Plate Tectonics

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Matching Mountain Ranges

Glacier Evidence
Sea Floor Spreading
• Identify and differentiate the 3 types of
plate boundaries by the type of
movement they exhibit.
• Draw a concept map showing the
differences between these plate
• Recognize the importance of studying
plate boundaries and its impact not only
on the environment but also on us.
• Who can describe the
distribution of volcanoes,
earthquake epicenters and
mountain ranges in the
• What are the two types of
Unlocking of difficult
• Divergent
• Convergent
• Transform
Types of Plate Boundaries
I. Objectives:
• Identify and differentiate the 3 types of
plate boundaries by the type of
movement they exhibit
• Identify tectonic plates exhibiting the
types of plate boundaries
II. Study the diagram below and read the short selection about
the Types of Plate boundaries. Fill in the table with the correct

Differences Types of Plate Boundaries

1. 2. 3.

of Plates

How do plates move then?
• Due to tremendous heat, rock in the
asthenosphere is like hot taffy
• This allows plates to ride on top of hot,
flowing rock.
• Plates move because heat is being released
from deep inside the earth.
• Convection currents causes hot material to
rise and expand (plates diverge) and cooler
material to sink and contract (plates
All of this new information helped to
create the Theory of Plate Tectonics
Plates Move Apart
Boundaries are
formed when
tectonic plates
move. The
direction of
the movement
the type of
1. Divergent Boundary: plates move apart

a. Usually found in the ocean

b. Mid-ocean ridges and rift valleys occur
• Mid-ocean ridges form the longest mountain ranges on earth.
• Most contain a rift valley along their center.

Earth’s magnetic poles have switched places

several times at divergent boundaries.
These magnetic reversals are caused by changes in Earth’s
magnetic fields. Bands of rock record periods of magnetic
reversals. As molten material cools, magnetic minerals line up
with the magnetic field. When it hardens, the minerals act
like tiny compass needles.
Hot spots can be used to track
plate movements.
• Hot Spot: an area of volcanic
activity that develops above where
magma rises in a plume from the
– They don’t move but plates do
– A fixed point to measure speed and
direction of plates
The Hawaiian islands are located in the middle
of the Pacific Plate. The largest island,
Hawaii, is still over the hot spot.
See Page 28

When the plate moves on, it carries the first

volcano away from the hot spot. Heat from the
mantle plume will then melt the rock at a new
site, forming a new volcano.
2.Convergent Boundary: plates push together.

• They form three

types of
• One plate is
subducted or
pushed below the
lighter plate
a. Continental-Continental

2 continental plates
collide crumpling
and folding the
rock between them.
Mountains could

Oceanic-oceanic subductions: two oceanic plates

collide and the older, denser plate sinks beneath
the top plate, forming deep-ocean trenches and
island arcs.

Oceanic-continental subductions: an oceanic

plate sinks beneath a continental plate, forming a
deep-ocean trench and volcanic coastal
3. Tectonic plates scrape past each
other at transform boundaries.

• Two plates move

past each other in
opposite directions.
• No crust is formed
or destroyed.
• Occurs on the sea
floor and on land.
The San Andreas Fault is a transform boundary and
moves about 1 inch per year.
Comparing Boundaries

Divergent *plates move apart *in ocean and on land

*produce mid-ocean ridges, rift valleys,
volcanoes, earthquakes
Transform *plates move past each other in opposite
directions *in ocean and on land

Convergent *crumples and folds crust * produces

mountains, earthquakes
C-C Collision
Convergent *older, denser plate sinks *produce
deep-ocean trenches, island arcs
O-O Subduction
Convergent *oceanic plate sinks under continental
O-C Subduction plate * forms deep-ocean trench,
The theory of plate tectonics helps
geologists today.
• The plate tectonics
theory enables
geologists to understand
how Earth’s continents
and ocean basins
• Helps scientists predict
earthquakes and
volcanic activity.
Multiple Choice: Write the LETTER of the correct answer.
1. The place where two plates collide is called a ___________.
A. transform boundary B. hot spot C. divergent boundary D. convergent boundary
2. In Pangaea, India and Antarctica were connected. Over time, India broke away and
drifted North, while Antarctica drifted South. This is an example of which of the ff.
types of plate movement?
A. subducting B. diverging C. converging D. transforming
3. When two crustal plates slide past each other sideways, the movement is…
A. subducting B. diverging C. converging D. transforming
4. Divergent boundary is also called as…
A. constructive boundary B. hot spot C. destructive boundary D. conservative
5. Convergent boundary is also called as…
A. constructive boundary B. hot spot C. destructive boundary D.
conservative boundary
6-10. How important is the study of plate boundaries and its impact to environment and to

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