Sherilyn Report

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Are the most beautiful underwater
ecosystem in the sea. A reef is made by
corals, soft bodied enidarians with tentacles
that secrete chalk-like substances forming
cups that serve as their homes. These are the
stony or hard corals. Soft corals Philippines
is home to the Tubbataha Reef, a world
heritage natural formation. This do not form
cups. Extensive colonies over the years can
form mounds of reefs.
The is home to thousands of animal species like
crabs, sea slugs, eels, soft corals, stony corals,
jellyfishes, shellfishes and different species of sea
stars and fishes. A clown fish may hide on the
tentacles of sea anemones, a kind of interaction.
An island can grow out of a coral reef. Gleaning of
shellfish is a favorite pastime of many fisher folks
at low, low tide in shallow waters with coral reefs.
Are trampled upon by beach goers. Coral reefs
get blasted by dynamites. Resorts, hotels,
restaurants and even houses discharge untreated
waste water into shore waters. Boracay was
closed for more than 6 months to rehabilitate,the
island due to water pollution, neglect of
environmental clean-up and dense coastal
development. Solid wastes affect any ecosystem
when not disposed properly in sanitary landfills.
Land and water pollution from man's activities
destroy our environment.
The tropical rain forest. The biotic community in a forest
is the trees- hardwoods the like narra, lauan, molave and
associated species like abaca, orchids, bamboo, vines,
ferns and shrubs. Monkeys, fruit bats, snakes, butterflies
and other insects, spider, birds, tree frogs, monitor
lizards and many more are found in forest. The forest
floor may be covered by thick mats of mosses and
liverworts and crawling millipedes and centipedes that
find food. The country also has mossy forest where the
common plants are mosses in the forest floor or in
masses in tree trunks and branches.
Interactions in forests are those between abiotic
and biotic factors. Water, sunlight, soil,
minerals, gases and elements of climate are
factors needed by biotic components.
For example, a tree needs sunlight, water and carbon dioxide to produce food.
A woodpecker needs a tree trunk for shelter, build nests and capture food from
surroundings. A butterfly sucks nectar from orchid flowers and distributes
pollen grains to other orchids. A fruit bat feeds on ripe fruits and distributes
undigested seeds. Mosquitoes bite human beings in the forest. Ear fungi
decompose dead trunks of trees.
In these cases, plants are producers, animals are consumers (herbivores that
feed on plants, carnivores that feed on animals, and omnivores that feed on
both plants and animals) and fungi are decomposers. The relationships or
interactions are varied in ecosystems. Grasslands or meadows abound in our
country and they are also ecosystems on land. In other parts of the world,
there are desert, temperate forests, and tundra, taiga and scrub forests.

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