Chap 16

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Statistics for

Business and Economics

6th Edition

Chapter 16

Goodness-of-Fit Tests and

Contingency Tables
Chapter Goals

After completing this chapter, you should be

able to:
▪ Use the chi-square goodness-of-fit test to
determine whether data fits a specified distribution
▪ Perform tests for normality
▪ Set up a contingency analysis table and perform a
chi-square test of association

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Chi-Square Goodness-of-Fit Test

▪ Does sample data conform to a hypothesized

▪ Examples:
▪ Do sample results conform to specified expected
▪ Are technical support calls equal across all days
of the week? (i.e., do calls follow a uniform
▪ Do measurements from a production process
follow a normal distribution?

Chi-Square Goodness-of-Fit Test
▪ Are technical support calls equal across all days of the
week? (i.e., do calls follow a uniform distribution?)
▪ Sample data for 10 days per day of week:
Sum of calls for this day:
Monday 290
Tuesday 250
Wednesday 238
Thursday 257
Friday 265
Saturday 230
Sunday 192

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Σ = 1722
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Logic of Goodness-of-Fit Test

▪ If calls are uniformly distributed, the 1722 calls

would be expected to be equally divided across
the 7 days:

▪ Chi-Square Goodness-of-Fit Test: test to see if

the sample results are consistent with the
expected results
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Observed vs. Expected
Observed Expected
Oi Ei
Monday 290 246
Tuesday 250 246
Wednesday 238 246
Thursday 257 246
Friday 265 246
Saturday 230 246
Sunday 192 246

TOTAL 1722 1722

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Chi-Square Test Statistic
H0: The distribution of calls is uniform
over days of the week
H1: The distribution of calls is not uniform

▪ The test statistic is

K = number of categories
Oi = observed frequency for category i
Ei = expected frequency for category i

The Rejection Region
H0: The distribution of calls is uniform
over days of the week
H1: The distribution of calls is not uniform

▪ Reject H0 if
(with k – 1 degrees
of freedom) 0 χ2
Do not Reject H0
reject H0 χ 2
Chi-Square Test Statistic
H0: The distribution of calls is uniform
over days of the week
H1: The distribution of calls is not uniform

k – 1 = 6 (7 days of the week) so

use 6 degrees of freedom:
χ2.05 = 12.5916
α = .05
χ2 = 23.05 > χ2α = 12.5916 so
reject Hfor 0 χ2
Statistics 0 and conclude that
Business andthe Do not Reject H0
reject H0
distribution 6e
Economics, is not
© uniform
2007 Pearson
χ2.05 = 12.5916
Education, Inc. 9
Goodness-of-Fit Tests, Population
Parameters Unknown

▪ Test whether data follow a specified distribution
(such as binomial, Poisson, or normal) . . .

▪ . . . without assuming the parameters of the

distribution are known

▪ Use sample data to estimate the unknown

population parameters

Goodness-of-Fit Tests, Population
Parameters Unknown
▪ Suppose that a null hypothesis specifies category
probabilities that depend on the estimation (from the
data) of m unknown population parameters
▪ The appropriate goodness-of-fit test is the same as in
the previously section . . .

▪ . . . except that the number of degrees of freedom for

the chi-square random variable is

▪ Where
Statistics for Business
K is the and
number of categories
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Test of Normality

▪ The assumption that data follow a normal

distribution is common in statistics

▪ Normality was assessed in prior chapters

▪ Normal probability plots (Chapter 6)
▪ Normal quintile plots (Chapter 8)

▪ Here, a chi-square test is developed

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Test of Normality

▪ Two population parameters can be estimated using

sample data:

▪ For a normal distribution,

Skewness = 0
Kurtosis = 3
Test for Normality
▪ Consider the null hypothesis that the population
distribution is normal
▪ The Bowman-Shelton Test for Normality is based on the closeness
the sample skewness to 0 and the sample kurtosis to 3
▪ The test statistic is

▪ as the number of sample observations becomes very large, this

statistic has a chi-square distribution with 2 degrees of freedom
▪ The null hypothesis is rejected for large values of the test statistic

Test for Normality
▪ The chi-square approximation is close only for very
large sample sizes
▪ If the sample size is not very large, the Bowman-
Shelton test statistic is compared to significance points
from text Table 16.7
Sample 10% 5% point Sample 10% 5% point
size N point size N point
20 2.13 3.26 200 3.48 4.43
30 2.49 3.71 250 3.54 4.61
40 2.70 3.99 300 3.68 4.60
50 2.90 4.26 400 3.76 4.74
75 3.09 4.27 500 3.91 4.82
100 3.14 4.29 800 4.32 5.46
Statistics for 125
and 4.34 ∞ 4.61 5.99
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3.43 Pearson
Education, Inc. 15
Example: Bowman-Shelton
Test for Normality

▪ The average daily temperature has been recorded for

200 randomly selected days, with sample skewness
0.232 and kurtosis 3.319
▪ Test the null hypothesis that the true distribution is

▪ From Table 16.7 the 10% critical value for n = 200 is

3.48, so there is not sufficient evidence to reject that the
population is normal

Contingency Tables

Contingency Tables
▪ Used to classify sample observations according
to a pair of attributes
▪ Also called a cross-classification or cross-
tabulation table
▪ Assume r categories for attribute A and c
categories for attribute B
▪ Then there are (r x c) possible cross-classifications

r x c Contingency Table
Attribute B

Attribute A 1 2 ... C Totals

1 O11 O12 … O1c R1

2 O21 O22 … O2c R2
. . . … . .
. . . … . .
. . . … . .
r Or1 Or2 … Orc Rr
Totals C1 C2 … Cc n

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Test for Association
▪ Consider n observations tabulated in an r x c
contingency table
▪ Denote by Oij the number of observations in
the cell that is in the ith row and the jth column
▪ The null hypothesis is

▪ The appropriate test is a chi-square test with

Statistics for Business(r-1)(c-1)
and degrees of freedom
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Test for Association
▪ Let Ri and Cj be the row and column totals
▪ The expected number of observations in cell row i and
column j, given that H0 is true, is

▪ A test of association at a significance level α is based

on the chi-square distribution and the following decision

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Contingency Table Example

Left-Handed vs. Gender

▪ Dominant Hand: Left vs. Right
▪ Gender: Male vs. Female

H0: There is no association between

hand preference and gender
H1: Hand preference is not independent of gender
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Contingency Table Example

Sample results organized in a contingency table:

Hand Preference
sample size = n = 300:
Gender Left Right
120 Females, 12
were left handed
Female 12 108 120
180 Males, 24 were
left handed Male 24 156 180

36 264 300
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Logic of the Test
H0: There is no association between
hand preference and gender
H1: Hand preference is not independent of gender

▪ If H0 is true, then the proportion of left-handed females

should be the same as the proportion of left-handed
▪ The two proportions above should be the same as the
proportion of left-handed people overall

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Finding Expected Frequencies
120 Females, 12 Overall:
were left handed
180 Males, 24 were P(Left Handed)
left handed = 36/300 = .12
If no association, then
P(Left Handed | Female) = P(Left Handed | Male

So we would expect 12% of the 120 females and 12

males to be left handed…

i.e., we would expect (120)(.12) = 14.4 females t

Statistics for Business and (180)(.12) = 21.6 males to
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Expected Cell Frequencies

▪ Expected cell frequencies:


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Observed vs. Expected

Observed frequencies vs. expected frequencies:

Hand Preference

Gender Left Right

Observed = 12 Observed = 108

Female 120
Expected = 14.4 Expected = 105.6
Observed = 24 Observed = 156
Male 180
Expected = 21.6 Expected = 158.4

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36 264 300
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The Chi-Square Test Statistic

The Chi-square test statistic


▪ where:
Oij = observed frequency in cell (i, j)
Eij = expected frequency in cell (i, j)
r = number of rows
Statistics forcBusiness
= number of
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Observed vs. Expected
Hand Preference

Gender Left Right

Observed = 12 Observed = 108

Female 120
Expected = 14.4 Expected = 105.6
Observed = 24 Observed = 156
Male 180
Expected = 21.6 Expected = 158.4

36 264 300

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Contingency Analysis

Decision Rule:
If χ2 > 3.841, reject H0,
otherwise, do not reject H0
Here, χ2 = 0.6848
α = 0.05 < 3.841, so we

χ2.05 = 3.841 χ2
fornot reject H0 and Reject H0
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Chapter Summary

▪ Used the chi-square goodness-of-fit test to determine

whether sample data match specified probabilities
▪ Conducted goodness-of-fit tests when a population
parameter was unknown
▪ Tested for normality using the Bowman-Shelton test
▪ Used contingency tables to perform a chi-square test for
▪ Compared observed cell frequencies to expected cell
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