Electrochemical Methods Lecture Slides VIII
Electrochemical Methods Lecture Slides VIII
Electrochemical Methods Lecture Slides VIII
To learn about the concept of rotating platinum electrode and reason for its rotation.
To make students familiar with different advantages of rotating platinum electrode and its
comparison with DME.
To learn about the pharmaceutical applications of rotating platinum electrode.
To learn about Gold Electrode and about its pharmaceutical applications in electrochemistry.
To make students familiar with gold electrodes (CDtrodes) using recordable CDs as the gold source.
To learn about Carbon Electrode and about its pharmaceutical applications in electrochemistry.
To make students familiar with advances in the field of electrochemical devices.
Previous Lecture
• Before going further, recall that we have learnt that
Membrane potential led to the development of a new class of indicator electrodes which are called as “Ion
Selective Electrodes” or ISEs.
A membrane potential results from a chemical interaction between the analyte and active sites on the
membrane surface.
As signals depends on a chemical process, most membranes are not selective toward a single analyte. Instead,
the membrane potential is proportional to the concentration of each ion that interacts with the membrane’s
active sites.
A solid state ion selective electrode has a membrane that consists of either a polycrystalline inorganic salt or
a single crystal of an inorganic salt.
Unlike a glass membrane ion-selective electrode, a solid state ISE does not need to be conditioned before it is
used, and it may be stored dry.
A number of membrane electrodes respond to the concentration of a dissolved gas. The basic design of a gas-
sensing electrode, consists of a thin membrane that separates the sample from an inner solution that contains
an ion-selective electrode.
The approach for developing gas-sensing electrodes can be modified to create potentiometric electrodes that
respond to a biochemically important species.
The most common class of potentiometric biosensors are enzyme electrodes which are able to trap or
immobilize an enzyme at the surface of potentiometric electrode.
Rotating Platinum Electrode
Amperometric titration can be carried out with a rotating platinum electrode. The electrode is
mounted on shaft of the motor and rotated at constant speed of 600 RPM.
The rotating platinum electrode includes a conductive disk embedded in an inert non-
conductive polymer or resin that can be attached to an electric motor that has very fine control
of the electrode's rotation rate. .
Rotating platinum electrode is to identify and quantify Dissolved oxygen and peroxides, trace
metals and metal-containing drugs, antiseptics and insecticides as well as for blood serum and
cancer diagnosis.
Gold electrodes used in stripping analysis of many ionic species and the extraordinary affinity
of thio compounds for its surface make these electrodes very suitable for many applications.
A simple and novel way to construct gold electrodes (CDtrodes) using recordable CDs as the
gold source.
The high surface area coupled with an open pore network makes nanoporous gold an ideal
support for the development of chemical sensors.
New sensing strategies have been considered and cyclodextrins (CDs) have been selected as
potential candidates to provide selectivity to future electrochemical sensing-devices.
Particularly for electrochemical devices, β-CDs are the most commonly used since their ring-size
well matches with a large number of target diagnostic-molecules and since, usually, they are
enough low-costs material.
Carbon electrodes are used in electrolysis due to their competence as a conductor and the
number of free electrons they have available for transfer.
Carbon electrodes have excellent electrical and thermal conductivity, heat resistance, chemical
resistance, high mechanical strength, and easy processing and forming and they are widely used
in metallurgy, chemical industry, electrochemistry and other industries.
Further Reading and References
• Pharmaceutical Analysis Vol II by Dr. Anees Ahmad Siddiqui.