ABC Technologies - Case Study

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NEC Presentation for ABC

Technologies - Cyber security

January 26, 2024
Dear Sir,
ABC Technologies

Thanks for giving us an opportunity to connect with you and to present this presentation . We hope this solution will cover
all your business needs and requirement. In the next few slides, we have explained why cybersecurity is the need of the hour
for any organization and why you should consider this an investment for your next business portfolio. The advancements in
technology and its usage have connected people, businesses and organizations in India and brought them closer, leading to
economic progress. However, these advancements come with critical vulnerabilities which can be exploited by those who are
experts in misusing technology for economic gains. Cyber security breaches across organizations have become commonplace,
regularly grabbing headlines that alarm both consumers and leaders. As our reliance on data and interconnectivity swells,
developing strong resilience to withstand cyberattacks has never been more important. Cyber security market in India –
driving factors The cyber security market is crucial to ensuring India’s stature as one of the world’s leading investment hubs,
as well as the security of its major sectors, and is expected to become more pronounced and grow exponentially. This is in
part driven by nationwide initiatives such as Digital India and increasing digitization of the country’s business environment
and daily life. According to estimates, the cyber security market in India is expected to grow from USD 1.97 billion in 2019 to
USD 3.05 billion by 2022, at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 15.6%—almost one and a half times the global rate.
While many factors are contributing to this high growth rate, the study shows that three factors are significantly driving the
cyber security demand market in India—digital growth, increase in cyberattacks and stringent regulatory mandates.

Thanks ,
Nitin Pandey
Cybersecurity – An Overview

Cybersecurity is the practice of protecting systems, networks,

and programs from digital attacks. These cyberattacks are usually
aimed at accessing, changing, or destroying sensitive
information; extorting money from users; or interrupting normal
business processes.
Implementing effective cybersecurity measures is particularly
challenging today because there are more devices than people,
and attackers are becoming more innovative.
Cybersecurity tools & services
• Firewall : A firewall is arguably the most core of security tools, it remains one of the most important. Its job is to
block any unauthorized access to your system. A firewall monitors network traffic as well as connection attempts,
deciding on whether these should be able to pass freely onto your network or computer. Of course, while they are
useful, they do have limitations. Skilled hackers have learned how to create data and programs that trick firewalls
into believing that they are trusted – this means that the program can pass through the firewall without any

• Antivirus software : It is necessary to have both a strong firewall and up-to-date antivirus software in place to keep
your system secure. In 2018, both remain vital components of your cybersecurity. Antivirus software will alert you to
virus and malware infections and many will also provide additional services such as scanning emails to ensure they
are free from malicious attachments or web links. Modern antivirus programs perform useful protective measures,
such as quarantining potential threats and removing them. There is a huge range of antivirus software, and you can
easily find a package that is suited to the needs of your business.

• Managed detection services : As cyber-criminals and hackers have become more sophisticated, and the techniques
and software they use are more advanced, it has become necessary for businesses to invest in more powerful forms
of defense. In 2018, it is no longer enough simply to have defenses that react to threats – instead, they need to be
proactive and identify attacks before they can cause problems. Cybersecurity has seen a shift from investing in
technologies that attempt to prevent the possibility of an attack towards advanced services that react to and
detect potential security issues and respond to them as fast as possible. It is far less damaging to identify and
eliminate an attack before it spreads rather than trying to handle an attack that already has a strong foothold on
your IT network.
Cybersecurity tools & services...
• PKI Services Many people only associate PKI with SSL or TLS, the technology that encrypts server communications
and is responsible for the HTTPS and padlock you see in your browser address bars. While SSL is of course
extremely important, not just for security public sites but your internal networks as well, PKI can actually solve a
number of common cybersecurity pain points and deserves a place in every organization’s security suite. In addition
to server security, as mentioned above, PKI can be used to:
 Enable Multi-Factor Authentication and access control. Ensure only approved users, machines, and devices (those with properly configured
certificates) can access and operate on your networks.

 Create compliant, Trusted Digital Signatures. Digital signatures authenticate the signer’s identity and create a tamper-evident seal to
protect document contents and meet compliance requirements.

 Encrypt email communications and authenticate the sender’s identity. Digitally signing and encrypting all internal emails mitigates phishing
and data loss risks by clearly verifying message origin so recipients can identify legitimate versus phishing emails and ensuring only intended
recipients can access email contents.

 Digitally sign and protect code. Assure end users that code is legitimate and comes from a verified source, and protect code from
tampering and the threat of malware injections.

 Build identity and trust into IoT ecosystems. Giving each IoT device/endpoint a unique identity means they can authenticate when they
come online and throughout their lifetime, prove their integrity, and securely communicate with other devices, services, and users.
Cybersecurity tools & services
• Penetration Testing : Penetration testing is an important way to test your business’ security systems. During a
penetration test, cybersecurity professionals will use the same techniques utilized by criminal hackers to check for
potential vulnerabilities and areas of weakness. A pen test attempts to simulate the kind of attack a business might
face from criminal hackers, including everything from password cracking and code injection to phishing. Once the
test has taken place, the testers will present you with their findings and can even help by recommending potential
changes to your system.

• Staff Training : You might not think of staff training as a ‘tool’ but ultimately, having knowledgeable employees
who understand their role in cybersecurity is one of the strongest forms of defense against attacks. There are many
training tools that you can invest in to educate staff about best cyber security practices. Something as simple as
regular updates on cybersecurity strategies and getting into the right habits with passwords can make a huge
difference. It is also smart to provide training sessions or simulations on spotting suspicious links or scam emails
that may be a part of a phishing attack
Concept - Cryptocurrency
Market size
Cybersecurity Market Size
During the period 2021-2028, the global cybersecurity market is expected to expand at a CAGR of 12%, from USD 165.78 billion in 2021 to
USD 366.10 billion in 2028. During the forecast years of 2021-2025, India’s cyber security market is projected to expand at a CAGR of 13.90

Why Cybersecurity is Important

With the ubiquitous access to the internet, iPhones, apps, and round-the-clock data access, our way of life has altered tremendously. Indians
use the internet for a variety of purposes, including research, banking, shopping, and data storage. Not only has the internet brought the
world closer together, but it has also become a fortress for cybercriminals. Any business enterprise, from large companies to Startups, is
susceptible to cyberattacks. On October 14, 2020, over 2 crores of users’ data breach at online grocery leader BigBasket highlighted the need
for more robust cybersecurity in the Indian Startup ecosystem.
According to recent estimates, India was ranked 2 nd, with nearly 687 million Indians using computers or mobile devices to access the internet.
The year 2020 was notable in several respects, with the COVID-19 pandemic having a major impact and an increase in cybersecurity threats.
Although this number is expected to rise further in 2021 and beyond, businesses should gain the necessary awareness, conduct staff training
programs, and invest in innovative cybersecurity technologies to thrive in the new normal.
Cybersecurity business in Indian Market
• The established companies in India are being impacted by modern technologies such as cloud computing, IoT (Internet of Things), and
robotics every day. The digitalization has been noticeable, with automation, IoT, Cloud & Edge Computing, Robotics, and data analytics
rendering industrial automation smarter, intelligent, and more efficient.
• Due to all this, Organizations are becoming increasingly susceptible to cyberattacks aimed at undermining their activities or permanently
damaging their IT structures. Because of a lack of attention to security and it being an afterthought, Indian startups aren’t adequately
protected. Startups face the challenges of restricted budgets and capital when it comes to managing security.
• Most companies rely heavily on digital technologies and apps as part of their everyday operations, whether it’s customer-facing
websites, cloud systems, email services, network infrastructure, employee computers, and more. As a consequence, cybersecurity
threats are rising. Hackers are gradually taking advantage of software and hardware bugs to gain access to corporate systems and
trigger a variety of problems.
• Every day, cybersecurity professionals in India and the rest of the world face new threats and vulnerabilities, placing multiple
organizations at risk. Digitization has not only opened up new possibilities, but it has also exposed the industry to a slew of new risks,
emphasizing the importance of cybersecurity as a constant, perpetual, always-on, and proactive mechanism rather than a one-time
• Vulnerabilities in software and hardware provide a way into targeted companies for cybercriminals, who are actively looking for and
exploiting them. With this in mind, cybersecurity teams must be diligent in identifying and repairing vulnerabilities to prevent them from
being exploited.
• With the 5G wireless service set to launch in India’s market, new security problems may arise, as it will dramatically increase traffic,
consume more bandwidth, and necessitate higher speeds and lower latency. Multiple networks, clouds, CDNs (Content delivery
network), and the edge are all used in this, exposing new ways for attackers to exploit vulnerabilities.
Indian Government Initiatives for
cyber security
• In response to the rising risks and threats, India’s government has launched many
initiatives, including the National Cyber Security Policy and the Cyber Swachhta
Kendra. Via regulatory mechanisms, stringent rules, and enforceable legislation,
the government is also planning to fight cybercrime.
• India’s highly skilled IT workforce must be harnessed and redirected by the
government for economic reasons. Incentives offered by the government to the
private sector will promote private sector investment in a National Cybersecurity
Agency. Indian companies will become more competitive on a global level and
build a safer digital India if India’s cybersecurity defences are improved in the
coming era.
Cybersecurity Growth of Various Products
Cybersecurity Sectoral Analysis

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