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Group 4

Villacer,Angel Marie

Communicating and Reporting

of Assessment Data from
At the end of the discussion :
the students are expected to understand the definition
of communicating and reporting of assessment data
from alternative

the students should be able to create proper

feedback that is approriate for the
alternative assessment.

the students value the significance of
communicating and reporting of
assessment data from alternative
Let us define:


– refers to all the ways we gather information about progress

in a student’s learning. Assessment tasks should reflect the
objectives and criteria to be meaningful and relevant. It may
include tests, observations, peer discussions, work
samples, presentations, performances and projects.
Let us define:


– is the process used to communicate knowledge gained

from assessing student’s learning.
The purpose of reporting is to provide relevant information
about a student’s progress to students, parents, support staff
and other teachers.
Let us define:


- a good way to understand the child or young

person’s learning needs. An assessment could lead
to further investigations , interventions or
recommendations in order to support the child or
young person with their learning and language.
Let us define:

- assessment reporting are integral parts of the teaching and
learning program and important aspects of the work of
teachers and students. It is combined to support studentsto
achieve high standards and to provide the basis for guiding
further learning, as well as informing parents about their
child’s achievements.
Reporting of Assessment Data
8 Different Types of Decisions



Teachers decide to As grades are indicators of Sometimes, we Relates whether or not a

student performance, give tests to find student is selected for a
maintain or change teachers need to decide programme or for
their instructional out the strengths
whether a student deserves admission into an
and weaknesses of
approach a high grade on the basis of institution based on a test
some form of assessment. our students score
8 Different Types of Decisions


It deals with where a Counselors often Reflects the kinds Administrative

candidate should be give advice in terms of changes made policy decisions
placed based on of appropriate to the educational that need to be
performance on the vocations for some programme or made which are
test. students. curriculum based also greatly
on examination influenced by test
results. scores.
Purposes of Reporting
Other Purposes of Other Purposes of Reporting to Parents
Reporting • By knowing what the school is attempting to do,
• To recognise, acknowledge and parents are better able to co-operate with the school in
give credit for what students have promoting their children’s learning and development.
achieved. • Information concerning their children’s success, failure
• To contribute to students personal and special problem enable parents to give them the
development and progress. emotional support and encouragement they need.
• To assist schools and system in • Knowing their children’s strength and weaknesses in
identifying the potential of their learning provides a basis for helping them make more
sound educational and vocational decisions.
Principles of Reporting

Integral to teaching
comprehensive, and
and learning

Has clear, direct links Valid

with syllabus
Principles of Reporting

Engages the Values teacher

learner judgment

Fair Time efficient and

Principles of Reporting

Involves a whole Actively involves

school approach parents

Recognises individual Conveys meaningful

achievement and and useful
progress information
Reporting Method
Norm- Referenced
Assessment & Reporting

Assessing and reporting a student’s

achievement and progress in
Criterion- Referenced comparison to other students.
Assessment & Reporting An Outcomes Approach
Assessing and reporting a student’s Assessment will provide
achievement and progress in information about student
comparison to predeteremined achievement to enable reporting
criteria. against a standards framework

02 01 03
Reporting Method

Individual Parent/ Parent Group

Teacher Conference Meeting

An Individual
Parent Newsletter
written report sent
Significant Culminating Performance
Task & Success
You are considered to be successful in a performance task if you have satisfied at least some of the
following indicators of success:

Performance Task Indicator of Success

Provide adequate feedback to About assessment task and

learners. corresponding rubrics to monitor
the progress of the attainment.
Communicate progress of learners Portfolio to inform the learners
based on their portfolios. what they can and cannot do.

Organize a meeting with parents Guidelines in communicating to

relaying the results of the parents.
learner’s performance.
Feedback & Learners’ Improvement
It helps the learner/s improve
their academic performance.

Why is Feedback a Allows the learners to determine

powerful means to which part of their performance
helplearners improve? needs improvement.

Provides specific information to

learners on what they need to do
to revise/redo their task in a
better way.
What is FEEDBACK ?
an information about reactions on a product, a
person’s performance of tasks, etc., which is used as a
basis for improvements

In classroom, feedback Aim towards

is given to the learner
or teacher about the
learner’s performance in students’
relative to learning learning
targets or outcomes
Purpose of FEEDBACK to learner’s Improvement

Feedback is an essential Feedback can improve

part of effective learning student’s confidence, self-
awareness and
It helps students enthusiasm for learning
understand the subject
being studied and gives
Effective feedback can aid
them clear guidance on
the transition to higher
how to improve their
education and may
support student
Academic feedbacks are retention.
more strong and Engaging students to
consistent related to feedbacks can enhance
achievement than other learning and improve
teaching behavior. assessment performances
Contents of Feedback:
A challenge to the
The part of the answer learner to think about
or response that need the appropriate
to becorrected response; and

The specific strategy to

A clarification on some
be used to perform the
misconception of the
task, and the
suggested procedure
that need to be
undertaken by the A direction to the
learner learner where to find
the answer;
Feedbacks are need to be
General Feedback Specific Feedback

You started your paragraph in your

essay with a topic sentence and
This essay is good…
supporting sentences were provided
after. This helped strengthen the
point you want to make…
Saying the essay is good does not
provide the idea to the learner which
part was good. The learner might
This feedback is specific in saying
think that the essay is good in all
why task is good based on the
structure of the sentences in the
Feedbacks are need to be
General Feedback Specific Feedback

Perhaps you may want to use other

The painting needs improvement.. colors in your painting so that we can
distinguish the objects…
This is broad feedback because it Note:
does not say what specific part This feedback is specific in giving a
needs to be improved. recommendation on what can be
done about the painting.
Feedbacks are need to be
based on the Agreed CRITERIA
Feedback not based on Criteria Feedback based on Criteria

Check again the idea conveyed by

the author in the journal because
There are several grammatical errors
there are discrepancies.
inthe paper
(pertaining to the criteria based on
accuracy of information)

Add one more reference to support

further your claim on the benefits of
The heading needs to be in a bold
using organic fertilizers.
(pertaining to the criteria on
Feedbacks should provide Recommendations /
Suggestions on how to improve performance
Bad Feedback Good Feedback

I cannot hear your voice. Make your voice louder.

Look at your classmates when you

Why are you looking at the ceiling
are speaking in front.
while speaking?
Different forms of FEEDBACK
Different forms of FEEDBACK

Focus on the product Focus on the procedure Focus on the strategy

or performance; to improve the work.
Focus on the product or performance;

This kind of feedback describes how well the performance

or product was done.


*all the parts of the paper are complete. You have used up-
to-date references in you paper.*

*include a definition of terms based on the main author*

*rephrase the findings by the author on page 30*

Focus on the procedure

This kind of feedback focuses on the step-by-step

process that needs to be done by the learner.


*follow the guidelines stated in the workbook in

conducting the experiment to get accurate results.*

*try a different procedure in solving the problem*

*use more adjectives to describe the main character in

your story*
Focus on the strategy to improve the work.

Strategies refers to the different cognitive and

metacognitive actions that the learner needs to think
about in order to arrive at a better work or

*given the criteria on delivering a speech, which parts
did you achieve well and provide evidence?*

*use a different method to check if your answers are


*compare your work with the model, which parts are

different? How can you improve these parts further?*
How to use PORTFOLIOS to help
Learner’s Improve?

 One of the important roles of the teacher is to

communicate the progress of the learners based
on the learning targets.

 Progress of the learners is better communicated

if there isa good documentation of their
formative assessment.

 The work that the learners have produced can be

collected and compiled in a portfolio.
Some Tips in making PORTFOLIOS a powerful vehicle in
communicating learning progress and areas needing improvement

 Schedule a time slot to sit beside each child to show progress in


 Let the learners reflect on each entry in the portfolio;

 Let the learners report their observation on the transition of one

work to another.

 Let the learners to reflect on the other areas that need to be

continued and improved for the succeeding work.

 End the conversation with the learners with an encouragement

and a belief that they can improve and are capable of mastering
Organizing Parents’ Conference
How to Organize Meeting with ParentS
 Assessment results are also communicated to parents.

 The parents are partners in the child’s learning

 Information about the academic standing of their child should be

communicated with them.

 Parents are needed to provide further support in their child’s learning.

 Assessments results are communicated through the process of parent and

teacher conference.

 The school usually sets schedule and guidelines for teachers to confer with

 These guidelines are communicated during the parent’sorientation at the

beginning of the school year.
Guidelines than can be followed in Conducting
Parent and Teacher Conferences
 Send a letter inviting parents for a meeting, indicate
availability for this meeting to happen;

 Greet the parents in a positive tone, express how you care

about their child that is why you set a meeting with them;

 Let the parents talk, avoid interrupting them while they

are saying their concerns.

 When responding to parent’s concerns, you may want to

restate or clarify their ideas, report relevant incidents, or
ask further questions;
Guidelines than can be followed in Conducting
Parent and Teacher Conferences
 When reporting assessment results, avoid judging the ability of
the child.

 Prepare the evidence of the performance and show the parents

how rating was done, and describe the performance based on the

 When describing performance of the child, use words that are

understandable to the parents;

 Avoid too technical terms, or explain the terms to the parents;

 Commit to the parents a course of action that you can realistically

do but to not guarantee a result.
Thank you for listening

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