G10 Quarter 4

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Quarter 4: QUANTILES


Prepared by:
Margelyn A. Olohoy
Math Teacher


 At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
 1. Illustrate and define: quantiles, quartiles, deciles, percentiles;
 2. From a given set of ungrouped data, determine the following:
 a. Quartile using:
 i. Moore and McCabe Method
 ii. Tukey Method
 iii. Mendenhall and Sincich Method
 iv. Linear Interpolation
b. Decile
c. Percentile
 3.From a given grouped data, find the
a. Quartile
b. Decile
c. Percentile
REVIEW: Multiplication of Fractions
To find the product of fractions,

Examples: 1 3 3
2 4 8
REVIEW: Changing Fraction to Decimal
 To change a fraction to a decimal number, divide the
numerator of the fraction by its denominator.
Example: Change
0 . 74:
Divide 3 by 5
4 3. 00


Thus, = 0.75


REVIEW: Changing a Decimal Number to Percent

 Tochange a decimal number to percent, multiply

the decimal number by 100 then annex the
percent symbol (%) to the resulting number.

Example: 0.55 = 55%

(0.55)(100) = 55

0.162 = 16.2%
(0.162)(100) = 16.2
REVIEW: Changing a Percent to a Decimal Number

 Tochange a percent to a decimal number, remove the

% symbol then divide the given number by 100 or
move the decimal point two places to the left.
 Example: 25%¿ 0.25 OR .2.5. = 0.25
32.8 %
¿ 0.328 OR .3. 2.8 = 0.328

1 35 %
¿ 1.35OR 1.3.5. = 1.35
REVIEW: Rounding Off Numbers

General Rule for Rounding:

 If the number you are rounding is followed by 5, 6, 7,
8, or 9, round the number up.
Example: 48.7 rounded to the nearest ones is 49.

 If the number you are rounding is followed by 0, 1, 2,

3, or 4, round the number down.
Example: 241 rounded to the nearest tens is 240.

 The word “quantile” comes from the word

quantity. In simple terms, a quantile is where
a sample is divided into equal-sized,
adjacent, subgroups (that’s why it’s
sometimes called a “fractile” ).
 This also refers to the measures of positions
that divide a distribution into four, ten, and
hundred equal parts.
Common quantiles have special names,
such as quartiles (four groups), deciles
(ten groups), and percentiles (100
The groups created are termed halves,
thirds, quarters, etc., though sometimes
the terms for the quantile are used for the
groups created, rather than for the cut
Measures of Position

 Measures of position give us a way to see

where a certain data point or value falls in a
sample or distribution.
 A measure can tell us whether a value is about
the average, or whether it’s unusually high or
Measures of Position

1. Quartiles

2. Deciles

3. Percentiles
Relating Quantiles 𝑸 𝟐=𝑫 𝟓=𝑷 𝟓𝟎

𝑄1 𝑄2 𝑄3

𝐷1 2 𝐷
3 𝐷
4 𝐷𝐷
5 6 𝐷𝐷
7 8 9


𝑃 10 𝑃 40
𝑃 30
𝑃 20 𝑃 50 𝑃 70
𝑃 60 𝑃 90
𝑃 80
A. Quartiles
 Quartile is a statistical term describing a division of
observations into four defined intervals based upon the values
of the given data set.
 There are three quartiles in a set of numbers:
 1. The lower quartile .
 2. The middle quartile , (also called the median).
 3. The upper quartile .
 The quartiles divide the data set ( arranged in ascending order )
into four equal groups.
 The difference between and , is the interquartile range.
Methods in Finding the Quartiles for
Ungrouped Data
 1. The Moore and McCabe Method
 2. The Tukey Method
 3. The Mendenhall and Sincich Method
 4. The Linear Interpolation
For Odd-Numbered Set
 Find the quartiles of the given data set:
9, 8, 2, 10, 4, 12, 7,
6, 11
 Step 1:
In any of the methods mentioned, the first step is
to arrange the given set of data in ascending order
(from lowest value to highest value).
 Ascending order of data:

2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Step 2: In any of the methods mentioned, the second step is to
number the order of values in the arranged (ascending order) data

2 4 6 7 8
9 10 11 12
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
Method 1: Moore and McCabe Method
2 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
 Step 3: Find . Order of values
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
in the set
Locate the middle term by inspection.
The middle quartile is the middle number (the
median) in the arranged data set. Since 8 is the middle
number, thus .
Middle number

2 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Lower half Upper half

 Step 4: Median
Find .
Exclude the middle quartile value (median).
The arranged set is divided into two equal groups in
either side of the median:
a lower half and an upper half.
The lower quartile is the middle number of the lower
Middle numbers

Arranged data: 2 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Lower half Upper half

 Step 5: Find
The upper quartile is the middle number of the upper half:


Summary: Quartile Value

Method 2: Tukey Method
 Find the quartiles using the Tukey method.
 Step 3: Locate the middle term -
 Step 4: The middle quartile divides the set into two equal groups: the lower half and
the upper half including the median in both halves.
2 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 2 4
Lower half 7 8 9 10 11 12 Upper half

Find Find
The lower quartile, is the middle number The upper quartile, is the middle number
of the lower half with the middle quartile, of the upper half with the middle quartile,
by inspection, . by inspection, .
Summary: Quartiles Value
Method 3: Mendenhall and Sincich Method
 Find the quartiles using Mendenhall &
Sincich Method
 Step 3: Locate the middle term, of the given data
set arranged in ascending order. Thus,
 Step 4: In finding locate its position by using the formula:
, where k is the quartile number and n is the number of values in the
given data set
The obtained value is rounded to the nearest integer

Lower Quartile, L: Position of = Upper Quartile, U: Position of =

 If L falls halfway between two integers, If U falls halfway between two integers, round it
round it up. down.
 The Lth element in the arranged data set The Uth element in the arranged data set is the
is the lower quartile value, upper quartile value,
Positions of using the formula
Arranged data

 Lower Quartile, L:
The value 2.5 is halfway between 2 and 3, since lower quartile is
the unknown, round it up, thus, 2.5 becomes 3. The location of is
the 3rd value in the arranged data set. Therefore,
Upper Quartile, U:

The value 7.5 is halfway between 7 and 8, since upper quartile is

the unknown, round it down, thus, 7.5 becomes 7. The location of
is the 7th value in the arranged data set. Therefore,
Method 4: Linear Interpolation
Arranged data

Middle term

 Locatethe middle term, of the given

data set arranged in ascending order.
Method 4: Linear Interpolation
Arranged Data
 Step 3: Locate the position of the value in the
arranged data using the formula: :

Since 2.5 is a decimal number, interpolation is needed. The actual value is in between
the second and third values corresponding to the 2nd and 3rd positions respectively in the
arranged data.
2 value
3 value
Steps in interpolation:
Step 1:
Subtract: 3rd value – 2nd value : 6 – 4 = 2

Step 2: Multiply the difference obtained

in step 1 by the decimal part in the 2nd position 3rd position
result of the position of
Thus, 0.5 ( 2 ) = 1
2nd value 3rd value

2nd position 3rd position

Step 3: Add the product obtained in step 2 to the second value

corresponding to the 2nd position in the data. Thus, 4 + 1 = 5.

 Therefore the value of

Position of
Decimal part
 The actual value is in between the 7th and 8 values corresponding

to the 7th and 8th positions respectively in the arranged data.

7th value 8th value
Interpolation Steps:

Subtract: 8th value – 7th value

11 – 10 = 1
7th position 8th position
Multiply: (Decimal part) (difference)
( 0.5 ) ( 1 ) = 0.5
(Product) Therefore, = 10.5
Add: Product + 7th value
0.5 + 10 = 10.5
Summary of Values

Quartiles Moore & Tukey Mendenhall & Linear

McCabe Sincich Interpolation

5 6 6 5
8 8 8 8
10.5 10 10 10.5
For Even Numbered Set

 Given data: 2 4 9 6 14 8 10
7 12 11
 Step 1: Arrange in ascending order:
2 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14

 Step 2: Number the order of values:

2 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th
Method 1: Moore & McCabe Method
Find the middle most number/s by inspection.
Middle most numbers

Arranged data: 2 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14
Order Number :
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th

Value of
The median of an even numbered set is the average of the two middle
most numbers.
The value of
The two halves
excluding the 2 4 6 9 10 11
median 7 half
The lower 8 12 half
The upper 14

Lower Half: Upper Half:

2 4 6 9 10 11
7 8 12 14
Middle number: Middle number:

Summary: Quartile Value

Method 2: Tukey Method

 Find the middle most numbers by inspection.

Middle most numbers

Arranged data: 2 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14
Order number: 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
Value of
The median of an even numbered set is the average of the two middle
most numbers.
The value of

 Lower Half: Upper Half:

2 4 6 9 10 11
7 8 12 14
Middle number: Middle number:

Summary: Quartile Value

Method 3: Mendenhall & Sincich Method
 Find the middle most numbers by inspection.
Middle most numbers

Arranged data: 2 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14
Order number:
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th

Value of
The median of an even numbered set is the average of the
two middle most numbers.
The value of

Arranged data: 2 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Order Number:
 Find the location of : 2 nd
3 rd
4 th
5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th

1 (10+1) 1(11) 11
𝑄1 = = = =2.75 ≈ 3 (𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑑𝑡𝑜 𝑛𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑔𝑒𝑟 )
4 4 4
Thus, is the 3rd term in the arranged data set:
 Find the location of :

3(10 +1) 3 (11) 33

𝑄 3= = = =8.25 ≈ 8( 𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑑𝑡𝑜 𝑛𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑔𝑒𝑟)
4 4 4
Thus, is the 8th term in the arranged data set:
Method 4: Linear Interpolation

Find the middle most numbers by inspection.

Middle most numbers
Arranged data: 2 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Order number:
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th
Value of
The median of an even numbered set is the average of the
two middle most numbers.
The value of
Find Interpolation
Arranged data:2 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Order number:

1st 2nd 13rd(10

4th +1)
5th 6th 1(11)
7th 8th 9th1110th
𝑄:1 =
 Find the position of = = =2.75
4 4 4
The value of is in between the 2nd and 3rd values in the arranged data,
that is in between 4 and 6
Step 1: Subtract: 6 – 4 = 2
Step 2: Multiply: ( 0.75 ) ( 2 ) = 1.5
Step 3: Add: 4 + 1.5 = 5.5

Therefore, the value of is 5.5.

Find interpolation

Arranged data: 2 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Order number:
1 st
2 nd
4 th
5 th
3 (11)
7 th
9 th
10 th
 Find the position of 𝑄 3= = = = 8.25
4 4 4
The value of is in between the 8th and 9th values in the arranged data,
that is in between 11 and 12
Step 1: Subtract: 12 – 11 = 1
Step 2: Multiply: ( 0.25 ) ( 1 ) = 0.25
Step 3: Add: 11 + 0.25 = 11.25

Therefore, the value of is 11.25.

Summary of Values
Set Quartile Moore & Tukey Mendenhall Linear
McCabe & Sincich Interpolat
Odd Data 5 6 6 5
8 8 8 8
10.5 10 10 10.5
Even Data 6 6 6 5.5
8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5
11 11 11 11.25

Note: As we can see in the summary of values table, these

methods sometimes (but not always) produce the same results.
B. Deciles
 The deciles are the nine score points which divide a distribution into
ten equal parts.
 The deciles are denoted as …, They are computed in the same way
that the quartiles are calculated.


Use the formula in finding the position of deciles:

Round off the position value to the nearest integer

 Suppose, the Math grades of 15 students are:
67, 98, 81, 76, 71, 85, 56, 95, 85, 64, 92, 63, 75, 83, 77
Find: a. 4th decile or
b. 7th decile or
Step 1: Arrange the data in ascending order
56, 63, 64, 67, 71, 75, 76, 77, 81, 83, 85, 85, 92, 95,

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th
Step 2: Indicate the order number of each value in the
arranged data.

 Solve for the position of

The nearest integer to 6.4 is 6, thus is the 6th term or the 6th value in
the arranged data.
Thus, = 75.
 Find the position of

The nearest integer to 11.2 is 11, thus is the 11th term or the 11th
value in the arranged data.

Thus, = 85.
C. Percentiles

 The percentiles are the ninety-nine score points which divide a

distribution into one hundred equal parts, so that each part
represents the data set.
 It is used to characterize values according to the percentage below
 The percentiles determine the value for 1%, 2%, …, 99% of the data.
 or 30th percentile of the data means 30% of the data have values
less than or equal to .
 The first decile is the 10th percentile (). It means 10% of the data is
less than or equal to the value of or so on.
Illustration and Formula

 Illustration:

 Formula:
Use the formula in finding the position of percentiles:
 Suppose, the Math grades of 15 students are:
67, 98, 81, 76, 71, 85, 56, 95, 85, 64, 92, 63, 75, 83, 77
Find: a. 40th percentile or
b. 75th percentile or
Step 1: Arrange the data in ascending order
56, 63, 64, 67, 71, 75, 76, 77, 81, 83, 85, 85, 92, 95, 98
Step 2: Write the order number of each value in the data set.
56, 63, 64, 67, 71, 75, 76, 77, 81, 83, 85, 85, 92, 95, 98

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Solution using
Arranged data: 56, 63, 64, 67, 71, 75, 76, 77, 81, 83, 85, 85, 92, 95, 98

Order Number: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
 Solve for the position of

The nearest integer to 6.4 is 6, thus is the 6th term or the 6th value in the
arranged data.
Thus, = 75.
 Find the position of

The position value is 12 thus is the 12th term or the 12th value in the
arranged data.
Thus, = 85.
Comparison of Quartiles, Deciles and
Measures of Position for a Grouped Data

 Group data are dealing with the large amount of data

from any group of an experiment.

 Itis use to determine the huge scales data like company

data or national data and others.
Quartile for Grouped Data
 Quartiles divide the distribution into 4 equal parts
 Firstquartile class is the class interval where the is
 Second quartile class is the class interval where the is
 Third quartile class is the class interval where the is
{ }
Formula: 𝑘𝑁
− 𝑐𝑓 𝑏
𝑄 𝑘 = 𝐿𝐵 + 𝑖
𝑓 𝑄
Scores Frequency Lower Cumulative
Boundaries Frequency
(LB) (Less Than) /

46 – 50 4 45.5 45 41 + 4
41 – 45 6 40.5 41 35 + 6

36 – 40 10 35.5 35 25 + 10

31 - 35 8 30.5 25 17 + 8

26 - 30 12 25.5 17 5 + 12
21 – 25 5 20.5 5

21- 0.5 = 20.5

The value of i is obtained by counting the number scores in an
interval, 21 – 25 implies that scores 21, 22, 23, 24 and 25 are
in this interval, so i = 5.
Identifying the the classes

Scores Frequency Lower Cumulative

Boundaries Frequency
(LB) (Less Than)

46 – 50 4 45.5 45
41 – 45 6 40.5 41
36 – 40 10 35.5 35 𝑄 3 𝑐𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑠 (26 th −35 th score)
31 - 35 8 30.5 25 𝑄 2 𝑐𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑠 (18 𝑡h −25 𝑡h 𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒)
= 11.25th 26 - 30 12 25.5 17 𝑄1 𝑐𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑠( 6 𝑡h −17 𝑡h 𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒)
score 21 – 25 5 20.5 5

= 22.5th score = = 33.75th score

Scores Frequency Lower Cumulative
Determine Boundaries Frequency
(LB) (Less Than)
 Formula:
46 – 50 4 45.5 45
 Find : 41 – 45 6 40.5 41
 36 – 40 10 35.5 35
 31 - 35 8 30.5 25
26 - 30 12 25.5 17
 21 – 25 5 20.5 5
 0.5208(5) i=5
 2.60

Scores Frequency Lower Cumulative
Determine Boundaries Frequency
(LB) (Less Than)

 Formula: 46 – 50 4 45.5 45
 Find : 41 – 45 6 40.5 41
36 – 40 10 35.5 35

31 - 35 8 30.5 25
 26 - 30 12 25.5 17
21 – 25 5 20.5 5

 0.6875(5) i=5

 .4375

𝑄 2 𝑐𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑠 : { }{ }
=22.5 𝑡h 𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒
Scores Frequency Lower Cumulative
Determine Boundaries Frequency
(LB) (Less Than)
 Formula:
46 – 50 4 45.5 45
 Find : 41 – 45 6 40.5 41
 36 – 40 10 35.5 35

 31 - 35 8 30.5 25
26 - 30 12 25.5 17
 21 – 25 5 20.5 5
 0.875(5)

= = 33.75th score data

𝑇h𝑢𝑠 , 𝑄 3=39.875
Decile for Grouped Data

 Formula:

k = kth decile where k = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9

Identifying the indicated decile class

Scores Frequency Lower Cumulative

Boundaries Frequency
(LB) (Less
= Than) /
= 13.5th score 46 – 50 4 45.5 45
data 41 – 45 6 40.5 41 𝐷 8 𝑐𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑠
36 – 40 10 35.5 35
31 - 35 8 30.5 25
26 - 30 12 25.5 17 𝐷 3 𝑐𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑠
= 21 – 25 5 20.5 5
= i=5
= 36th score
Determine 𝐷 3 Scores Frequency Lower
(LB) (Less
Than) /
 Formula:
46 – 50 4 45.5 45
41 – 45 6 40.5 41
36 – 40 10 35.5 35
31 - 35 8 30.5 25
26 - 30 12 25.5 17
21 – 25 5 20.5 5


= 13.5th score data
Scores Frequency Lower Cumulative
Determine Boundaries
(Less Than) /
46 – 50 4 45.5 45
 Formula: 41 – 45 6 40.5 41
36 – 40 10 35.5 35
31 - 35 8 30.5 25
26 - 30 12 25.5 17
21 – 25 5 20.5 5


= 36th score
Percentile for Grouped Data

𝑓 𝑃 = 𝑓𝑟𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑦 𝑜𝑓 𝑡h𝑒 𝑐𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑠 k = kth percentile

Example: Locate the classes
Scores Frequency Lower Cumulative
Boundaries Frequency
(LB) (Less
Than) /

= 46 – 50 4 45.5 45
= 20.25 41 – 45 6 40.5 41 𝑃 90 𝑐𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑠
36 – 40 10 35.5 35
31 - 35 8 30.5 25 𝑃 45 𝑐𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑠
26 - 30 12 25.5 17
= 40.5 21 – 25 5 20.5 5
Scores Frequency Lower Cumulative

Formula: Boundaries
Than) /

 Calculate for :
46 – 50 4 45.5 45
41 – 45 6 40.5 41
36 – 40 10 35.5 35
31 - 35 8 30.5 25
26 - 30
𝑃 45 =30.5+(0.40625) 12 25.5 17
21 – 25 5 20.5 5

𝑃 45 =30.5+2.03 i=5
Scores Frequen- Lower Cumulati-
Formula: cy ve
Boundar Frequency
ies (LB) (Less
Than) /

 Calculate for :
46 – 50 4 45.5 45
41 – 45 6 40.5 41
36 – 40 10 35.5 35
31 - 35 8 30.5 25
26 - 30 12 25.5 17
𝑷 𝟗𝟎=𝟒𝟎 . 𝟓+(𝟎 .𝟗𝟏𝟕)𝟓21 – 25 5 20.5 5

𝑷 𝟗𝟎=𝟒𝟎 . 𝟓+𝟒 . 𝟓𝟖𝟓

𝑷 𝟗𝟎= 𝟒𝟓 . 𝟎𝟖𝟓 = 40.5 score data
𝑻𝒉𝒖𝒔 , 𝑷 𝟗𝟎 =𝟒𝟓 . 𝟎𝟖𝟓

Answer your modules now so that you

can submit it on time.
 “Goodbyes make you think. They make you
realize what you’ve had, what you’ve lost, and
what you’ve taken for granted.”

– Ritu Ghatourey
 Life
is full of chances and choices, make the
most of what life has to offer. I wish you well,
and may God bless you abundantly.

Margelyn A. Olohoy
Math Teacher

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