TAP Lecture Essay Writing, Critical Thinking, Time Management

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Essay Writing Skills, Critical Thinking

& Time Management

The Aviation Professional (TAP) TH40098E 2023-24

What we’re covering this week:
• A1 Assessment recap
• Time Management
• Essay writing skills
• Critical thinking
• Seminar Activities:
1. A1 Support

The Aviation Professional (TAP) TH40098E 2023-24

3 Assessments for this Module
Assessment Word Pass Due
No. Learning Weighting
Type Count Mark Date
Written Week 6
A1 2&3 600 40% 30%
Portfolio 11/11/22
Group 15 Week 13
A2 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 40% 50%
Presentation minutes 13/01/23
Personal Plan Week 16
A3 3 750 40% 20%
& CV 03/02/23

More details & support on the assessments will be provided in following sessions, please put theses dates into your calendar

The Aviation Professional (TAP) TH40098E 2023-24

A1 Portfolio – What you need to do
1. Report Template & Cover sheet (no word limit)
• This is a functioning template that can be used for future assignments on your course
• Upload your template for feedback and comments
2. Harvard Referencing Test (no word limit)
• The test will be made available on Blackboard
3. Digital Readiness Audit (no word limit)
• A check list of essential tools and skills will be available on Blackboard
4. Literature Review on “Undergraduate essay writing skills” 500-word limit (+/-
• Select a minimum of 3 undergraduate essay writing skills books or sources from the UWL Library
and critically evaluate and discuss them including the use of Harvard style citations and references.

The Aviation Professional (TAP) TH40098E 2023-24

1. Report Template & Cover Sheet
• Create your own Word
template for a report
• Get this right and you can
use it for all future
assignments which
require a report format
• Create a Cover Sheet
• Get this right and you can
include it for all future
assignments that are
submitted in Word
Report Template Cover sheet
The Aviation Professional (TAP) TH40098E 2023-24
Title page
The basic report

Contains these elements:

Table of contents

Body of the report (introduction, findings, conclusion

and recommendation)

Reference list


The Aviation Professional (TAP) TH40098E 2023-24

1. Report Template

The Aviation Professional (TAP) TH40098E 2023-24 Examples on BB

A1 Portfolio – What you need to do
1. Report Template & Cover sheet (no word limit)
• This is a functioning template that can be used for future assignments on your course
• Upload your template for feedback and comments
2. Harvard Referencing Test (no word limit)
• The test will be made available on Blackboard
3. Digital Readiness Audit (no word limit)
• A check list of essential tools and skills will be available on Blackboard
4. Literature Review on “Undergraduate essay writing skills” 500-word limit (+/-
• Select a minimum of 3 undergraduate essay writing skills books or sources from the UWL Library
and critically evaluate and discuss them including the use of Harvard style citations and references.

The Aviation Professional (TAP) TH40098E 2023-24

2. Harvard Referencing Test for A1 Portfolio
This is part of your
A1 Portfolio. Scan
the QR code follow
the instructions and
complete the online
test. There is no
time limit, and you
can use resources
e.g., Cite Them
Or click on the image above This does count towards your A1
The Aviation Professional (TAP) TH40098E 2023-24
A1 Portfolio – Include your certificate if you can


The Aviation Professional (TAP) TH40098E 2023-24 See next slides/ Week 3 Seminar Slides
A1 Portfolio – What you need to do
1. Report Template & Cover sheet (no word limit)
• This is a functioning template that can be used for future assignments on your course
• Upload your template for feedback and comments
2. Harvard Referencing Test (no word limit)
• The test will be made available on Blackboard
3. Digital Readiness Audit (no word limit)
• A check list of essential tools and skills will be available on Blackboard
4. Literature Review on “Undergraduate essay writing skills” 500-word limit (+/-
• Select a minimum of 3 undergraduate essay writing skills books or sources from the UWL Library
and critically evaluate and discuss them including the use of Harvard style citations and references.

The Aviation Professional (TAP) TH40098E 2023-24

3. Digital Skills Audit for A1 Portfolio
This is part of your
A1 Portfolio. Scan
the QR code follow
the instructions and
complete the
survey. This is not
a test, it is a self-
assessment, try to
be honest with
Or click on the image above
The Aviation Professional (TAP) TH40098E 2023-24
A1 Portfolio – What you need to do
1. Report Template & Cover sheet (no word limit)
• This is a functioning template that can be used for future assignments on your course
• Upload your template for feedback and comments
2. Harvard Referencing Test (no word limit)
• The test will be made available on Blackboard
3. Digital Readiness Audit (no word limit)
• A check list of essential tools and skills will be available on Blackboard
4. Literature Review on “Undergraduate essay writing skills” 500-word limit (+/-
• Select a minimum of 3 undergraduate essay writing skills books or sources from the UWL Library
and critically evaluate and discuss them including the use of Harvard style citations and references.

The Aviation Professional (TAP) TH40098E 2023-24

4. 600 word literature review
Literature Review on a chosen
aviation topic or “Undergraduate
essay writing skills” 600-word
limit (+/-10%)
Select a minimum of 3 sources
from the UWL Library or others
(must be suitable, scholarly
sources) and critically evaluate
and discuss them including the
use of Harvard style citations and

The Aviation Professional (TAP) TH40098E 2023-24

Sources of literature

Blackboard Reading List

Google Scholar
Library shelves

The Aviation Professional (TAP) TH40098E 2023-24

Insists Suggests
Argues Maintains Supports
Assumes Notes Takes for granted
Observes Underlines
Claims Points out Holds the view
Contends Proposes postulates
Disputes Proves states
Draws attention to Recognises says
Emphasises Recommends
Establishes Reiterates
Finds Rejects
Focuses on Stresses

The Aviation Professional (TAP) TH40098E 2023-24 Words to use when you cite
The Aviation Professional (TAP) TH40098E 2023-24
Time Management

The Aviation Professional (TAP) TH40098E 2023-24

 Time is what we want the
most, but use the worst
 Time management is life
 Productivity is never an
accident. It is always the result
of commitment to excellence,
intelligent planning and
focused effort
 Don’t be busy, be productive
 If I had six hours to chop down
a tree, I would spend the first
4 hours sharpening the axe –

The Aviation Professional (TAP) TH40098E 2023-24

Steps to effective time management…
• This is something that occupies a lot
of human thinking. Typing in “steps to
effective time management” in Google
yields 1.2 billion possible answers!
• Which ever technique or method you
decide upon, effective time
management is a life skill. What you
learn about yourself here, the
techniques and or disciplines you
adopt now will will help you tomorrow.

The Aviation Professional (TAP) TH40098E 2023-24

Have you asked yourself any of
these questions?

The Aviation Professional (TAP) TH40098E 2023-24

Study Skills books & online resources

Click on image to read e-Book Access and create your own account via Blackboard*

The Aviation Professional (TAP) TH40098E 2023-24 *You need to be logged onto to your UWL account first
Independent Activity

The Aviation Professional (TAP) TH40098E 2023-24

Eisenhower Decision Matrix

The Aviation Professional (TAP) TH40098E 2023-24 The ultimate to do list

Assessment Support – 10.00-12.00 Today
• BY 02.027 – please drop in from 10am regardless of which
seminar group you are in.
• No formal seminars today – assessment support.
• If you have finished / submitted A1 please work on other
assignments / independent study. Can work through Study Skills –
see slide 23 and essay writing support from slide 28.

The Aviation Professional (TAP) TH40098E 2023-24

Videos on Blackboard

The Aviation Professional (TAP) TH40098E 2023-24

Reading material on Blackboard

The Aviation Professional (TAP) TH40098E 2023-24

Essay writing skills

The Aviation Professional (TAP) TH40098E 2023-24

Is this a transferable skill for
the “real world”?

Quick Reflection
Honestly, what possible role
could essay writing have in
the ”real world”?

The Aviation Professional (TAP) TH40098E 2023-24

5 Steps on
how to write
an essay

The Aviation Professional (TAP) TH40098E 2023-24

Arguments & Counterarguments
• Once you have taken your
• Then you need to argue or
discuss both sides
• At the end of the day, like this
compass they usually balance
with you as the author tipping
in favour of one side or other

The Aviation Professional (TAP) TH40098E 2023-24

The Basic Structure of an Argument

At its most basic, an argument

is a conclusion that follows
logically from a set of premises.
A premise is an idea or fact,
while the conclusion is a claim
that follows from a set of facts.

The Aviation Professional (TAP) TH40098E 2023-24

Identify Your Claim
& Take your position
When developing an argument,
your first step should be clearly
identifying what you are
arguing. This may require
setting out a research question
and/or hypotheses to be tested,
but for this essay it will usually
just involve explaining what you
hope to prove.

The Aviation Professional (TAP) TH40098E 2023-24

Know the Main Points in Your Argument
Once you’ve set out what
you’re arguing, the next step is
to break it down into steps,
themes or concepts.

The Aviation Professional (TAP) TH40098E 2023-24

Structure Your Argument Carefully

The next step is linking the points in

your argument. This means that you
should discuss them in a logical
order, drawing connections between
them wherever possible.

The Aviation Professional (TAP) TH40098E 2023-24

Essay Structure
Either methodically separate out
your points and address them
Or you mix them up together with a
beginning, middle, end
Both work, so decide which one you

The Aviation Professional (TAP) TH40098E 2023-24

Use evidence
Simply claiming something isn’t
enough. To argue convincingly
you need to provide evidence.
This usually means drawing
upon past research to support
each point. Without evidence,
all you have is an unsupported
claim. Citations & References
(nuts & bolts)

The Aviation Professional (TAP) TH40098E 2023-24

Consider Counterarguments
Another aspect of developing
your argument is considering
possible counterarguments.
This allows you to address
potential objections to the point
you’re making pre-emptively.

The Aviation Professional (TAP) TH40098E 2023-24

Have a Clear Conclusion
As with the basic argument, the conclusion
of your essay should follow clearly from the
preceding points (your ‘premises’). The
crucial thing here is to show how your claim
is supported by the evidence you’ve
presented in your essay.

This requires more than just summarising

your argument. Instead, try to explain how
each point works with the others to
contribute to your argument as a whole.

The Aviation Professional (TAP) TH40098E 2023-24

Great online resource - Scribbr

The Aviation Professional (TAP) TH40098E 2023-24

Two models for argumentative essays
Toulmin Arguments Rogerian Model
The Toulmin model consists of four steps, which The Rogerian model also consists of four steps
may be repeated as many times as necessary for you might repeat throughout your essay:
the argument:
1. Discuss what the opposing position gets
1. Make a claim right and why people might hold this position
2. Provide the grounds (evidence) for the claim 2. Highlight the problems with this position
3. Explain the warrant (how the grounds 3. Present your own position, showing how it
support the claim) addresses these problems
4. Discuss possible rebuttals to the claim, 4. Suggest a possible compromise—what
identifying the limits of the argument and elements of your position would proponents
showing that you have considered of the opposing position benefit from
alternative perspectives adopting?

The Aviation Professional (TAP) TH40098E 2023-24

The first taste is with the eyes
• How you present your work is just as
important as how it ”tastes” or what it
• Pay attention to:
• Fonts, font size
• Page layout, margins
• Line spacing
• Spelling, grammar, use of English
• Citations, references
• Always include a cover sheet

The Aviation Professional (TAP) TH40098E 2023-24

Essay writing aids
• Point Evidence Argument • Point Evidence Explanation
• PEEL • Point Evident Technique
• Point Evidence Explanation Analysis Link Evidence
Link Technique Analysis Link
• Point Evidence Technique • Resist the Urge to Explain
Analysis Link

The Aviation Professional (TAP) TH40098E 2023-24

2,000 Word Essay
Academic theories
Introduction… Argument for… Models or concepts…
150 words 350 words 300 words

Counter argument for… Counter argument against…

300 words 300 words

Suggestion ONLY
Argument against…
250 words
The Aviation Professional (TAP) TH40098E 2023-24 350 words
Are academic models, theories or
concepts transferable into the “real

Quick Reflection
Can you think of any models,
theories or concepts that are
used in the “real world”?

The Aviation Professional (TAP) TH40098E 2023-24

Google Docs versus Microsoft Word
• Microsoft Word has many more
features than Google Docs
• Most businesses use Microsoft
Word as it has more
professional formatting and
layout functions and tools
• If you are a Google Docs user
then please start using
Microsoft Word instead

The Aviation Professional (TAP) TH40098E 2023-24

Use Microsoft Office 365
Online version of Word

Take advantage of
the free Editor Tool.

Alternatively you
could pay to use

The Aviation Professional (TAP) TH40098E 2023-24

Always check your proofing language in

The Aviation Professional (TAP) TH40098E 2023-24

You cannot boil the ocean!
Choose a
Essay title

The Aviation Professional (TAP) TH40098E 2023-24

This book is available in the
library as an e-book

• Godfrey, J. 2013, How to use

your reading in your
essays, Second edn, Palgrave
Macmillan, Basingstoke,

The Aviation Professional (TAP) TH40098E 2023-24 Click on the book image for link to e-book

The Aviation Professional (TAP) TH40098E 2023-24

Critical Thinking

The Aviation Professional (TAP) TH40098E 2023-24

This book is available in the
library both in both hard and e-

• Cottrell, S. 2017, Critical thinking

skills: effective analysis,
argument and reflection, Third
edn, Palgrave, London.

The Aviation Professional (TAP) TH40098E 2023-24 Click on the book image for link to e-book
What, How, Why?

The Aviation Professional (TAP) TH40098E 2023-24

Uploaded 2016 Video: 5 minutes
The power of “why”?
Why = The Purpose
What is their cause? What do they believe?

How = The Process

What specific actions are they taking and why?

What = The Result

What is happening, results & proof?

The Aviation Professional (TAP) TH40098E 2023-24

Any questions?

Please email me – [email protected]

The Aviation Professional (TAP) TH40098E 2023-24

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