How To Teach Grammar Through Texts
How To Teach Grammar Through Texts
Teaching Grammar Through
• Text and contexts
Teaching Grammar Through
• Language is context
Teaching Grammar Through
It’s a drink.
Teaching Grammar Through
A: ‘Are you going to that Hodders party?’
B: I said that I didn’t know anything about it.
A: ‘It’s for that boring woman who writes picture
books about Nash terraces.
B: Every twit in London will be there:
A: ‘So are, you going?’
B: ‘It’s a drink,’ Musprat said, meaning yes.
(from Theroux, P. Lady Max, Granta 40)
Teaching Grammar Through
Sources of Text
Teaching Grammar Through
Four Possible
Sources of Texts
Teaching Grammar Through
1. Coursebook
2. Authentic Sources
3. Teacher
4. Students
Teaching Grammar Through
Songs and Rhymes
• offer a change from routine classroom activities.
• can also be used to teach a variety of language items
• non-threatening atmosphere for students
• Songs also have Prosodic features
• inspire creativity and use of imagination
Teaching Grammar Through
Songs and Rhymes
Songs can be used with several
• Gap fills or close texts
• Focus questions
• Put these lines into the correct sequence
• Circle the antonyms/synonyms of the given words
Teaching Grammar Through
Songs and Rhymes
Basic preparations in teaching
grammar through songs:
1. Discuss the theme, the title, or the history of the song
2. Pictures may also be used to introduce the theme of the
3. Opinion questions may lead the learner to write about
his own thoughts or reflections.
4. Exploitation of songs for grammatical structures
Teaching Grammar Through
Songs and Rhymes
• Linguistic
• Cultural
• Intellectual
Teaching Grammar Through
Songs and Rhymes
• Linguistic difficulties- problems caused
by the syntax or the lexicon of the poem.
• Cultural difficulties- includes imagery,
tone, and allusion.
• Intellectual level- students should be
intellectual and mature enough to
understand the theme of the poem.
Teaching Grammar Through
Songs and Rhymes
Selection of poem: