Administrative Management Theory
Administrative Management Theory
Administrative Management Theory
Management Theory
A deep dive into the insights of the administrative management theory
Shashwata Jannatul Islam
Id: 23408020
What is Administrative Management theory?
• Administrative management theory attempts to find a rational way to design an
organization as a whole. This theory focuses on the organization as a whole and aims
to identify the most efficient and effective ways to organize and manage activities
within an organization. The theory generally calls for a formalized administrative
structure, a clear division of labor, and delegation of power and authority to
administrators relevant to their areas of responsibilities.
Origin and History
Division of Unity of
Centralization Scalar chain
labor Command
• All the companies worth billions in revenue in modern day follow the
management theory by maintaining the organizational structures and all the
elements of the administrative management principles.
• Big companies such as Bashundhara Group, Summit Group, RFL, Pran etc follow
a rigid managerial structure.
To have a better understanding of how the big companies run using the administrative
management theory, let’s have a look at Bashundhara Group
• This Bangladeshi conglomerate is one of the largest companies in Bangladesh. Founded by Ahmed Akbar Sobhan in
1987 Bashundhara group was first incorporated as a real estate company and went on to grow as one of the largest and
most successful companies in the country due to it’s administrative and managerial initiatives.
Vice Chairman
Sadat Sobhan Sanvir
Deputy Managing Director
Ahmed Akbar Sobhan AKM Mahbublul Jaman
Director Director
Sayem Sobhan Anvir Yeasha Sobhan