Syntax Analysis I 2022 Class

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Syntax Analysis

Dr. R Guru
Associate Professor
Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering,
• Every programming language has rules that prescribe the
syntactic structure of programs.
• The syntax of programming language can be described by
context-free grammars.
• A grammar gives precise, easy-to-understand, syntactic
specification of a programming language.
• A grammar gives structure of a programming language which
is useful in translation of source program to object code and
for the detection of errors.
The role of the parser
• The input for the parser is a stream of tokens from lexical
analysis and output is a parse tree, in which tokens are
grouped hierarchically with collective meaning.
• It should report: any syntax errors, recover from commonly
occurring errors, collecting information about various tokens,
performing type checking, generating intermediate code, etc.
• The most efficient top-down and bottom-up methods work
only for subclasses of grammars, but several of these classes,
particularly, LL and LR grammars, are expressive enough to
describe most of the syntactic constructs in modern
programming languages.
• Three general types of parsers for grammar are: Universal
parser ,Top-down parser, Bottom-up parser.
• Universal parser :Universal parsing methods such as the
Cocke-Younger-Kasami algorithm and Earley's algorithm can
parse any grammar. These general methods are too inefficient
to use in production compilers.
• Top-down : Build parse tree from root to the leaves.
• Bottom-up: Build parse tree from leaves to the root.
• Input to the parser is scanned from left to right, one symbol at
a time.
Top-Down Parser
• A Top-down parser can be viewed as the problem of
constructing a parse tree for the input string, starting
from the root and creating the nodes of the parse tree
in preorder.
• It can be also viewed as finding a leftmost derivation
for an input string
Consider the grammar
EE + T│T
T T * F│F
F  id│(E)
Input string id + id * id
After Elimination of the left recursion :
E’ + TE’│Є
T FT’
T’  * FT’│ Є
F  id│(E)
• At each step of a top-down parse, the key problem is that of
determining the production to be applied for a nonterminal,
say A.
• Once an A-production is chosen, the rest of the parsing
process consists of "matching" the terminal symbols in the
production body with the input string.
• There are Two top down parser
1. Recursive descent parsing
• It is a general form of top-down parsing,
• It may require backtracking to find the correct A-production
to be applied.
2. Nonrecursive Predictive Parsing(Predictive Parsing):
• It is a special case of recursive-descent parsing, where no
backtracking is required.
• Predictive parsing chooses the correct A-production by
looking ahead at the input a fixed number of symbols,
typically we may look only at one (that is, the next input
• The proper alternative must be detectable by looking at only
the first symbol it derives FIRST and FOLLOW.
• These are the two functions associated with a grammar G, in
construction of a predictive parser.
• Predictive Parsers needing no backtracking, can be constructed
for a class of grammars called LL(1).
• The first "L" in LL(1) stands for scanning the input from left
to right,
• the second "L" for producing a leftmost derivation,
• and the " 1 " for using one input symbol of lookahead at each
step to make parsing action decisions.
Recursive descent parsing
• Consists of a set of procedures, one for each nonterminal
• Execution begins with the procedure for start symbol, which halts
and announces success if its procedure body scans the entire input
• General recursive descent may require backtracking.
• The previous code needs to be modified to allow backtracking
• In general form it cant choose an A-production easily.
• So we need to try all alternatives
• If one failed, the input pointer needs to be reset and another
alternative should be tried
• Recursive descent parsers can not be used for left-recursive
A typical procedure for a nonterminal in a
top-down parser
• A typical procedure for a non-terminal
void A() {
choose an A-production, A  X1 X2.. Xk
for (i=1 to k) {
if (Xi is a nonterminal
call procedure Xi ();
else if (Xi equals the current input symbol a)
advance the input to the next symbol;
else /* an error has occurred */
S  cAd
A  ab │ a and input “cad”


c A d c A d c A d

a b a
First and Follow
The construction of both top down and bottom parser is aided
with two function
During top-down parsing , FIRST and FOLLOW allow us to
choose which production to apply, based on the next input
• FIRST(α), where α is any string of grammar symbols, to be
the set of terminals that begin strings derived from α.
• If α *ɛ then ɛ is also in FIRST(α )
• In predictive parsing when we have A  α │β, where
FIRST(α) and FIRST(β) are disjoint sets .
• Select appropriate A-production by looking at the next input
symbol a, since a can be in at most one of FIRST (α ) and
FIRST(β ), not both.
Computing FIRST(X)
To compute FIRST(X) for all grammar symbols X, apply the
following rules until no more terminals or can be added to any
FIRST set.
1. If X is a terminal, then FIRST(X) = {X}.
2. If X is a nonterminal and X  Y1Y2 … Yk is a production for
some k ≥ 1, then place a in FIRST(X) if for some i , a is in
FIRST(Yi), and Є is in all of FIRST(Y1),... , FIRST(Yi-1); that
is, Y1 …Yi-1 * Є.
If Є is in FIRST( Yj) for all j = 1,2,... , k, then add Є to
3. If X  Є is a production, then add Є to FIRST(X).
Example :1
E’ + TE’│Є
T FT’
T’  * FT’│ Є
F  id│(E)
• Follow(A), for any nonterminal A, is set of terminals a that
can appear immediately to the right of A in some sentential
• That is, the set of terminal a such that there exists a derivation
of the form S * αAaβ for some α and β, then a is in
• If A can be the rightmost symbol in some sentential form, then
$ is in Follow(A)
Computing FOLLOW(A)
To compute FOLLOW(A) for all nonterminals A, apply the
following rules until nothing can be added to any FOLLOW
1. Place $ in FOLLOW(S), where S is the start symbol, and $ is
the input right endmarker.
2. If there is a production A αBβ, then everything in FIRST(β)
except Є is in FOLLOW(B).
3. If there is a production A  αB, or a production A  αBβ,
where FIRST(β) contains Є, then everything in FOLLOW(A)
is in FOLLOW( B ) .
Example :1
E’ + TE’│Є
T FT’
T’  * FT’│ Є
F  id│(E)
First and follow
Nonterminal FIRST FOLLOW
E { id, (} { $, )}
E’ {+, Є} {$, )}
T { id, ( } {+, $, )}
T’ { *, Є} {+, $, )}
F { id, ( } {+, *,$, )}
Parsing table
LL(1) Grammar
• Predictive Parsers needing no backtracking, can be
constructed for a class of grammars called LL(1).
• The first "L" in LL(1) stands for scanning the input
from left to right,
• The second "L" for producing a leftmost derivation,
• " 1 " for using one input symbol of lookahead at each
step to make parsing action decisions.
Definition of LL(1) Grammar
A grammar G is LL(1) if and only if whenever A  α │ β are
two distinct productions of G, the following conditions hold:
1. For no terminal a do both α and β derive strings beginning
with a.
2. At most one of α and β can derive the empty string.
3. If β * Є, then α does not derive any string beginning with a
terminal in FOLLOW (A). Likewise, if α * Є, then β does
not derive any string beginning with a terminal in
Construction of a predictive parsing table
Input : Grammar G.
Output : Parsing table M.
Method: For each production A  α a of the grammar, do the
1. For each terminal a in FIRST(A), add A  α to M[A, a].
2. If Є is in FIRST(α), then for each terminal b in FOLLOW(A),
add A  α to M[ A, b]. If Є is in FIRST (α ) and $ is in
FOLLOW(A), add A  α to M[A, $] as well.
After performing the above, there is no production at all in
M[A, a], then set M[A, a] to error
Nonrecursive Predictive Parsing
• A nonrecursive predictive parser can be built by maintaining a
stack explicitly, rather than implicitly via recursive calls.
• The parser mimics a leftmost derivation.
• If w is the input that has been matched so far, then the stack
holds a sequence of grammar symbols α such that
S* w α
• The table-driven parser has an input buffer, a stack containing
a sequence of grammar symbols, a parsing table and an output
• The input buffer contains the string to be parsed, followed by
the endmarker $.
Model of Table-driven predictive parser
• We reuse the symbol $ to mark the bottom of the stack, which
initially contains the start symbol of the grammar on top of $.
• The parser is controlled by a program that considers X, the
symbol on top of the stack, and a, the current input symbol.
• If X is a nonterminal, the parser chooses an X-production by
consulting entry M[X, a] of the parsing table M.
• Otherwise, it checks for a match between the terminal X and
current input symbol a.
Predictive parsing algorithm
Input : A string W and a parsing table M for grammar G
Output: if w is in L(G), a leftmost derivation of w; otherwise , an error
Method: Initially, the parser is in a configuration with w$ in the
input buffer and the start symbol S of G on top of the stack, above $.
Set ip point to the first symbol of w;
Set X to the top stack symbol;
While (X ≠ $) { /* stack is not empty */
if (X is a) pop the stack and advance ip;
else if (X is a terminal) error();
else if (M[X, a] is an error entry) error();
else if (M[X, a] = X Y1Y2..Yk) {
output the production X  Y1Y2..Yk ;
pop the stack;
push Yk ,…, Y2 Y1on to the stack with Y1 on top;
set X to the top stack symbol;
E’ + TE’│Є
T FT’
T’ * FT’│ Є
F  id│(E)
Parsing Table
Non Input symbol
terminal id + * ( ) $

E’ E’ + TE’ E’ Є E’ Є
T T FT’ T FT’
T’ T’  Є T’  * FT’ T’  Є T’  Є
F F  id F  (E)
Moves made by a predictive parser on input id + id * id

Matched stack input action

E$ id + id*id$
TE’$ id + id*id$ Output ETE’
FT’E’$ id + id*id$ Output TFT’
idT’E’$ id + id*id$ Output Fid
id T’E’$ + id*id$ Match id
id E’$ + id*id$ Output T’ Є
id +TE’$ + id*id$ Output E’+TE’
id + TE’$ id*id$ Match +

id+id*id $ $
Consider the grammar
S → iEtSS` | a
S` → eS | ɛ
ii)Construct the predictive parsing table

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