Group 1 - JFET - NSESP 2021

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JFET (Junction Field

Effect Transistor)
Group 1
Agis Putri Niswa (4212151001)
Annisa Nadhilla (4213151001)
Flora Yani Saragih (4212451007)
Friska Pakpahan (4213151016)
Definition of JFET (Junction Field Effect Transistor)
● JFET is a three-terminal component where one terminal can control the
current between the other two terminals.
● JFETs consist of two types, namely N-canal and P-canal

JFET symbol
JFET Construction and Structure
● The structure is made of N-type material
that forms canals
● P-canals, the structure is made of P-type
● The top part of the canal is connected to
a terminal called Drain (D)
● The bottom part is connected to a
terminal called Source (S)
● The N-canal, type P material is inserted
which is connected together to a terminal
called gate (G)
JFET Characteristics
1. Drain Characteristics Curve
• The drain characteristic curve states the
amount of drain current (ID) that occurs
relative to the drain-source voltage (VDS)
• The gate voltage is 0V, if VDD is increased
(VDS also increases), ID will increase in
proportion to the increase in VDS voltage.
• The gate is energized (reverse/negative bias),
then the constant value of the ID drain
current will decrease.
• In a JFET VGS(off) and VP are always the same
magnitude, only the signs are different.
Example Question 1

The JFET in figure (a) has VGS(off) = -4V and IDSS

= 12 mA. Determine the minimum value of the
VDD voltage that can place the FET in the
constant current region, if RD = 560 Ω and VGS
= 0!
Because VGS(off) = -4 V, then VP = 4V, which is also the minimum value of
VDS so that the FET works to have a constant current.
With VGS = 0, the constant current is IDSS = 12 mA.
The voltage on RD will be equal to
VRD = (12mA)(560Ω) = 6,7 V
Thus the voltage VDD must be equal to
VDD = VDS + VRD = 4V + 6,7V = 10,7 V
This voltage value is the minimum value of VDD to make VDS = VP and place
the FET in the constant current region.
2. JFET Transconductance Curve
• Both have the same Y axis, namely drain current (ID)
• This curve is not a straight line
• Transconductance is a curve that shows the
comparison between drain current (ID) and gate-
source voltage (VGS)
• Transconductance is an AC quantity
• calculated by the small change in drain current (ID)
divided by the small change in gate-source voltage
3. Input Resistance and Capacitance
● JFET operates with a reverse bias voltage at the gate-source
● This high input resistance is an advantage for JFETs when compared to
bipolar transistors.
● IGSS at a specified gate-source voltage
● The input resistance can be calculated with the equation below.
Example question 2
● The data sheet for the MPF3821 N-canal JFET shows a maximum value of IGSS = -
0.1nA at 250C for VGS = -30V and a maximum value of IGSS = -100nA at 1500C for
VGS = -30V. Determine the minimum input resistance at 250C!
● Solution:
4. JFET Data Sheet
• JFET components also have data sheets that show the characteristics of
the component

5. JFET Refraction Method

1. Self-refraction (Self Biasing)
• To determine the reverse bias for the gate, you
can use the self-refraction method
• The gate is biased at 0 V with an RG resistor
connected to ground.
• Even though there will be a very small leakage
current in the RG
Self-refraction (Self Biasing)
• To get a negative voltage at the gate, it can be
created by applying a positive voltage to the source.
• ID will produce a voltage drop on RS, so that the
source terminal becomes positive towards ground.
• Because VG = 0 V dan VS = IDRS
• gate-source voltage is
• VGS = VG – VS = 0 – IDRS sehingga VGS = - IDRS
• The gate-source voltage is negative, so it is reverse
Since VS = IDRS, the drain-source voltage is

VDS = VDD – ID (RD + RS)
Example Question 3
• Determine the VDS and VGS voltages in Figure if
the following values are known: VDD=10V,
RD=1KΩ, RG=10MΩ and RS=220Ω, and the
resulting drain current is 5mA!

• Solution:

• VS = IDRS = (5mA)(220Ω) = 1,1 V.

• VD = VDD – IDRD = 10V – (5mA)(1KΩ) = 5 V.
• So VDS = VD – VS = 5V – 1,1V = 3,9 V.
• and VGS = VG – VS = 0 – 1,1V = -1,1V
● The transconductance curve can be used to determine
the resistance value for self-biasing RS
● JFET MPF 3821 which has a transconductance curve
● Draw a straight line starting from the origin to the point
where VGS(off) = (-4V) and with IDSS = 2.5 mA.
● The slope of this line is used to determine the RS value

● R = 1.6 K with a tolerance of 5%


1. P canal JFET
• How JFET P canal works:
• To make the JFET P canal work is to provide a voltage of 0 Volts to the
Gate and provide a positive voltage to the Source (VS) then the Drain
is given a voltage (VD) of 0 Volts or a lower voltage compared to the
Source voltage.
• To turn off or turn off the JFET P canal there are two ways, namely:
• 1. By cutting off the positive bias voltage at the Source terminal
• 2. By increasing the positive bias voltage at the Gate terminal until the
depletion layer covers the P canal area
2. N canal JFET
● How JFET N canal works:
● To activate the N canal JFET you need to provide a positive bias at the Drain
terminal and provide a voltage of 0 Volts at the Gate terminal (VG = 0 Volts)
● To turn off or turn off the N canal JFET there are two ways, namely:
● 1. Cut off the bias voltage at the Drain terminal so that no current flows to
the Drain terminal.
● 2. Provide a negative bias at the Gate terminal until both sides of the Gate
depletion layer widen and cover the current path from Drain to Source.
Thank You

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