IoT Unit-5

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Unit 5

Challenges in IoT Design

1. Challenges in IOT

2. Design Challenges

3. Security Challenges

4. Deployment Challenges

5. IoT Applications
 Smart Metering
 E-health
 City Automation
 Automotive Applications
 Home automation
 Smart Cards
 Communicating data with H/W units, mobiles, tablets,
 Designing of smart street lights in smart city
Challenges in Internet of Things (IoT)

The Internet of Things (IoT) has fast grown to be a large part of

how human beings live, communicate and do business. All
across the world, web-enabled devices are turning our global
rights into a greater switched-on area to live in.
There are various types of challenges in front of IoT.

1) Design Challenges in IoT

2) Security Challenges in IoT

3) Deployment Challenges in IoT

Design Challenges in IoT

1) Battery life is a limitation –

Issues in packaging and integration of small-sized chip with low weight and less power consumption. If you’ve
been following the mobile space, you’ve likely see how every yr it looks like there’s no restriction in terms of
display screen size. Take the upward thrust of ‘phablets’, for instance, which can be telephones nearly as huge
as tablets. Although helpful, the bigger monitors aren’t always only for convenience, rather, instead, display
screen sizes are growing to accommodate larger batteries. Computers have getting slimmer, but battery
energy stays the same.

2) Increased cost and time to market –

Embedded systems are lightly constrained by cost.
The need originates to drive better approaches when designing the IoT devices in order to handle the cost
modeling or cost optimally with digital electronic components.
Designers also need to solve the design time problem and bring the embedded device at the right time to the

3) Security of the system –

Systems have to be designed and implemented to be robust and reliable and have to be secure with
cryptographic algorithms and security procedures.
It involves different approaches to secure all the components of embedded systems from prototype to
Security Challenges in IoT
1) Lack of encryption –
Although encryption is a great way to prevent hackers from accessing data, it is also one of the leading IoT security challenges.
These drives like the storage and processing capabilities that would be found on a traditional computer.
The result is an increase in attacks where hackers can easily manipulate the algorithms that were designed for protection.

2) Insufficient testing and updating –

With the increase in the number of IoT(internet of things) devices, IoT manufacturers are more eager to produce and deliver their
device as fast as they can without giving security too much of although.
Most of these devices and IoT products do not get enough testing and updates and are prone to hackers and other security

3) Brute forcing and the risk of default passwords –

Weak credentials and login details leave nearly all IoT devices vulnerable to password hacking and brute force.
Any company that uses factory default credentials on their devices is placing both their business and its assets and the customer
and their valuable information at risk of being susceptible to a brute force attack.

4) IoT Malware and ransom ware –

Increases with increase in devices.
Ransom ware uses encryption to effectively lock out users from various devices and platforms and still use a user’s valuable data
and info.
Example –
A hacker can hijack a computer camera and take pictures.
By using malware access points, the hackers can demand ransom to unlock the device and return the data.

5) IoT botnet aiming at cryptocurrency –

IoT botnet workers can manipulate data privacy, which could be massive risks for an open Crypto market. The exact value and
creation of cryptocurrencies code face danger from mal-intentioned hackers.
The blockchain companies are trying to boost security. Blockchain technology itself is not particularly vulnerable, but the app
development process is.
Deployment Challenges in IoT

1) Connectivity –
It is the foremost concern while connecting devices, applications and cloud platforms.
Connected devices that provide useful front and information are extremely valuable. But poor connectivity
becomes a challenge where IoT sensors are required to monitor process data and supply information.

2) Cross platform capability –

IoT applications must be developed, keeping in mind the technological changes of the future.
Its development requires a balance of hardware and software functions.
It is a challenge for IoT application developers to ensure that the device and IoT platform drivers the best
performance despite heavy device rates and fixings.

3) Data collection and processing –

In IoT development, data plays an important role. What is more critical here is the processing or usefulness of
stored data.
Along with security and privacy, development teams need to ensure that they plan well for the way data is
collected, stored or processed within an environment.

4) Lack of skill set –

All of the development challenges above can only be handled if there is a proper skilled resource working on
the IoT application development.
The right talent will always get you past the major challenges and will be an important IoT application
development asset.
IoT Applications

home automation
Home automation” refers to the automatic and electronic control of household
features, activity, and appliances.
In simple terms, it means you can easily control the utilities and features of your
home via the Internet to make life more convenient and secure, and even spend
less on household bills.
Read on to find answers to some of the most common questions about home
automation technology, and get a few ideas for home automation solutions to
incorporate in your home.
Concept of home automation

“Home Automation” has been in existence for several years. “Smart Home ”, “ Intelligent Home” are terms
that followed and is been used to introduce the concept of networking appliance within the house.
Home Automation Systems (HASs) includes centralized control and distance status monitoring of lighting,
security system, and other appliances and systems within a house.
HASs enables energy efficiency, improves the security systems, and certainly the comfort and ease of
users. In the present emerging market, HASs is gaining popularity and has attracted the interests of many
HASs comes with its own challenges . Mainly being, in the present day, end users especially elderly and
disabled, even though hugely benefited, aren’t seen to accept the system due to the complexity
and cost factors

How you will turn your home to smart

A Wi-Fi connection
Smart home appliances
A smart home system to connect, monitor, and
control these devices.
How does IT works?

Home automation is a network of hardware, communication, and

electronic interfaces that work to integrate everyday devices with one
another via the Internet. Each device has sensors and is connected
through WiFi, so you can manage them from your smartphone or
tablet whether you’re at home, or miles away. This allows you to turn
on the lights, lock the front door, or even turn down the heat, no
matter where you are.

Smart lighting/lighting control

Smart bathroom
Home security
Safety Sensor/Air quality
Temperature Control
Smart Switches

Security Issues: As with all computing devices, security will

become a greater issue as more people use smart home

 Privacy: All devices controlled over the Internet can

potentially be hacked.

Cost: Extremely expensive.

Greater acceptance
What is a Smart Card?

A smart card is a physical card that has an embedded integrated chip that acts as a
security token. Smart cards are typically the same size as a driver's license or credit
card and can be made out of metal or plastic. They connect to a reader either by
direct physical contact -- also known as chip and dip -- or through a short-range
wireless connectivity standard such as radio-frequency identification (RFID) or
near-field communication.

Smart cards are used for a variety of applications but are most commonly used as
credit cards and other payment cards. The payment card industry's support of smart
cards for the Europay, Mastercard and Visa (EMV) card standard has driven the
distribution of smart cards. Smart cards capable of short-range wireless connectivity
can be used for contactless payment systems.
How smart cards work?

Smart card microprocessors or memory chips exchange data with card readers
and other systems over a serial interface. The smart card itself is powered by an
external source, usually the smart card reader.

Smart cards communicate with readers via direct physical contact or using RFID or
another short-range wireless connectivity standard. The chip or processor on the
card contains data that the card reader accesses. The processor on the card
contains a basic operating system (OS) that lets the card hold, transmit and
protect the data.

The card reader passes data from the smart card to its intended destination,
usually a payment or authentication system, over a network connection.
Uses of smart cards

Smart cards are generally used in applications that must

deliver fast, secure transactions. They can protect personal
information in numerous situations, including the following:
Credit cards
Other types of payment cards
Corporate and government identification cards
Transit fare payment cards
E-documents, such as electronic passports and visas.
Types of smart cards

There are mainly 4 types of smart cards:

1. Contact Smart Cards
2. Contactless Smart Cards
3. Dual-interface Cards
4. Hybrid Smart Cards
Types of smart cards

Contact smart cards are the most common type of smart

card. They are inserted into a smart card reader that has a
direct connection to a conductive contact plate on the surface
of the card. Commands, data and card status are transmitted
over these physical contact points.
Contactless cards require only close proximity to a card
reader to be read; no direct contact is necessary. The card
and the reader are both equipped with antennae and
communicate using radio frequencies over a contactless link.
The antennae are often a copper wire that wraps around the
edge of the card.
Types of smart cards

Contact Contactless
Types of smart cards

Dual-interface cards are equipped with both contactless and

contact interfaces. This type of card enables secure access to
the smart card's chip with either the contactless or contact
smart card interfaces.
Hybrid smart cards contain more than one smart card
technology. For example, a hybrid smart card might have an
embedded processor chip that is accessed through a contact
reader and an RFID chip for proximity connection. The
different chips may be used for different applications linked to
a single smart card -- for example, when a proximity chip is
used for physical access control to restricted areas and a
contact chip is used for SSO authentication.
Advantages of smart cards

Stronger security. Smart cards provide a higher level of

security than magnetic stripe cards because they contain
microprocessors capable of processing data directly without
remote connections. Even memory-only smart cards can be
more secure because they can store more authentication and
account data than traditional mag stripe cards. Smart cards
are generally safe against electronic interference and
magnetic fields, unlike magnetic stripe cards.
Multiple uses. Multiservice smart card systems let users
access more than one service with one smart card.
Advantages of smart cards

Information persistence. Once information is stored on a

smart card, it can't be easily deleted, erased or altered. That
is why smart cards are good for storing valuable data that
should not be reproduced. However, applications and data on
a card can be updated through secure channels, so issuers
do not have to issue new cards when an update is needed.
Disadvantages of smart cards

Cost. The cards and the smart card readers can be expensive.
Compatibility. Not all smart card readers are compatible with all
types of smart cards. Some readers use nonstandard protocols for
data storage and card interface, and some smart cards and readers
use proprietary software that is incompatible with other readers.
Security vulnerabilities. Smart cards are secure for many
applications, but they are still vulnerable to certain types of attack.
For example, attacks that can recover information from the chip can
target smart card technology. Differential power analysis (DPA) can
be used to deduce the on-chip private key used by public key
algorithms, such as the Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA) algorithm.
Smart cards may also be physically disassembled in order to gain
access to the onboard microchip.
Examples of smart cards

Payment cards, including debit and credit cards issued by commercial

credit card companies and banks, are used for financial transactions.
Electronic benefits transfer cards are used for distribution of
government benefits, such as the U.S. Supplemental Nutrition
Assistance Program.
Transit cards let local and regional transit systems process payments,
as well as give riders points on their purchases.
Access control cards enable schools, companies and government
entities to control access to physical locations.
Smart health cards help medical facilities securely store patient
medical records.
SIM cards, used inside of digital cameras and smartphones, store
media and other data.

eHealth ensures cost‐effective and protected use of facts and communication

technologies in favor of health and health‐related fields.

eHealth can be defined as delivery of health care using modern electronic

information and communication technologies when health care providers and
patients are not directly in contact and their interaction is mediated by electronic

eHealth encompasses all sorts of electronic health data exchange such as

Telemedicine, Tele-health etc.

Examples of eHealth include communication with health care professional via

email, access medical records, research health information, etc.
E-health(Working Model)

● Improved patient monitoring: Communication is easier with this new digital channel, helping to bridge the gap between doctors and
patients. Technology also means the patient's condition can be monitored and their progress can be recorded in real time.
● More informed patients: As patients, we can make better health decisions when we understand them and have the power to manage
their own health. ICTs also provide us with access to guide books and best practice, something very useful, for instance, during the
pandemic if they come from reliable sources.
● Easier decision-making for healthcare staff: eHealth is also transforming the way professionals deal with disease. ICTs can help, for
instance, to identify optimal treatments more easily or detect illnesses at an early stage.
● More accessible and equal healthcare: Access to healthcare is no longer limited by time and space, which means avoiding
unnecessary travel. Moreover, technology brings healthcare to more people, especially patients at risk of exclusion, which means more
equal opportunities for everyone.
● More efficient hospitals and health clinics: Connected facilities mean a streamlined health system, minimise the chance of human
error and cutting costs. In addition, techniques such as big data, processes are being automated.
City Automation

In general, a smart city is the city

that uses technology to provide
services and solve city problems.

 A smart city does things like

improve transportation and
accessibility, improve social
services, promote sustainability
and give its citizens a voice.

 Public Transportation
 IT-Connectivity
 Water Management
 Power Supply
 Sanitation
 Waste Management
 Urban mobility
 E-governance
 Citizen participation

 Smart cities use a combination of the internet of things (IOT) devices,

Software Solutions, User interfaces (UI), and communication


 Smart cities utilize their web of connected IOT devices and other

technologies to achieving economics growth.


 Collection –Smart sensors thoughout the city gather data in real time.

 Analysis-Data collected by the smart sensors is assessed in order to

draw meaningful insights.

 Communication- The insight that have been found in the analysis phase are

communicated with decision makers through strong communication networks.

 Action- Cities use the insights pulled from the data to create solutions, optimize the

quality of life for residents.

Smart City Technologies

 Application Programming interfaces (APIs)

 Artificial intelligence (AI)
 Cloud Computing
 Dashboards
 Machine Learning (ML)
 Machine to machine (M2M)
 Mesh network

 New York City, New York

 Singapore
 Barcelona ,Spain
 Tokyo, England
 Dubai , United Arab Emirates
 Hong Kong, China
Designing of Smart Street Lights in Smart City

A smart streetlight is a public lighting fixture that incorporates technology,

such as cameras, light-sensing photocells and other sensors, to
introduce real-time monitoring functionalities. Also referred to as
adaptive lighting or intelligent street lighting, this type of lighting system
is recognized as a significant step in the development of smart cities.
What makes light smarter?
A smart , connected lighting system is part of a local, wireless,
decentralized network with a local intelligence. It involves a combination
of cameras and sensors. When implemented on standard streetlights,
these devices can detect movement that enables dynamic lighting and
dimming .
Capabilities of Smart Light
 Dynamic lighting controls based on movement detection
 Environmental and weather monitoring
 Digital signage that can update as needed, such as parking regulations or accident
alerts .
 Traffic management through real-time data feeds that track congestion and speed
 Automatic emergency response in the event of a car crash or crime.


Chicago could save $10 million a year in energy costs, thanks to a four-year
initiative to replace 270,000 city lights with LEDs and intelligent controls.
Additionally, cities in Spain have invested in green street lighting with the
development of the wind-powered Eolgreen turbine lamppost .
Benefits of Smart Lighting in the cities

For Municipalities and Cities

For Grid Operators or Private Partners
From Lighting to Smart LED Lighting
in Smart City conditions
Communicating Data with H/W units, Mobiles,

Components for IoT Device Communication

• IoT Device - anything from the tiniest temperature sensor to a giant industrial robot
• Local communications – the method the device uses to speak with neighboring
• Application protocol – the framework that defines how information content is
• Gateways – translate and re-transmit information, typically linking local device
networks to the Internet
• Network servers – systems that manage the acceptance and transmission of IoT
data, typically located inside cloud data centers
• Cloud applications – process IoT data into useful information, for presentation to
• User interface – where people see IoT information, manipulate it, and issue
commands back to IoT devices
Communicating Data with H/W units, Mobiles,
Communicating Data with H/W units, Mobiles,
Communicating Data with H/W units, Mobiles,
Communicating Data with H/W units, Mobiles,
Communicating Data with H/W units, Mobiles,
Communicating Data with H/W units, Mobiles,

Cloud Application Plateforms

Communicating Data with H/W units, Mobiles,
Communicating Data with H/W units, Mobiles,

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