MWA Framework Concepts

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Mobile Supply Chain

MWA Framework

Mobile Supply Chain Applications allows employees to
perform some warehouse and shop floor transactions from
any location in the manufacturing facility through the use of
hand-held devices.

Below devices can be used,
PDA Hand-held Radio
Frequency units
Architecture of MWA Application
key components of MSCA Architecture are,
•MWA Server(Mobile Application Server)
•Java based mobile server which compliance with telnet
•MWA Server functions as a middle-tier between the hand-held
devices that function as clients and the database server
•Java Development Kit (JDK)
•Oracle JDBC(Java Database Connectivity)
•Mobile Application Server does not need Apache server to
Environmental Variables
Below Environmental Variables are related to Mobile Applications,

refers to the top-level Standard Oracle Applications Java directory.

refers to the top-level MWA directory


includes the paths where the class files resides
Key Java Concepts
Object-oriented programming allows classes to inherit commonly used state and
behavior from other classes.
The common behavior will be defined in base (super) class, then those behavior
can be extends in sub classes and used in this sub class.

Method Overloading
In Java it is possible to define two or more methods within the same class that
share the same name, as long as their parameter declarations are different. When
this is the case, the methods are said to be overloaded, and the process is referred
to as method overloading.

A Java Class which has method declaration without any definition is known as
interface. The class which implements these interfaces should define those
Java Bean Concept

JavaBeans are reusable software components for

Java that can be manipulated visually in a builder

A Javabean is just a java class with the following


– It has Properties.
– It has a public constructor.
– It has 'set' and 'get' methods for its properties.
MWA Framework
A special kind of class library which provides a ready-made architecture for
developing Mobile Application Pages.

These class library will be located $JAVA_TOP/oracle/apps/mwa of MWA

Server (Form Server).

MWA Framework Beans:

MWA Framework has set of Java Beans to develop a Mobile Page.
A bean is single display unit in Mobile application.

MWABean – This is base bean for all other beans.

PageBean – Represent the single screen on Mobile Client.
FieldBean – Represent the graphical component which can be added in
the Page.
(Example: TextFieldBean, ButtonFieldBean, LOVFieldBean)
MenuItemBean – Represents the AOL Function
MWA Framework Beans

FieldBean PageBean

InputableFieldBean ButtonFieldBean n

TextFieldBean LOVFieldBean
MWA Framework Beans (Cont.)
MWA Framework Beans (Cont.)
MWA Framework Beans (Cont.)
MWA Framework Beans (Cont.)
MWA Framework Event Model
MWA Framework has set of interfaces and class to handle events in
the page, fields and application level.

MWAEvent :
– This class holds the information about the event, such as
source of the event, type of event and session.
– When ever any event occurred object for this class will
be created and send to the listener to implement business
Types of Listeners:
– MWAPageListener
– MWAFieldListener
– MWAAppListener
MWA Framework Event Model (Cont.)



MWAPageListener MWAFieldListener MWAAppListener

MWA Framework Event Model (Cont.)
MWA Framework Event Model (Cont.)
Approach of MWA Customization
• We can do modification in Mobile Page using
below methods,

– MWA Personalization

– Mobile Page Extension

– Develop Custom Mobile Page

MWA Personalization
• Through personalization we change below
– Field Prompt
– Default value
– Visual Render
– Readonly
– Required

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