December 27 MP

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2rd Octave ofChristmas

Feast of St.
the Apostle
December. 27, 2023
O Sacred Feast, in which
we partake of Christ; His
sufferings are
remembered, our minds
are filled with His grace
and we receive the pledge
of the glory which is to
V: You gave them brea
from heaven to be their

R: And this bread

contained all goodness.
Let us pray:

Lord Jesus Christ, / You

gave us the Eucharist/ as
the memorial of Your
suffering and death./ May
our worship of this
sacrament / of Your body
and blood
help us to experience the
salvation You won for
us / and the peace of
Your Kingdom / where
You live with the Father
and the Holy Spirit / one
God forever and ever.
Come Holy Spirit, fill the
hearts of your faithful, and
enkindle in them the fire of Your

V: Send forth Your Spirit and

they shall be created,

R: And You shall renew the

face of the earth.
Let us pray,

O God who has taught

the hearts of the
faithful by the light of
the Holy Spirit, grant
that by the gift of the
same Spirit,
we may always be
truly wise and ever
rejoice in His
consolation through
Christ our Lord. Amen.
Leader: Lord, open my

All: and my mouth shall

declare Your praise
Invitatory Antiphon

Come, let us
worship the Lord,
the King of
everlasting is
Invitatory Antiphon

Come, let us
worship the Lord,
the King of
Hymn 169

1. Now let the heav’vns

re sound with praise.
And all on earth their
voices raise. in song to
honor solemnly the
great apostles’s victory.
2. Just judges of the
world we praise. True
lights for earth
through endless days;
the homage of our
hearts we pay; o hear
your people as they
3. The gates of heav’n
your word obey. To
welcome in or send
away. We pray:
Command our sins to
flee; From bonds of
guit your brothers.
4. Disease and health
bow down to you.
respond as you command
them to. O heal us of
our sickness now. with
virtue’s light our souls
5. So, when the world is
at its end, and Christ
for judgment shall
descend. May he grant
answer to our prayer.
and bid us: “Come,”your
joys to share.
6. All glory be to God.
he sent apostles in his
love. Whose teaching
broke the clouds of
night and leads us on to
heaven’s light.
Ant. 1. John, the
apostle and evangelist,
a virgin chosen by the
Lord, was loved by the
Lord above the others.
O God you are my
God, for you I long;
For you my soul is
My body pines for you
Like a dry, weary land
without water.
So I gaze on you in
the sanctuary
To see your strength
and your glory.
For your love is better
than life,
My lips will speak your
So I will bless you all
my life,
In your name I will lift
up my hands.
My soul shall be filled
as with a banquet,
My mouth shall praise
you with joy.
On my bed I
remember you.
On you I muse
through the night
For you have been my
In the shadow of your
wings I rejoice.
My soul clings to you;
Your right hand holds
me fast.
Give glory to the Father,
To His Son, Jesus Christ
the Lord
To the Spirit who dwells
in our hearts
Both now and forever.
Psalm Prayer

Father, creator of unfailing

light, give that same light to
those who call to you. May our
lips praise you; our lives
proclaim your goodness; our
work give you honor, and our
voices celebrate you for ever.
Ant. 2 To the virgin
John, Christ, dying on
the cross, entrusted
his virgin mother.
Bless the Lord, all you
works of the Lord.
Praise and exalt him
above all forever.
Angels of the Lord,
bless the Lord.
You heavens,
bless the Lord.
All you waters above
the heavens,
bless the Lord.
All you host of the
Lord, bless the Lord,
Sun and moon,
bless the Lord.
Stars of heaven,
bless the Lord.
Every shower and dew,
bless the Lord.
Praise and exalt Him
above all forever.
All you winds,
bless the Lord.
Fire and heat
bless the Lord.
Cold and chill,
bless the Lord.
Dew and rain,
bless the Lord.
Frost and chill,
bless the Lord.
Ice and snow,
bless the Lord.
Nights and days,
bless the Lord.
Light and darkness,
bless the Lord.
Lightnings and clouds,
bless the Lord.
Praise and exalt Him
above all forever.
Let the earth bless
the Lord.
Praise and exalt him
above all forever.
Mountains and hills,
bless the Lord.
Everything growing
from the earth,
bless the Lord.
You springs,
bless the Lord.
Seas and rivers,
bless the Lord.
You dolphins and all
water creatures,
bless the Lord.
All you birds of the
air,bless the Lord,
All you beast, wild and
tame,bless the Lord
Praise and exalt Him
above all forever.
You sons of men, bless
the Lord.
Praise and exalt Him
above all forever.
O Israel, bless the
Praise and exalt him
above all forever.
Priest of the Lord,
bless the Lord.
Servants of the Lord,

bless the Lord.

Spirits and souls of
the just,
bless the Lord.
Holy men of humble
heart, bless the Lord.
Hananiah, Azariah,
Mishael, bless the
Praise and exalt him
above all forever.
Let us bless Father,
and the Son and the
Holy Spirit.
Let us praise and exalt
him above all forever
Blessed are you, Lord,
in the firmament of
Praiseworthy and
glorious and exalted
above all forever
Ant 3: The disciple whom
Jesus loved cried out: It
is the Lord, alleluia.
Sing a new song to the
His praise in the
assembly of the
Let Israel rejoice in
its maker,
Let Zion's exult in
their king.
Let them praise his
name with dancing
And make music with
timbrel and harp.
For the Lord takes
delight in his people.
He crowns the poor
with salvation.
Let the faithful rejoice
in their glory,
Shout for joy and take
their rest.
Let the praise of God
be on their lips
And a two-edged sword
in their hand,
To deal our vengeance
to the nations
And punishment on all
the peoples;
To bind their kings in
And their nobles in
fetters of iron;
To carry out the
sentence pre-ordained;
This honor is for all his
Give glory to the
Father, Almighty
To His Jesus Christ the
To the Spirit who
dwells in our hearts
Both now and forever,
Psalm Prayer

Let Israel rejoice in you, Lord,

and acknowledge you as creator
and redeemer. We put our trust
in your faithfulness and proclaim
the wonderful truths of
salvation. May your loving
kindness embrace us now and for

Acts 4:19-20
Peter and John answered,
“Judge for yourselves
whether it is right in
God’s sight for us to obey
you rather than God.
Surely we cannot help
speaking of what we have
heard and seen.”
Thanks be to God.

You have made them

rulers over all the
— You have made them
rulers over all the
They will always
remember your name, O
— over all the earth.
Glory to the Father, and
to the Son, and to the
Holy Spirit.
— You have made them
rulers over all the earth.
Canticle of Zechariah

Ant. The Word was

made flesh and lived
among us, and we have
seen his glory.
God of Israel, You’ve
come to us and set your
people free. In David’s
house, You’ve raised for

Us our Savior and our

Through the prophets
You did promise us
protection from our foes.
Your covenant is holy,
Your mercy knows no
All our lives we will
remember how You
saved us from all
harm. We will worship
You and stand before
your loving gaze, O
The child who shall be
prophet will prepare
the way to God.
Salvation shall be
known to us by God’s
redeeming hand
Your light will shine
upon us, Lord, because
of Your great love. No
longer will we dwell in
darkness or in fear of
The rising sun from
heav’n will guide us in
the way of peace. Your
works are kind and
merciful; how blest are
you, O Lord.
God of Israel, You’ve
come to us and set your
people free.
In David’s house, You’ve
raised for us our Savior
and our peace.
Canticle of Zechariah

Ant. The Word was

made flesh and lived
among us, and we have
seen his glory.

My sisters, we build on
the foundation of the
apostles. Let us pray to
our almighty Father for
his holy people and say:
Be mindful of your
Church, O Lord.
Father, you wanted your
Son to be seen first by the
apostles after the
resurrection from the dead,
— we ask you to make us
his witnesses to the farthest
corners of the world.
You sent your Son to
preach your good news
to the poor,
— help us to preach
this Gospel to every
You sent your Son to
sow the seed of
unending life,
— grant that we who
work at sowing the
seed may share the
joy of the harvest.
You sent your Son to
reconcile all men to
you through his blood,
— help us all to work
toward achieving this

God our Father, You have

revealed the mysteries of
your Wordthrough John
the apostle.By prayer and
reflectionmay we come to
understand the wisdom he
Grant this through our
Lord Jesus Christ, your
Son, who lives and reigns
with you and the Holy
Spirit,God, for ever and
ever. Amen.

O, sweet and gentle

Lady,/ Immaculate
Mother of God,/ we
choose you this day
to be the Mistress
and Lady of this
house./ Guard it dear
Mother from
pestilence,/ fire,/
tempest and
earthquakes, from
schisms and heresies,
from depredation of
and the malice of the
enemies. Protect its
inmates Sweet Mary
Watch over our going
out and our coming in;
and preserve us from
sudden death. Keep us
from all sins and harm
And pray for us to
God that we may
live in His service
and depart from
this life in His
grace. Amen.
O Mary conceived
without sin.

All: Pray for us

you have recourse
to you.
Prayer for Vocations

O Jesus, Divine
Shepherd of souls,
Who called the
Apostles to become
fishers of men,
now call the ardent
and generous hearts
of our youth to make
them Your followers
and ministers.
Let them share your
thirst for that
universal redemption
for which you daily
renew your Sacrifice
upon the altar.
O Lord Jesus, always
living to make
intercession for us,
extend our horizon to
the entire world
where so many
make silent
supplication for the
light of truth and the
warmth of love,
so that answering Your
call, many young men
may prolong here Your
edify Your mystical
Body the church and
become the salt of
the earth and the
light of the world.
Extend, O Lord, your
loving call to many pure
and generous-hearted
young women,
that they may grow in
their desire for
evangelical perfection
and may dedicate
themselves to the
service of the Church
and their neighbors
who so desperately
need such assistance
and charity. Amen

May God the Father bless us

May God the Son heal us
May God the Holy Spirit
enlighten us
and give us eyes to see with,
ears to hear with,
hands to do the work of God
Feet to walk with
and mouth to preach the
Word of Salvation with.
And may the angel of peace
watch over us and
lead us at last to the
Lord’s gift of the Kingdom.

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