*1 %] + [1/2 *26.2643* 1%] = -4.46%
 So the price would decrease by only 40.64 instead of 41.83
 This shows how, for the same 1% increase in yield, the predicted price decrease changes
if the only duration is used as against when the convexity of the price yield curve is also
A 8%, 7 year coupon bond and a zero. The YTM is 12%.
1. Calculate the price of the bonds
2. Calculate the Macaulay, Modified and dollar duration of the bonds.
3. If the price changes by 1% then what will be the new price?
4. Do you think the price change calculated by duration is accurate? If not then calculate the corrected price change.

Coupon Rate 8%
Par Value 1000
Years Mat 7
YTM 12%

Macaulay Dollar Convexity

Time (1) Cash Flow (2) PV of Cash Flows Duration (4)
= Conv
1Coupon 80 71.42857 0.087380 113.885 113.8848 0.139317238
2Coupon 80 63.77551 0.156035 305.049 305.0487 0.373171173
3Coupon 80 56.94242 0.208976 544.730 544.7298 0.666377094
4Coupon 80 50.84145 0.248781 810.610 810.6098 0.991632581
Bond A
5Coupon 80 45.39415 0.277657 1085.638 1085.638 1.328079349
6Coupon 80 40.53049 0.297490 1357.048 1357.048 1.660099187
Coupon +
7 Principal 1080 488.53715 4.183450 21809.694 21809.69 26.6801655
817.44974 5.459769 26026.653 26026.65 31.83884212 31.83884212
Bond B 7 Principal 100 45.23492 7 2019.416 44.64285714

Modified Dollar Duration Change in Bond Price Δp = Δy x Change in Bond Price Δp = Δy x Change in Bond Price Δp = Δy x
Macaulay (4) (4) + 0.5*(6)*Δy2 (3) + 0.5*(7)*Δy2
Duration Dollar Covexity Convexity
Bond (1) Duration
(3) = (6) (7)
(2) Δy = .005 Δy = .01 Δy = .005 Δy = .01 Δy = .005 Δy = .01
(2)/(1+y) (4) = -P*(3)
A 5.4598 4.8748 -3984.8986 -19.9245 -39.8490 26026.653 31.8388 -19.5992 -38.5477 2.48% 5.034%
B 7.0000 6.2500 -282.7183 -1.4136 -2.8272 2019.416 44.6429 -1.3883 -2.7262 3.18% 6.473%

797.52525 797.85058 797.1999

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