Fields of Genetics

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The Fields Of

Classical Genetics
(based on Mendel's 1st and 2nd laws)
• Mendel's first and second laws of inheritance
• Meiosis and mitosis
• Somatic and sex chromosome mapping
• Extrachromosomal inheritance
• Cytogenetics (changes in chromosome number and
• Quantitative genetics
Molecular Genetics (based on the Central
Dogma of Molecular Genetics)
• Structure of nuclear and organelle DNA
• Chemistry and replication of DNA
• Transcription and translation
• DNA cloning
• Control of gene expression
• Mutation and the repair of DNA
Evolutionary Genetics (based on the
theory of Natural Selection proposed by
•Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
•Population genetics
Characteristics Of Organisms Used For Genetic Studies
1. General Features of an Organism Used for Genetic Studies
• good genetic background
• easy to grow
• controlled mating is possible
• can be genetically engineered
• funding available
2. Viruses
• easily grown in culture
• rapid generation time
• encode only a few the proteins, which permit a detailed analysis of well-defined
• some viruses have control mechanisms found in eukaryotic species
• can be genetically engineered
• lack organized chromosome
• not all genetic features can be extrapolated to other organisms
Characteristics Of Organisms Used For Genetic Studies

3. Escherichia coli
• easily grown in culture
• rapid generation time
• many mutants available
• many genes involved
• life cycle very well defined
• relatively simple to generate new mutants
• can be genetically engineered
• contain a rudimentary chromosome
• not all genetic features can be extrapolated to higher organisms
Characteristics Of Organisms Used For Genetic Studies

• intense public interest and funding available
• relatively well-mapped for most eukaryotic species
• many diseases (mutant phenotypes) understood clinically
• well-defined cytogenetic system
• long generation time
• many traits can only be studied in cell culture
• cannot make controlled crosses
• cannot be genetically engineered
Characteristics Of Organisms Used For Genetic Studies
• short generation time for a eukaryotic organisms (two
• availability of many mutants controlling specific
• large chromosomes with well-defined cytogenetic system
• survives well in the lab and matings are easily performed
• currently, the best organism to study developmental
• transposable elements can be manipulated to clone
• can be genetically engineered
Characteristics Of Organisms Used For Genetic Studies
• best mapped plant species
• many mutants are available that control seed traits
• well-defined cytogenetic system
• transposable elements well understood and can be used
to clone genes
• matings tedious, but produce many (hundreds) of
• only three generations per year
• cannot be easily genetically engineered
• not well funded
Characteristics Of Organisms Used For Genetic Studies
Rabidopsis thaliana
• small genome with little repetitive DNA
• short generation time (six weeks)
• many mutants rapidly becoming available
• matings tedious, but produce many (thousands)
of progeny
• currently, an intensely investigated organisms; the
Drosophila of plant species
• can be easily genetically engineered
Characteristics Of Organisms Used For Genetic Studies

Mouse has been used for many genetic studies because it is a

mammal that is a relatively good model for human gene expression.
A good example is the globin genes, protein that carry oxygen in
blood cells. The genetic and molecular organization of the mouse
and human genes are quite similar: they have the same number of
exons and have the introns located at the same amino acid residue in
the transcript. Furthermore, the order of the multigene family is
conserved. Yeast has also been well studied. Although this species is
a good model system, this is not the reason that it was first
investigated. The primary reason was because of its role in brewing.
Characteristics Of Organisms Used For Genetic Studies

Mouse has been used for many genetic studies because it is a

mammal that is a relatively good model for human gene expression.
A good example is the globin genes, protein that carry oxygen in
blood cells. The genetic and molecular organization of the mouse
and human genes are quite similar: they have the same number of
exons and have the introns located at the same amino acid residue in
the transcript. Furthermore, the order of the multigene family is
conserved. Yeast has also been well studied. Although this species is
a good model system, this is not the reason that it was first
investigated. The primary reason was because of its role in brewing.
Characteristics Of Organisms Used For Genetic Studies

Mouse has been used for many genetic studies because it is a

mammal that is a relatively good model for human gene expression.
A good example is the globin genes, protein that carry oxygen in
blood cells. The genetic and molecular organization of the mouse
and human genes are quite similar: they have the same number of
exons and have the introns located at the same amino acid residue in
the transcript. Furthermore, the order of the multigene family is
conserved. Yeast has also been well studied. Although this species is
a good model system, this is not the reason that it was first
investigated. The primary reason was because of its role in brewing.
Characteristics Of Organisms Used For Genetic Studies
In addition many plant species have relatively well-
defined genetic systems. Tomato, next to corn, is the
best mapped plant species. Tobacco has become a
valuable tool to study plant molecular genetics because
of the ease in which it can be genetically engineered at
the whole plant level. This permits the molecular
analysis of many genes in the functioning organism,
rather than in a cellular condition as is the case with
animal systems.
Characteristics Of Organisms Used For Genetic Studies
In addition many plant species have relatively well-
defined genetic systems. Tomato, next to corn, is the
best mapped plant species. Tobacco has become a
valuable tool to study plant molecular genetics because
of the ease in which it can be genetically engineered at
the whole plant level. This permits the molecular
analysis of many genes in the functioning organism,
rather than in a cellular condition as is the case with
animal systems.

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