Post Cold War (1900-2000)

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Post Cold War(1900-2000)

Sadaf Mumtaz
Sem 7
The post-Cold War era refers to the time period after the end of the Cold War which
was a long-lasting political and military tension between the United States and the
Soviet Union. This era began around the early 1990s when the Soviet Union
collapsed. During this time, there were significant changes in global politics and
relationships between countries, leading to a shift in power dynamics. The world
transitioned from a bipolar system dominated by the U.S. and the Soviet Union to a
period where the United States became the primary superpower.
Gulf war:
The first crisis soon after cold war was gulf war. It started when Saddam Hussein
invaded Iraq neighboring Kuwait that was rich in oil on 2 Aug,1990 & claimed it as
Iraq provinces. United National Security Council warned Iraq to retreat by 15
Jan,1991, but they didn’t. US –led coalition of 30 nations assemble 7 lakh troops in
Saudi Arabia and launched Operation Desert Storm, destroyed Iraq oil refineries, air
defenses and major infrastructure. In 28 Feb, 1991 Kuwait was released and war
Disintegration of USSR:
The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics had 15 republics before its integration in
1991. Russia was one of the republics and other 14 include three Baltic Republics
Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia & several Muslim Republics of Central Asian of former
Soviet Union.
• People in many east European countries(Poland, Rumania, Hungary, Germany)
started protested against their own Government and USSR & discarded one party
• Germany that was divided into capitalist west and socialist USSR after 2 nd world
war came to end on Oct,1990. The fall of Berlin wall led to disintegration of
• Gorbachev identified the economic and political problems of USSR, and started a
series of reforms, with intention to revive economy. Many communist leaders in
USSR opposed reforms initiated by Gorbachev. Like a vice president Yanayev
wanted to hold over all republics staged an unsuccessful coup in 1991.

Russian president Yeltsin received massive support from people & saved Gorbachev.
Communist party was disbanded & dissolved. Coup leader was arrested. Gorbachev
authority was weakened. Various republics(minus Baltic States) emerged in Belarus
and decided to become independent states. They said they would associate themselves
with Common wealth of Independence States. Gorbachev resigned on 21 Dec,1991 &
soviet union ceased to exist.
The collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 marked the end of the Cold War and left the
United States as the sole power. This unipolarity significantly influenced
international relations and geopolitics, shaping the dynamics of power and alliances
on the global stage. The United States, with its military, economic, and technological
prowess, played a central role in shaping the direction of global affairs.
Balkans and Ethnic conflicts:
• Yugoslavia the socialist federal state, left soviet bloc in 1948 and became non
aligned. Its president was President Tito(founder of NAM). The disintegration of
the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia began in the early 1990s,
characterized by rising ethnic tensions and nationalist movements. Yugoslav states,
Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Slovenia, Macedonia broke up from parent state.
Serbs were in minority in Croatia & Bosnia, they wanted to establish majority
status and seized one-third of Croatia, two-third of Bosnia to form greater Serbs.
• Bosnian war (1992-1995), the conflict resulted in massive destruction, massacring,
Bosnian Serbs killed thousands of Bosnian Muslims men and boy. The conflict
ended with Dayton Agreement (1995)
Kosovo war
Conflict between federal republic of Yugoslavia led by Slobodan Milosevic, &
Kosovo liberation Army sought independence for Kosovo. The conflict led to ethnic
cleansing by Yugoslavia and Serbs, targeting Ethnic Albanians, expulsion of them
from Kosovo, mass killing, destruction of villages.
Operation Allied Force, March,1999 launched by NATO for the withdrawal of
Yugoslav forces from Kosovo.
Post cold war conflicts:
• Chechnya wars: Two major conflicts that took place in Russian region of
Chechnya in post cold war, struggle for independence.
• First Chechnya war(1994-1996) launched military campaigns. Chechnya forces
resisted Russian forces, massive destruction of lives.
• Khasavyurt Accord 1996, Russia agreed to ceasefire and Chechnya existed as De
Facto independence from 1996-1999
• 2nd Chechnya war(1999-2006), Russian campaign capturing of Grozny, capital of
New World order:
The concept of a "New World Order" gained prominence in the post-Cold War era,
particularly in the early 1990s. U.S. President George H.W. Bush in his speech used
the term in the context of a vision for global cooperation and stability in the aftermath
of the Cold War. President Bush spoke of a world that could be :“Freer from the
threat of terror, stronger in the pursuit of justice, and more secure in the quest
for peace.“
It encompasses a departure from a unipolar world towards multiple influential powers.
It includes economic interdependence & shift towards more collaborative
international governance to address global challenges, human rights, climate change
and security.
Revolution took place in the field of communication and information technologies.
Rapid means of transportation reduced the distance and time. Computer, emails, and
websites, telephone enables to establish instant contact.
The post cold war international economic relation are symbolized by globalization.
This system is directly related to liberalization in the economics of third world
countries. Capitalist would encourage liberalization and welcomed new liberal
policies adopted by countries like India. Not only that, China ruled by communist
party began liberalization even before India did. The two fastest growing economies
in the first decade of 21st CE were China & India thanks to liberalization.
Globalization is a process of ‘interconnecting world market’. This is the result of
rapid communication, market liberalization, global integration of production of goods
and services. India became a part of integrated world markets, liberalized economic
markets, and increasing trade regulations by World Trade Organization setup in
• Emergence of new world order
establishment of unipolarization
USA emerge as a sole power
establishment of 15 independent states

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