BHEL 2023 Mini Cases B

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BHEL 2023

Dealing with Section B – Mini Case

• Before taking up her position as the Chief Consultant in a
software company named SOFT Corporation, Helen had
enjoyed her career in YTM Sdn Bhd as a Deputy Chief
Consultant. The management style there had suited her
personality and people liked working with her in YTM Sdn
Bhd. But her new post has not been easy as her staff
members put in their resignations due to unattractive salary
as compared to the workload. The previous Chief Consultant
did not bother to look into staff welfare. The CEO, Derrick,
wants Helen to reduce the number of staff leaving the

• Identify the issue or problem in this situation. (3 marks)

• Suggest TWO solutions to solve the problem. (10 marks)
• Justify each solution with ONE reason for your choice.
(12 marks)
Identification of Poor retention rates among staff
Suggestion of a. Helen should suggest to Derrick to have attractive
solutions salary and attractive remuneration package.
b. Helen should suggest to provide adequate training
they have the requisite skills as it has a number of
further functions that will aid retention.

Justifications a. Salary should be set at such level that it is seen to

be competitive with similar positions that
individuals compare their roles. The complete
remuneration package should be considered to aid
staff retention.
b. If adequate training is given it sends a signal that
the staff members are valued and they are more
likely to stay in apposition if they are receiving
• Richard Gan is a software programmer with Compucomm Sdn
Bhd. For the past six months, he has been late for work and
meetings. Besides, all his work has been pending in the office.
He pays more attention to his part-time work which he does
online and also tutors at a Computer Training Centre. Due to
this, all the other staff members in Richard’s department are
overloaded with more work. The manager came to know of
Richard Gan’s poor attendance and work performance. The
manager also overhears of Richard’s part-time work which is
against the company rules and regulations.

• a. Identify the issue or problem in this situation. (3 marks)

• b. Suggest TWO solutions to solve the problem. (10 marks)
• c. Justify each solution with ONE reason for your choice.(12 marks)

Identification of problem Poor time management/dishonesty/poor decision

Suggestion of solutions a. The manager should talk to Richard Gan regarding his
low performance and poor time management face to
face. He should ask Richard for clarification .

b. Richard Gan should make his decision of either

remaining in his work or resign and concentrate
with his part-time work.

Justifications a. The unwritten rule "honesty is the best policy" applies

here. Richard will know that what he has been doing is
against the rules and regulations and he should not
commit to part-time work and neglect his full time duties
as they have caused a lot of problems.

b. Due to his poor time management, Richard Gan has

no choice but to choose between working in
Compucomm or his part-time work .He has to be
responsible for his mistake which is poor time
• In February 2013, Mr Kamal was appointed the Dean of the
Faculty of Life Sciences. The post of the dean was vacant
since February 2012. In the faculty office, the Chief
Administrative Assistant, Puan Limah, started her duty in
July 2012 but she was absent quite often. An assistant, Mr
Andrew Low was sent in October 2012. Mr. Andrew Low
realised that the things were not in order in the office.

• a. Identify the issue or problem in this situation. (3 marks)
• b. Suggest TWO solutions to solve the problem. (10 marks)
• c. Justify each solution with ONE reason for your choice.(12
Identification of Poor office management/Negligence
Suggestion of a. Duties need to be delegated immediately among
solutions the office staff and set a deadline to complete
those duties.
b. Mr Kamal must supervise and observe every office
staff members on their given duties so that they
will improve their efficiency at work.

Justifications a. As the office is managed poorly, duties must be

delegated among staff members to complete their
duties on the deadline given as this is the fastest
way to put the office in order
b. Since there was no dean for a year, the staff
members were not supervised hence they became
negligent in carrying out their duties which has led
to poor office management.
• Danny is a Department Manager. He is a
talented person who adds a vast amount of
needed knowledge and experience to the
company. He is also extremely dedicated to
the company. However, there were several
complaints on company surveys about him.
People have commented that Danny is rude
during meetings and does not let others
contribute. The turnover rate in his
department is also high. He often talks about
his staff “negatively” to other managers.
• Identify the issue or problem that you, as Danny’s immediate superior,
is facing in this situation. (3 marks)

• Danny is rude, arrogant and mean. He is egoistic because of his superior knowledge and
experience. He is very outspoken and as a result many people found him to be very rude.

• Elaborate on TWO (2) suggested solutions. (10 marks)

– Talk to Danny and evaluate his behavior.
– Establish a plan of disciplinary action based on your documentation, evaluation,
company guidelines or Human Resource consultant recommendations.

• Justify that solution with TWO (2) reasons for your choice. (12 marks)
– An employee who is rude, arrogant and mean can disrupt workplace productivity,
intimidate coworkers, corrupt a team and lead to potential legal or safety problems
for a business.
– Danny might not be aware that he was behaving in an offensive way. This verbal
discussion might provide him with a chance to explain his behaviour. However, it is
important to make it clear to Danny that his behavior is not acceptable. If he is open
to training to improve his communication skills, schedule a meeting to discuss.

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