Assignment 2 Part A Sample 4 (Above 70%)
Assignment 2 Part A Sample 4 (Above 70%)
Table of Contents……………..………………..……………………………......................................................................................................................................................Slide 2
Executive Summary……………..………………………………………......................................................................................................................………………………..……….Slide 3
Introduction……………..………………..…………………………………………………....................................................................................................................………………….Slide 4
Ideation Process……………..………………………………………………………………...................................................................................................................................….Slide 5
Customer Segment……………..……………………………………………………………………….................................................................................................................……….Slide 7
Competitors Analysis……………..………………………………………………………………...................................................................................................................………….Slide 8
Value Proposition……………..……………………………………………………………………….....................................................................................................................……..Slide 9
Detailed Launch Plan……………..………………………………………………………….................................................................................................................................….Slide 10
Other P’s of the Marketing Mix……………..………………………………………...............................................................................................................................……….Slide 11
Monitoring and Success Management……………..……………………..........................................................................................................................................…….Slide 12
Stakeholders……………..………………………………………………………………………............................................................................................................................……….Slide 13
Financials……………..……………………………............................................................................................................................................……………………………………….Slide 14
Pitch and Conclusion……………..…………………………………………………………………….……...........................................................................................……………….….….Slide 15
References……………..……………………………………………............................................................................................................................................…………….……….Slide 16
Vision: “To be the most loved way to eat dinner, and for every meal to leave the planet better off” (Gousto, 2023).
Objectives: Gousto’s three main objectives are to provide “A convenient alternative to traditional grocery shopping”, “A
sustainable alternative to traditional grocery” and to “Reduce the friction points that obstruct healthy eating” (Gousto, 2021).
Competitive Advantage: Gousto’s main competitive advantages are its cost leadership; celebrity endorsement in the fitness
market; its diverse product range and its sustainably innovative ‘Eco-Chill Box’.
Branding: Gousto’s branding uses the colour red which is psychologically proven to arouse hunger
and white which is portrayed as pure. The brand’s voice and identity appear to be liberal, approachable and caring,
particularly about the environment.
New Product: The recommended product is sustainable branded kitchenware, designed to be sold individually or as part of a
starter pack for additional convenience, which supports organisational objectives.
The SBU will be
organised to
High-quality, Market Inimitable
maintain SCA.
sustainable and Gousto will
convenient. position itself as
an innovator in
this industry and
people are more
V likely to by
whole sets.
Value Sustainable
heirloom, easy Competitive
to maintain and Competitors Advantage
aesthetically Le Creuset, La Rare
(SCA) Other meal kit
ProCook, Denby, brands have not
Nisbets and provided this
Blackmoor. offering before.
Figure 1: Adapted Product Prototype (Source: Robert Dyas, 2023) The branded
cookware will be
sustainable and
12345678 | Ideation & Product Launch Plan less expensive.
Business Model Canvas
Key Partners
• Metalex, a UK-based metal company,
Key Activities
• Research and development of the
Value Propositions
Figure 2: Adapted Business Model Canvas (Osterwalder and Pigneur, 2010)
• Solving the problem of not having the
Customer Relationships
• Self-service online shopping,
Customer Segments
• The target market is high-income
will be the third-party supplier product. right equipment for Gousto recipes. • Customer service via LiveChat, social millennials, particularly females.
manufacturing cast iron cookware. • Manufacturing of the product. • Selling individual pieces or a starter media direct messaging, e-mail or • The product will be specifically
• Other suppliers, such as Microsoft, • Marketing the product. kit. telephone. targeted at Gousto customers.
will also be key partners. • Distributing the product to the • Satisfying the customer’s need for
• Gousto, the corporate partner, and consumer. convenience by offering high-quality
its board of directors will be kitchenware whilst grocery shopping.
overseeing the strategic business • Satisfying the customer’s need for
unit. sustainable products.
• DPD the courier who will be Key Resources Channels
delivering the product. • Physical • Awareness will be raised via social
• The customer who will be purchasing The business does not require any media.
the product. physical resources as the materials, • Customers are helped to evaluate the
• The employees who will be machines, storage and factory will be organisations value proposition by
conducting the key activities. outsourced to Metalex. Transportation highlighting the kitchenware
• The investors who will be funding the will be outsourced to DPD and Gousto’s requirements and promoting the
business. head office will be used for staff. products strengths, namely its
• The Government that regulates • Intellectual quality, sustainability factors and
companies in the UK. The business will file a patent for its affordable cost.
• The local and national community unique product designs. • Customers can purchase the product
expects the business to uphold high • Human online via the Gousto website.
standards of corporate social The business requires sales and • The product is delivered by a courier
responsibility (CSR). marketing, human resources, to the customers door.
• Trade unions may impact the information technology, finance and • Customers are sent a follow-up e-
business if employees participate. operations functions. mail to review the purchase.
• Financial
The business requires £500,000 debt
capital investment to launch.
Unmet Need:
To have a kitchen
stocked with high-
friendly cookware and
Gousto recipes require certain
cookware. Although she might
have some equipment, the
products are poor quality and
to be able to obtain Need or Problem
are not environmentally friendly
that conveniently. Recognition:
as they were bought when she
was a low-income student and
Works full-time; before the sustainability trend
Undergraduate Lifestyle and exercises; socialises; grew.
Degree Activities: takes care of herself
a long-term trend in the United Kingdom (Winston, 2022) Uses search engines, reviews
and discusses it with influential
Professional Sustainability; Evaluation of
Social Class: Values: groups like friends, colleagues,
Technology Working Class inclusivity; feminism. Alternatives:
athletic club associates and
• The long-term digital transformation trend is re-shaping mum.
the customer journey so customers expect a seamless Compares costs; customer
Location: United Kingdom Online shopping;
experience (Terwiesch and Siggelkow, 2021) cooking; reading;
experience; longevity and
quality of the product; whether
news; fashion; Purchase
Urbanicity: Urban Interests: it is oven-proof and easy to
Health-consciousness mindfulness activities;
investing; latest
maintain and clean; availability
• Healthy living could be a long-term trend as consumers Climate: Mild technology and trends.
of colours to match her home
become more mindful of their food, alcohol and cigarette
intake (IBISWorld, 2022) Decides whether the product
was worth the price based on
how quickly it was delivered;
whether it is easy to maintain
Sustainability, working Post-Purchase
Opinions: and versatile so that she can
hard and taking care of Evaluation:
use it for multiple recipes;
yourself are important.
decides whether the colour
matches her home and how her
influential groups respond to
the purchase.
Figure 3: Adapted Consumer Persona and Customer Journey (Source: SimilarWeb, 2023)
12345678 | Ideation & Product Launch Plan 7
Competitors Analysis
Figure 4: Adapted Porter’s Five Forces (Source: Porter, 1996) Figure 5: Adapted Perceptual Map
Breach of advertising laws Compliance 1 5 Medium Threat Avoid Ensure staff are knowledgeable on advertising laws and there are stage-gates to the concept before
submitting for review.
Cyber security attack Cyber 4 5 High Threat Transfer Acquire Cyber Security insurance and certifications to IS27001 and Cyber Essentials Plus.
Over budget or over time Project Launch-Based 4 4 High Threat Reduce Ensure the project is estimated appropriately and avoid scope creep.
Discounts Allowed £37,488 £1,000,000
Current Liabilities Telephone and Internet £18,000
Bank £13,173 £500,000 Loss
Rent and Rates £70,000
Payables £47,600 £0
Loan Interest £5,000
£60,773 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Loan £50,000 , 00 , 00 , 00 , 00 , 00 , 00 , 00 , 00 , 00 , 00
Wages and Salaries £250,000 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 1 00
Net Current Assets £33,263
Non-Current Liabilities General Expenses £10,000 Number of Units
Bank Loan £500,000 Depreciation Charge £3,333
Total Assets -£436,737 Advertising £250,000
Financed By: Research and Development £83,333 Costs Selling Price
Capital £33,066 Total Expenses £777,154
-£469,803 Figure 13: Break Even Analysis
Net Profit -£469,803
Figure 11: Balance Sheet Figure 12: Profit and Loss Statement
Total Inventory 40,000
Sell Price £29.99
Variable Cost Per Unit £9.00
Fixed Costs £656,333
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