Digestive System 1

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Digestive system

Dr. Waseem Hassan

Function of the digestive system
 ingestion: taking food and liquid
into mouth
 Secretion: total about 7 liter into
 lumen
Mixing and propulsion: through GI
 muscle and peristalsis and
 Digestion: Breakdown of ingested e
food (mechanical and chemical)
Absorption: Passage of nutrients into th
 Metabolism: Production of cellular
energy (ATP)
Defecation: waste substance leave the
GI tract through anus
Organs of the Digestive System

 Two main groups

 Alimentary canal or gastrointestinal tract
– continuous coiled hollow tube from
mouth to anus(5-7 meter)
 Accessory digestive organs: teeth ,tongue
,salivary gland ,liver ,gallbladder ,and
Organs of the Digestive System
Organs of the Alimentary Canal
 Mouth
 Pharynx
 Esophagus
 Stomach
 Small intestine
 Large intestine
 Anus
Mouth (Oral Cavity)
 Lips (labia) – protect
the anterior
 Cheeks – form the
lateral walls
 Hard palate – forms
the anterior roof
 Soft palate – forms
the posterior roof
 Uvula – fleshy
projection of the
soft palate
Mouth (Oral Cavity)
 Vestibule – space
between lips
externally and teeth
and gums
 Oral cavity – area
contained by the
 Tongue – attached
at hyoid bone and
styloid processes of
the skull, and by
the lingual
Dorsum (upper part of tongue covered with papillae taste receptor and buds)

Filiform papillae

Filiform papillae are found in large numbers across the tongue’s surface. They are cone-shaped
structures that don’t contain taste buds. Each papilla has brush-like structures called secondary
papillae projecting from its tip. They grip the food

Fungiform papillae

The fungiform papillae are broad flat structures that house taste buds in the central portion of the dorsum

circumvallate papillae
Are the small, nipple-like structures on the upper surface of the tongue that give it its characteristic rough
The tonsils (palatine tonsils) are a pair of soft tissue masses located at the
rear of the throat (pharynx). Each tonsil is composed of tissue similar to lymph
nodes, covered by pink mucosa (like on the adjacent mouth lining). Running
through the mucosa of each tonsil are pits, called crypts.

The tonsils are part of the lymphatic system, which helps to fight infections.

The lingual tonsils are two small mounds of lymphatic tissue located in the
lamina propria of the root of the tongue. The lymphatic tissue of the tonsils
consists of the lymphatic nodules rich in cells of the immune system
Salivary glands

-Parotid gland:

In the parotid fossa, three main structures transverse this gland – facial nerve, external carotid
artery, and retromandibular vein. The parotid duct opens near the upper 2nd molar tooth. The
gland is completely serous.

-Submandibular gland:
Sitting most posteriorly in the submandibular triangle, it is supplied by the facial artery and
vein. Submandibular ducts, which cross the lingual nerves, open on both sides of the tongue
frenulum. It is mostly serous but partially mucus.

Sublingual gland:
The smallest salivary gland sits beneath the oral mucosa in the floor of the mouth. It has
multiple small openings. This gland is almost completely mucus- secreting.
• Teeth
(mechanical breakdown)
– Incisors used for cutting
– Canines used for stabbing
and holding
– Molars large surface area
used for grinding
• Primary or deciduous
teeth 20
• Secondary or permanent
teeth 32
Structure of Teeth
Crown - exposed surface of tooth
Neck - boundary between root and crown
Enamel - outer surface (the hardest substance in the body 95% calcium salts)
Dentin – bone-like, but noncellular(70% calcium salts)
Pulp cavity - hollow with blood vessels and nerves
Root canal - canal length of root
Gingival sulcus - where gum and tooth meet
Processes of the
 Mastication (chewing) of food
 Mixing masticated food with saliva to
produse easy digestied food called
 Saliva contain 2 enzyme,salivary
amylase and lingual lipase
 Initiation of swallowing by the
 Allowing for the sense of taste
Class tasks

• Lab and lecture assignment by Monday (only acceptable in hard form)

• Quiz(s) next week

 Nasopharynx –
not part of the
digestive system
 Oropharynx –
posterior to oral
 Laryngopharynx –
below the oropharynx
and connected to
the esophagus
 Serves as a passageway for air and
 Food is propelled to the esophagus by
two muscle layers
 Longitudinal inner layer
 Circular outer layer
 Food movement is by alternating
contractions of the muscle
layers (peristalsis)
Abdominal parts of
esophagus and stomach
Quadrants of Abdomen
Planes and regions of abdomen
Layers of Alimentary Canal Organs
 Mucosa
 Innermost layer
 Moist membrane
1. Surface epithelium : secretion and
absorbtion,renew every 5-7 days also
contain enteroendocrine cells
2. Small amount of connective tissue
(lamina propria): contain blood and
lymphatic vessele also contain MALT
3. Small smooth muscle layer
Layers of Alimentary Canal Organs

 Submucosa
 Just beneath the mucosa
 Soft connective tissue with blood vessels,
nerve endings, and lymphatics also contain
submucosal plexus
Layers of Alimentary Canal Organs
 Muscularis externa – smooth muscle
1. Inner circular layer
2. Outer longitudinal layer Between
them is myenteric nerve plexus
 Serosa
 Outermost layer – visceral peritoneum
 Layer of serous fluid-producing cells
 Runs from pharynx to stomach through the
diaphragm( 25 cm)
 Conducts food by peristalsis
(slow rhythmic squeezing): contraction of circular
layer above the food and contraction of longitudinal
below the food
 Passageway for food only (respiratory system
branches off after the pharynx)

 Abdominal part is only 1.25 cm

 It enters abdomen through an opening in diaphragm at
the level of T10, situated left of median plane.
 Oesophageal opening transmit anterior and posterior
gastric nerves, gastric artery and gastric veins.
 Forms portosystemic anastomosis

 Abdominal part is only 1.25 cm

 It enters abdomen through an opening in diaphragm at
the level of T10, situated left of median plane.
 Oesophageal opening transmit anterior and posterior
gastric nerves, gastric artery and gastric veins.
 Forms portosystemic anastomosis
Esophageal Location
Esophageal Histology
Peristalsis in Esophagus
Muscles contract

contract, Muscles relax
Bolus of constricting
food passageway
Muscles relax, bolus down
allowing Muscles contract
to open

Stomach relax
 Stomach is a muscular bag. It is connected with
esophagus to the above and duodenum to the
lower end. It acts as a reservoir of food.

 It lies obliquely in the upper and left part of the

abdomen. It occupies epigastric, umbilical, and
hypochondriac region.

 Its J-shaped when empty. In obese people it is

more flatter

 25 cm long. Its capacity is 30 ml in children, 1

liter at puberty and 1.5-2 liters in adults
 Regions of the stomach
 Cardiac region – near the heart (behind 7th coastal cartilage and
the level of T-11.
 Fundus
 Body
 Phylorus – funnel-shaped terminal end (1.2 cm right of median
plane at the level of lower border of vertebra L1.
 Food empties into the small intestine at the pyloric
 Rugae – internal folds of the mucosa
 External regions
 Lesser curvature: concave; forms right border of stomach;
attachment to lesser omentum
 Greater curvature: convex; forms left border f stomach and
attached to greater omentum
Stomach Anatomy

 Layers of peritoneum attached to the

 Lesser omentum – attaches the liver to the
lesser curvature
 Greater omentum – attaches the greater
curvature to the transverse colon which
Contains fat to insulate, cushion, and
protect abdominal organs
Stomach Blood Supply
Lymph Drainage of Stomach
Nerve Supply Of Stomach
Sympathetic Nerves:
Thoracic 6 to 10 segment of spinal cord via splanchnic nerves, coeliac
nerves and hepatic plexus
1. Vasomotor
2. Pyloric sphincter but it inhibits rest of gastric muscles
3. Nerves for pain
Parasympathetic nerves:
4. Anterior gastric nerve
2. Posterior gastric nerve
Specialized Mucosa
 Simple columnar epithelium
 Mucous neck cells – produce a sticky
alkaline mucus
Gastric glands – secrete gastric juice
 Chief cells – produce protein-digesting
enzymes (pepsinogens)

Parietal cells – produce hydrochloric acid
and Intrinsic factor(B12 absorption)

Endocrine cells (G cell) – produce
 which stimulates both parietal and
Structure of the Stomach Mucosa

 Gastric pits
formed by
folded mucosa
 Glands and
cells are in the
gastric gland
Structure of the Stomach Mucosa

 Acts as a storage tank for food

 Site of food breakdown and mixing
 Chemical breakdown of protein begins
 Delivers chyme (processed food) to the
small intestine
• Is the largest serous membrane of the body consist of
• Divide into
1. Parietal peritoneum: lines the wall of abdominopelvic
cavity internally
2. Visceral peritoneum: cover some of the organs in the
3. The space between them contain fluid and called
peritoneal cavity this cavity may be accumulated by
several liters of fluid state called ascites
Mesenteries: The mesentery is a contiguous set of tissues that attaches
the intestines to the posterior abdominal wall in humans and is formed by
the double fold of peritoneum
Peritoneal folds
1. falciform ligament:- attach the liver to anterior abdominal wall and
2. Greater omentum - "fatty apron", hangs anteriorly from stomach, double
layer encloses fat
3. Lesser omentum - between stomach and liver
4. Mesentery proper - suspends and wraps the small intestine
5. Mesocolon - suspends and wraps the colon, parts are
i. transverse mesocolon
ii. sigmoid mesocolon

Ascending and descending ,pancreas, first 2 parts of the duodenum and
kidneys are Retroperitoneal structure

• Greater omentum
and transverse colon

• Superficial view
of the

 The body’s major digestive organ

 Site of nutrient absorption into the blood
 Muscular tube extending form the pyloric sphincter
to the ileocecal valve
 Suspended from the posterior abdominal wall
by the mesentery

 6 meter length. Longer in male than females. Longer in

 Small intestine forms permanent folds, beginning from
second part of duodenum.
 Circular muscle folds decrease at distal part of jejunum
and proximal part ileum. Absent in ileum
 Have microvilli (10-40 per square mm and 1-2 mm in
Plicae circulares of small intestine
Villi of the Small

 Fingerlike structures
formed by the mucosa
 Give the small intestine
more surface area
Microvilli of the Small

 Small projections of the plasma

 Found on absorptive cells
 Present abundantly in
duodenum and jejunum but
fewer in ileum
Structures Involved in Absorption of

 Absorptive cells
 Blood capillaries
 Lacteals (specialized
crypts of Lieberkühn
crypts of Lieberkühn

• Tubular glands spread over entire jejunum and ileum

• Secrete digestive enzymes and mucus

• Show high mitotic activity and gradually move upwards to the villi where they
eventually shed-off.

• Complete intestinal epithelia is replaced within 3-4 days in this way.

• Brunner glands (tubuloacinar) are present in duodenum’s submucosa which secrete

Lymphatic drainage
1. Solitary lymphatic follicles
1-2nm in diameter; distributed throughout small and large
2. Aggregated lymphatic follicles (peyer’s patches)
Form circular or oval patches; 2-10 cm in length; set of 10-200
patches present together. Present abundantly in ileum.
These follicles are present in large numbers at puberty but decreases in
number at older age.
Arterial supply
1. Jejunum and iliac braches of superior mesenteric artery supply
blood to small intestine

2. Vasa recta are distributed all around the gut

3. Vasa recta gives off various braches that form plexus in submucosa
Nerve supply
1. Both sympathetic (T9-T11) and parasympathetic supply (vagus) is
2. Parasympathetic nerve stimulate peristalsis but closes sphincters
Subdivisions of the Small
 Duodenum(25cm)
 Attached to the stomach
 Curves around the head of the pancreas
 Fixed retroperitoneal structure
 Jejunum (2.5m)
 Attaches anteriorly to the duodenum
 Ileum (3.5m)
 Extends from jejunum to large intestine
Regions of Small Intestine
Duodenum and Related Organs


Acid chyme

Intestinal enzymes

Duodenum of juice
small intestine
Digestive Secretions:
(7 L / Day From Tissues
• into
Salivary glands Lumen)
• Pancreas
• Water
• Enzymes
• Mucus
• Ions: H+, K+,
• Na +
HCO3-, Cl-
• Mass Balance (H2O)
Regions of Large Intestine
Cecum – pocket at proximal end with
Ascending colon - on right, between
cecum and right colic flexure
Transverse colon - horizontal portion
Descending colon - left side, between
left colic flexure and
Sigmoid colon - S bend near terminal
Rectum – terminal end is anal canal - ending at the anus -
which has internal involuntary sphincter and external voluntary
Histology of Large Intestine

1. Mucosa - abundant goblet cells,

stratified squamous epithelium near anal
2. No villi

3. Longitudinal muscle layer incomplete, forms

three bands or taenia coli
4. Circular muscle - forms pockets or haustra
between bands
Structures of the Large Intestine

 Cecum – saclike first part of the large

 Appendix
Accumulation of lymphatic tissue that
sometimes becomes inflamed
Hangs from the cecum
Structures of the Large
 Colon
 Ascending
 Transverse
 Descending
 S-shaped sigmoidal
 Rectum
 Anus – external body opening

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Features of large intestine
• Wider in caliber than small intestine and tapper-off at the end
• Large intestine is fixed

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