The Changing Landscape of Employment A Journey To 2028

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The Changing Landscape of

Employment: A Journey to
Jason Mursalie

Unpacking the Decreasing & Increasing
job sectors
impacts of 03
climate change How the Nature of Jobs is

Forecasted jobs
development trends

Let’s explore how jobs have changed over time. From the past to the present, technology has transformed
work. Now, let's imagine what jobs could be like in 2028
As automation and artificial intelligence continue to advance, traditional manufacturing jobs are
likely to see a significant reduction

According to a study by the International Federation of Robotics (IFR), the use of industrial robots in
manufacturing is steadily increasing, with a particular focus on automating routine tasks in assembly lines. The
report suggests that this trend is likely to result in a reduction in the demand for human workers in traditional
manufacturing roles
01 -
The world is undergoing rapid and dynamic changes, and
as we stand on the cusp of 2028, it is crucial to anticipate
the shifts in the employment landscape that will shape
our professional lives. This essay explores the potential
changes in job sectors, shedding light on the types of
jobs that may see a decline and those expected to
flourish in the next five years.
02 - Decreasing job sectors
a.Traditional Manufacturing and Assembly Line Jobs:
As automation and artificial intelligence continue to advance, traditional manufacturing jobs are likely to see a significant
reduction. Robots and automated systems are becoming more adept at handling repetitive tasks, leading to increased
efficiency but a decreased demand for human workers in assembly line roles.

According to a study by the International Federation of Robotics (IFR), the use of industrial robots in manufacturing is
steadily increasing, with a particular focus on automating routine tasks in assembly lines. The report suggests that this trend is
likely to result in a reduction in the demand for human workers in traditional manufacturing roles (IFR, 2023)[1].

[1] IFR. (2023). World Robotics 2023 Report: Asia ahead of Europe and the Americas. Retrieved from
b. Routine Administrative Tasks:
With the rise of smart technologies and AI-powered tools,
routine administrative tasks such as data entry, appointment
scheduling, and basic bookkeeping are becoming increasingly
automated. This trend is expected to impact jobs that primarily
involve repetitive and rule-based activities.

72% of organizations
Adopts automation

[1] Deloitte. (2020). Automation with intelligence.

Retrieved from
c.Low-Skilled Customer Service Roles:
The customer service sector is evolving with the integration of chatbots,
virtual assistants, and automated response systems. Routine customer
service jobs that require minimal skills and involve answering basic
queries are likely to be affected, as AI becomes more proficient in
handling customer interactions.

According to a report by Gartner, the integration of chatbots and

automated response systems in the customer service sector is becoming
widespread. The study predicts a decline in low-skilled customer service
roles, highlighting that AI-driven solutions can handle routine queries
more efficiently, freeing up human agents to focus on more complex
customer interactions (Gartner, 2022)[1].

[1] Gartner. (2022). Gartner Predicts Chatbots Will Become a Primary

Customer Service Channel Within Five Years. Retrieved from
02 Increasing job sectors
As the world becomes more digitally connected, the demand for
professionals in technology and cybersecurity is set to rise. With
the increasing frequency and sophistication of cyber threats,
organizations will need skilled experts to safeguard their digital
assets and ensure the integrity of their systems.

Cybersecurity Technology

A report by Cybersecurity Ventures projects a substantial increase

in demand for cybersecurity professionals, citing the rising frequency
and complexity of cyber threats. The study estimates that the global shortage
of cybersecurity experts will reach 3.5 million by 2023, indicating a pressing need for
skilled professionals in this sector (Cybersecurity Ventures, 2023)[1].

[1] Cybersecurity Ventures. (2023). Cybersecurity Jobs Report: 3.5 Million Unfilled Positions In 2025. Retrieved from
B.Data Analysis and Machine Learning:
The era of big data is here to stay, and professionals skilled in data
analysis and machine learning are expected to be in high demand.
Businesses across various industries will seek experts who can derive
valuable insights from large datasets and implement machine learning
algorithms to enhance decision-making processes.

A survey conducted by the Data & Marketing Association (DMA)

reveals a surge in demand for professionals with expertise in data
analysis and machine learning across marketing and business sectors.
The study links this demand to the growing reliance on data-driven
decision-making strategies (DMA, 2021).
a.Green Jobs and Sustainability:

With a growing emphasis on environmental sustainability, there is a

rising demand for professionals in renewable energy, sustainable
design, and environmental conservation. Green jobs, such as solar
panel installers, wind turbine technicians, and environmental
consultants, are anticipated to experience significant growth.

A report by the World Green Building Council highlights the

expanding market for sustainable design and construction. The study
[1] World Green Building Council. (2022). Beyond The emphasizes the need for professionals in architecture and design
Business Case. Retrieved from
with expertise in sustainable practices, affirming the anticipated
growth in green jobs (World Green Building Council, 2022)[1].
a.Healthcare and Biotechnology:
The healthcare industry is poised for expansion as the global
population continues to age. Jobs in healthcare, biotechnology, and
pharmaceuticals, including roles in genetic counseling, personalized
medicine, and medical research, are likely to see an uptick in demand.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) projects a significant increase in

healthcare occupations, driven by factors such as an aging population
and advances in medical technology. The BLS anticipates job growth
in various healthcare and biotechnology roles, supporting the
forecasted uptick in demand for professionals in these sectors (BLS,

[1] BLS. (2023). Occupational projections overview, 2021–31.

Retrieved from
03 How the Nature
of Jobs is
a.Skill Diversification:
The traditional career path of acquiring a set of skills and relying on
them throughout one's professional life is fading. Instead, the future job market is characterized by skill diversification. Individuals are
expected to continually acquire new skills and adapt to evolving job requirements. Lifelong learning and upskilling have become the
norm as technology continues to reshape industries.

The World Economic Forum's Future of Jobs Report emphasizes the need for skill diversification in response to technological advancements.
The report indicates that, by 2025, approximately 97 million new roles may emerge that are more adapted to the new division of labor
between humans, machines, and algorithms (World Economic Forum, 2023)[1].

[1] World Economic Forum. Future of Jobs Report. Retrieved from
B.remote work integration:
The covid-19 pandemic acted as an accelerator for remote work, transforming it from a trend to a fundamental aspect of the
modern work environment. In the coming years, the integration of remote work will become even more pervasive. Flexibility in
work arrangements will be a crucial factor in attracting and retaining talent, and organizations will need to invest in technologies
that facilitate seamless collaboration across geographies.

A global survey by gartner found that 82% of company leaders plan to allow employees to work remotely, at least part of the
time. The study reveals that the success of remote work during the pandemic has led organizations to embrace it as a long-term
strategy, signifying a fundamental shift in the approach to work arrangements (gartner, 2020)[1].

[1] gartner. (2020). Gartner survey reveals 82% of company leaders plan to allow employees to work remotely some of the time. Retrieved from
c.Emphasis on Emotional Intelligence:
As automation takes over routine and repetitive tasks, the importance
of uniquely human skills such as emotional intelligence, creativity, and
critical thinking is on the rise. Jobs will increasingly require
individuals to navigate complex interpersonal relationships, solve non-
routine problems, and contribute to innovative solutions.

A report by the Harvard Business Review underscores the growing

importance of emotional intelligence in the workplace. The study notes
that as routine tasks become automated, the ability to navigate complex
interpersonal relationships and understand emotional cues becomes a
critical skill for success (Harvard Business Review, 2019)[1].

[1] Harvard Business Review. (2019). The EI Advantage: Driving Innovation and Business Success through the Power of Emotional Intelligence. Retrieved from
04 Forecasted Job Development Trends
a.Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) Integration in Job Training:

AR and VR tech are revolutionizing job training globally. Companies are embracing these immersive technologies for
better training, expecting a surge in their use within three years. A PwC survey shows 74% of US companies are exploring
or using VR for training, citing its effectiveness in realistic training experiences and faster learning (PwC, 2022)[1].

[1] PwC. (2022). What does virtual reality and the metaverse mean for training?. Retrieved from
a.Rise of Hybrid Job Roles and Skill Sets:
The ongoing automation of routine tasks is reshaping job roles, leading to the emergence of hybrid positions that require a
combination of technical expertise and soft skills. In the next three years, we can anticipate a shift towards more versatile
job profiles that demand not only specialized technical knowledge but also effective communication, adaptability, and

A report by the World Economic Forum emphasizes the increasing demand for hybrid job roles that combine technical and soft
skills. The study predicts that by 2025, over 50% of all employees will require significant reskilling, with an emphasis on
cultivating a blend of technical and social skills (World Economic Forum, 2021).
b.Acceleration of Remote Work and Global Talent Collaboration:
The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the acceptance of remote work, and this trend is expected to persist and evolve over the
next three years. Companies are likely to embrace a hybrid model, allowing employees to work both in the office and remotely.
Additionally, the global talent pool will play a more significant role as organizations increasingly tap into international talent for
specific roles and projects.

A survey conducted by McKinsey & Company found that 80% of executives expect an increased focus on remote work post-
pandemic. The study indicates that companies are investing in digital technologies to support remote collaboration and
exploring ways to leverage a global talent pool for specific projects (McKinsey & Company, 2021)[1].

[1] McKinsey & Company. (2021). What executives are saying about the future of hybrid work. Retrieved from
05 Conclusions
As we gaze into the future of the
employment landscape in 2028, it
becomes evident that the dynamics of
work are undergoing a profound
transformation. This essay has delved into
the potential changes, exploring sectors
that might witness a decline and those
expected to flourish. The evidence
provided paints a vivid picture of the
evolving job market.

In conclusion, the employment landscape in 2028 is a tapestry

woven with technological advancements, shifting demands, and a
redefined understanding of what makes a job valuable. As
individuals and organizations navigate these changes, adaptability,
continuous learning, and a keen eye on emerging trends will be
key to thriving in the ever-evolving world of work.
BLS. (2023). Occupational projections overview, 2021–31. Retrieved from
Cybersecurity Ventures. (2023). Cybersecurity Jobs Report: 3.5 Million Unfilled Positions In 2025. Retrieved from
Deloitte. (2020). Automation with intelligence. Retrieved from
Gartner. (2020). Gartner Survey Reveals 82% of Company Leaders Plan to Allow Employees to Work Remotely Some of the Time. Retrieved from
Gartner. (2022). Gartner Predicts Chatbots Will Become a Primary Customer Service Channel Within Five Years. Retrieved from
Harvard Business Review. (2019). The EI Advantage: Driving Innovation and Business Success through the Power of Emotional Intelligence. Retrieved from
IFR. (2023). World Robotics 2023 Report: Asia ahead of Europe and the Americas. Retrieved from
McKinsey & Company. (2021). What executives are saying about the future of hybrid work. Retrieved from
PwC. (2022). What does virtual reality and the metaverse mean for training?. Retrieved from
World Economic Forum. Future of Jobs Report. Retrieved from
World Green Building Council. (2022). Beyond The Business Case. Retrieved from
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