Forensic Dna Phenotyping (FDP)

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What is DNA Phenotype?
Phenotype is the observable physical or biochemical
characteristics of an organism, as determined by both
genetic makeup and environmental influences. Phenotyping
is the ability to assign these characteristics to an organism
based on certain measurable parameters. In the case of
DNA phenotyping, it is limited to the sole use of genetic
information such as DNA to determine a phenotype.
 Forensic DNA Phenotyping (FDP) is a young field of
forensic genetics and includes, in its widest sense, the
extraction of information on human phenotypes via
molecular analysis from biological crime scene samples.
Currently, FDP mostly involves the prediction of human
externally visible characteristics (EVCs), and sometimes the
inference of biogeographic ancestry, from DNA.
Limitation of DNA Profiling
 Forensic DNA analysis, i.e., the identification of persons via short
tandem repeat (STR) profile matching of unknown evidence
material with reference material from known persons, has been
considered the golden standard in forensic sciences. However,
one of the major limitations of this comparative approach of DNA
identification, likewise applying to STRs and single nucleotide
polymorphisms (SNP), is that it typically fails to identify persons
whose STR or SNP profile is not already known to the

 In the absence of any other information that provides leads for

tracing unknown forensic sample donors, cold cases can wait for
various periods of time (sometimes for very long), before the
evidence STR profile is matched with a known person
subsequently added to the grown forensic DNA database or
delivered as suspect by police re-investigation of the given case.
DNA Mass screening:
 DNA mass screenings can be carried out in cases where no
DNA profile match is obtained and no other evidence is
available. In such DNA dragnets, larger number of persons
(hundreds to thousands), usually those living in the
geographic region where the crime occurred, are invited to
voluntarily provide a saliva sample for STR profiling.
 If the true perpetrator does not participate but only close
relatives do, familial search is able to identify them, which
provides investigative leads to find the unknown perpetrator
 Since a Y-STR profile identifies a man together with all his
paternal male relatives, close and distant ones, a Y-STR
dragnet is more effective than dragnets based on autosomal
STRs (or SNPs).
Role of FDP in Forensics:
 These limitations of comparative DNA profiling stimulated a
relatively new development within forensic genetics, i.e., Forensic
DNA Phenotyping (FDP).
 FDP aims to determine the unknown stain or sample donor’s
externally visible characteristics (EVCs) from DNA directly from the
biological material left behind at the scene of crime, or obtained
from unknown bodies.
 FDP outcomes can serve as “biological witness”, and may
potentially provide even more accurate information than human
eyewitnesses do, who are known to be unreliable.

 FDP is expected to provide investigative leads allowing to trace

unknown perpetrators, who are not identifiable via conventional
comparative DNA profiling.
 FDP is also expected to be useful for missing persons identification,
i.e., in cases where reference DNA profile from putative ante-
mortem samples, or from putative relatives are unavailable.
Different Developments in FDP

 Appearance prediction from DNA for forensic usage started

in the early 2000s’ and first progressed very slowly. The
main reason for the relatively late introduction of forensic
appearance prediction from DNA is the (still) limited
knowledge about the genetics of most human EVCs. Even
though it takes the same technological equipment and
statistical methods to identify disease genes as to find EVC
genes, our knowledge about inherited diseases is currently
more advanced than on how we look.
 Of all EVCs, those that involve pigmentation i.e., variation in
the coloration of the human iris, head hair, and (less so) skin,
are the best and currently the only examples of practical
FDP due to least genetically complex of all EVCs
 Human EVCs typically carry a large genetic component, The problem
with highly complex genetic traits, as realized for many common
diseases, is that every individual gene contributes only a small proportion
of the phenotypic variance, and only the combination of a large number
of genetic factors may explain the overall inherited component.
 If however a gene only has a small individual effect on the phenotypic
trait, it is difficult to be identified with the current toolbox used by genetic
epidemiologists, because the measurable statistical signal is minutely
small. Therefore it requires the use of large sets of individuals to identify
such small genetic effects with the needed level of statistical
 Since the genomic tools used for finding genes, such as SNP
microarrays, whole genome sequencing are expensive so carrying out
genome-wide association studies (GWASs) on large numbers of
individuals (i.e., tens of thousands) with large numbers of single
nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) (i.e., hundreds of thousands and
more) quickly becomes unaffordable for the average single laboratory.
 Consequently, given the complex genetic nature of EVCs, only large
collaborative efforts will allow unveiling their genetic basis as a
prerequisite for developing predictive DNA markers and tools for practical
Eye colour:
 The first comprehensive DNA prediction study on eye color
was published in 2009 by Liu et al. , where the authors
selected from previous publications 37 SNPs from 8
pigmentation genes, and investigated their eye color
predictive capacity in a total of >6100 Dutch Europeans.
 In a parallel study published in 2010, Valenzuela et al.
tested 75 SNPs from 24 pigmentation candidate genes for
their predictive effect on pigmentation variation in eye, hair,
and skin using >780 Europeans and non-Europeans.
 Based on previous findings together with the SNP prediction
rankings observed by Liu et al., the first DNA-based eye
color prediction system for forensic usage was developed by
Walsh et al.and published in 2010/2011.
Hair colour:
 The first DNA test allowing to predict hair color was restricted
to red hair and published in 2001 by Grimes et al. In 2007,
Branicki et their systematic hair color prediction study
used 46 SNPs from 13 genes previously associated with hair
color and tested them for their predictive value in 385
Europeans from Poland.
 Based on previous findings together with the SNP prediction
rankings observed by Branicki et al. , the first DNA test system
for predicting all categorical hair colors in combination with
categorical eye color prediction, was developed and published
in 2013. This HIrisPlex system includes a single multiplex
genotyping assay for 24 eye and hair color predicting SNPs,
including all 6 from IrisPlex, as well as two prediction models,
one for hair color and the previous IrisPlex model for eye color
Skin colour:
 Compared to eye and hair color prediction, much less
genetic knowledge is currently available for skin color
variation. Our knowledge about the genes that determine
skin color variation is far less complete than it is for eye and
hair color. This mostly is because of the global distribution of
skin color variation versus the mostly European distribution
of eye and hair color variation,
 In 2014, Maronas et al. published the first comprehensive
skin color prediction study investigating 59 SNPs previously
associated with skin, eye, and hair color in a small set of
280 samples from European and non-European individuals,
Current progress and future
prospective of FDP

 Body Height
 Hair loss / Baldness
 Age
 Hair structure / morphology
 Face
Burdens of FDP

 Artificially altered appearance

 Multiplex genotyping issue
 Ethical issues
 Legal issues
 Limited scientific knowledge
 Limited funding

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