Core 9

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The function of digestive system is to

make ingested food available to the cells
of the body. By this process the large food
molecules are broken down by mechanical
and biochemical processes into their
smaller components.
The process of digestion is
completely extracellular.
The Digestive system of man
comprises two parts;-
1. Alimentary canal (G.I.Tract)
2. Associated glands.
Gastrointestinal tract.

tract is the part of
an organ system in
humans and other
animals that take
in food, digest it,
absorb nutrients
and expel it out in
the form of faeces.”
The alimentary canal/G.I.Tract is
consisting of Oral cavity, Pharynx,
Oesophagus, Stomach, Small
intestine[Duodenum, Jejunum, and
ileum] and Large intestine[Caecum,
Colon, and Rectum].The Associated
glands are Liver and Pancreas.
The mouth is also
called oral cavity. Food
begins its journey from
this region.
It posses the following
Palate, Teeth, tongue,
Salivary gland, etc.
Enamel, Dentine
Cement, Pulp cavity
Incisor, Canine
Each tooth is divided into 3
parts like Root, Neck and
Crown is the upper exposed
part of the tooth.
The inner cavity is the pulp
cavity containing Connective
tissue, Blood vessels and
nerve fibre. Pulp cavity is
lined by odontoblast cells.
That secretes dentine.
Enamel is the hardest part of
the body.
The dental formula indicates that the
number, types and arrangement of teeth in an
D.F.= No. of teeth on the half of upper jaw
No.of teeth on the half of lower jaw
The upper formula is multiplied by two is the
total number of teeth in an organism.
It is also called gustatory
organ. Anteriorly it is free
and posterior part is fixed.
It is composed of
connective tissue, striated
muscle, blood vessel and
some glands . The human
tongue contains fungiform
papillae, Circumvallate
papillae, and filiform
Function:-Chewing food.
Swallowing food, Organ of
Taste, Help in ingestion,
Help in speech, universal
tooth brush.
Salivary gland:
Three pair of salivary
glands are present in
Parotid Gland:- Near
the ear., Stenson’s
Sub lingual Gland:-
Duct of Rivinus.
Wharton’s Duct.
Composition of Saliva:-
Salivary gland secrete about 1500 ml of saliva per day
It is slightly Acidic , PH-6.7,
It is composed of ---99% of water, 0.5% solids
and other inorganic and organic salts etc.
It contains an enzyme Salivary amylase or
Ptyalin helps for digestion of starch.
Functions of saliva are as follows:
1. It retains and keeps your mouth, teeth and
gums, moist and hydrated.
2. It has proteins and minerals which keep
dental enamel healthy.
3. It prevents tooth decay and gum disease.
4. It helps to chew and makes food softer to
5. It Prevents bad mouth odour.
6. It has enzymes with help break down food into
simpler substances.
7. It helps to maintain fluid balance.
8. Change the starch to maltose.
Transeverse section of
alimentary canal shows
that the GI tract is formed
of four general layers like
from exterior Serosa,
Muscle layer, Submucosa
and Mucosa.
In some parts of
alimentary canal there is a
layer of smooth muscle
fible in between the
submucosa and mucosa.
Oesophagus:-Narrow tube having uniform
About 25 cms long
Longitudinal folding keeps its opening
closed except during swallowing.
Helps in peristalsis.
Stomach is the widest bag
or sac like structure.
Temporary storage of food.
Cardiac sphincter and
pyloric sphincter.
Stores food for some times
Mechanical churning of
Chemical modification

Helps in absorption of
sugar, alcohol, and water.

Regulate the flow of chyme

to duodenum.
Stomach posses
Serosa, Muscularis Mucosa, sub-mucosa and
mucosa, addition to that muscularis mucosa is
also there.
Gastric Glands;-
Gastric glands composed of
i.Peptic cells/chief cells or zymogenic cells.
ii. Oxyntic cells
iii. Mucous secreting neck cells.
Stomach secretes Gastric juices, which is
composed of 90% of water, enzymes like
Pepsin, Renin, Gastric lipase etc.
Ph of gastric juice is 0.9 to 1.5 it is strongly
2500 ml of gastric juice is secreted per day.
1. Act as an antiseptic fluid.
2. .Stops action of ptyalin.
3. Activate Proenzymes.
4. Provides acidic medium.
5. Regulate pyloric sphincter.
Stomach leads to small intestine-Intestine is divided
into 3 regions like Duodenum, Jejunum and Ileum.
1. Duodenum is 25 cm long.
2. 2. it some what C shaped.
3. Receives the common duct of bile duct and
pancreatic duct.
Papillae of Vater. (bile duct and pancreatic duct.)
Sphincter of oddi is present at the opening of the
There is no differentiation between jejunum and
Ileum is the last part of small intestine.
Posses Brunner's gland and Crypts of Liberkuhn.
Ileum opens into caecum through Ileo Caecal Valve.
In the ileum region the number of microvilli
increases and shows longitudinal folding to
increase the area of Absorption.
Ileum leads to Large intestine.
The large intestine is shorter than the small
intestine. It measures approximately 1.5meters
long and divisible into three parts.
Caecum , colon and Rectum.
Caecum- Ileocaecal valve. A blind tube
Vermiform Appendix is attached to the caecum.
Appendix is vestigial organ human body.
It is the longest part of large intestine.
Colon has tape like muscular cords called
taenia coli all along its entire length.
Colon has 4 parts. Like
Ascending colon, Transverse colon,
Descending colon and Sigmoid colon.
It follows the colon .it is about 15cm long.
It has longitudinal fold s and large blood
vessels. Rectum leads through 2.5 cm
long anal canal to the exterior at the
anus.sometimes a painfull condition
deveiops due to enlargement of rectal
veins called hemorrhoids or piles.
Large intestine helps in absorption of
Temporary storage of faeces.
Colon bacteria produces Vitamin B 12
and K.
The process of digestion is also associated
by two large glands. Liver and Pancreas.
Liver: It is the largest organ and gland of
human body. Approximately wt is 1200 to
1600 gms.
Situated top right side of abdominal
cavity..Looks reddish brown . Formed of
four lobes like- one lobe on left side and
three lobes on right side (right lobe,
quadrate lobe and caudate lobe.)
The gall bladder is a pear shaped lobe
found ventral side in between right and
left lobe.
Bile secreted from liver is stored in gall
Cystic duct arises from gall bladder.
Hepatic Portal Vein, Hepatic Artery,
Hepatic vein.
It is a thin walled pear shaped structure.
It act as storage organ of bile.
Bile is composed of Water, bile salts
(Sodium taurocholate , sodium
Bile pigments are bilirubin and biliverdin.
Bile looks greenish color due to bile
pigments .
Bile pigments are the dead RBC cells of the
Functions of Liver.
It is not only a digestive gland but act as a
master laboratory of the body..
Metabolism of carbohydrate—storage of
Metabolism of lipid.-conversion of
carbohydrate to fat .
Protein metabolism-
It produces heparin an anticoagulant.
Produces Fibrinogen, Blood clotting factor.
Act as Haemopoeitic tissue in embryo.
Destruction of worn out RBC by Kupffer cells
It stores vitamin A and D and also produce A & K
Centre for Heat Production.
Prevents anaemia.
Glycogenesis, Glycogenolysis, Gluconeogenesis
Deamination.Formation of Urea, Detoxification.
Histology of Liver:
Hepatic cells—Hepatic lobule—
Hepatic lobules are incompletely
separated from each other by thin
layer of connective tissue capsule
called Glisson’s capsule.
The connective tissue contains
branches of hepatic portal vein,
hepatic artery, bile duct and
lymphatic vessels.Kupffer’s cells
It is the second largest gland of our body.
Situated between two organs like
stomach and duodenum.
It is known as the heterocrine gland-
having two types of glandular tissues
Exocrine part and endocrine part.
Exocrine part- Rounded lobules called
acini. Secretes pancreatic Juice contains
various enzymes.
The endocrine part of pancreas have four
type of cells [Islets of
Langerhans]producing various hormones
Alpha cell-Glucagon-Glycogen- glucose.
Beta cells-Insulin-Diabetes mellitus.
Delta Cells-Somatostatin-Regulate the
function of glucagon and insulin
Pancreatic polypeptide cells –function not

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