Media and Institution

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Media as social institution

• Media influence and socialization

• Media and political system of society
• Economic system of society
• Media psychology
• Media , culture and society
• Explain in detail the media as a social institute
• Disuse the positive and negative aspect of media
• Explain how media is influecing in political and
economic system of the society
• Analyze how media focuses on psychology , conduct
a survey to know the media psychology among
target audience.
• Explain the role of media in promoting cultural
concept in the society
Media as a social institution
• Mass media have emerged as social
institution, assuming many of the functions
formerly served by traditional social
institutions such as the church, school,
government and family.
• Instead , the primary objective of a privately
owned media organization is to make a profit
for the company .
Media as a social institution
• Media are some of the most visible ways that
put gender defination, construction and
opposition on display
• For example, “interpreting social change and
managing cultural beliefs”(Dow,241) is a shared
goal across the different types of media
• With verbal and visual images reinforced, people
begin to construct ideas relating to the subjects
targeted by media…gender being one of them
• In the U.S.,mass media serve as one of the
most significant social institutions shapping
• Since media act as gatekeepers of information
using stereotypes as one of the primary tools
to communicate the values of the dominat
culture (creedon,1993;wood,1999)
Is slide or is sy next ki jaga just yh yad rkhna hai (media help in
removing common stereotypes(supersteetions) in the society

• Stereotypes circumscribe the boundreis around

where we “belong” and what is “possible” for us
in our lives.
• We learn both about how to view each other
(which teach us to “discriminate” and rank by
category), how to view ourselves (which teaches
us to internalize view of being “less than” in
relation to gender,race ,class, and other system of
ranking), and how to organize our society (which
teach us who belongs where).
• These representations have a powerful influence
on the possibilities that people perceive for
themselves and impact the behaviuors through
which they manifest these possibilities.
• Contemporary mass media play a pivotal role in
defining the “appropriate” culture boundries
around such factors as gender,race, and class,
• Racial discrimination on race (slide11)
• In the end, every “aspect of our culturally
mediated identity…is challenged or altered by
the hypnotic power of mass media” (miller,
• Explore these issues in the following sections:
1. Mass media and its power to influence; and
2. And in-depth analysis of wired magazine.
• How mass media operates as a social institution to teach
the attitudes , values, and beliefs of a dominator society.
• How much power mass media and IT have over defining
social norms and how much of that power is held by just a
few individuals and a few companies.
• The common stereotypes that media purvey about women
in science and technology.
• The pervasiveness of violent and sexual metaphors in one
popular technology magazine.
• How these negative images influence the participation of
women in science and technology.
Media influence and socialization
• Mass media- newspaper, magazines,comic
book , radio, video games movies and
especially television-present a very different
form of socialization than any other
• Television is an influence on children from a
very young age and affect their cognitive and
social development.
• The mass media are another agent of socialization.
 Television shows
 Movies
 Popular music
 Magazines
 Web sites
And other aspects of the mass media influence
 Our political views
 Our tastes in popular culture
 Our view of women, people of colour,and gays;many other
beliefs and practices.
Negative impact
 In an ongoing controversry,
• The mass media are often blamed for youth
violence and many other of our society’s ills.
• The average child sees thousand of act of
violence on television and in movies before
reaching young adulthood.
• Rap lyrics often seemingly extol very ugly
violence, including violence against women.
• Commercial can greatly influence our choice of soda,
shoes and countless other products.
• The mass media also reinforce racial and gender
stereotypes, including belief that women are sex objects
and suitable targets of male violence.
• As the mass media socialize children, adolescents, and
even adult, a key question is the extent to which media
violence causes violence in our society(surette,2011).
• Studies consistently uncover a strong correlation b/t
watching violent television shows and movies and
committing violence.
• However , this does not necessarily mean that
watching the violence actually causes violent
• Perhaps people watch violence because they are
already interested in it and perhaps even commiting it.
• Scholar continue to debate effect of media violence n
youth violence.
• Television is the medium with the greatest socialization
effect, surpassing all the other media by far in its
influence on the young child.
Positive impacts
• Children learn through watching television .some of the
things they learn are beneficial; other are not.
• They learn about the world and the ways of the society.
• They learn something about occupations, e.g. getting an
idea about what a nurse does, what a doctor does,and
how the tow relate to each other.
• They learn about the institutions of the society-what goes
on in court.
• They learn the language to go with these roles and
• They learn some language you’d rather they didn’t know!
Positive impact
• Children also learn about current themes and
issues;both from newscasts and dramas
• Issues such as kidnapping, the homeless, and
the spread of AIDS.
• Most of these issues and themes are not
happy ones,and many are very frightening,
especially when children watch programs that
are intended for adults.
• Children learn more than facts from
television ; they also get a good daily dose of
sereotypes and a lot of misleading information
about their world.
• Most of all , they get a big helping of violence
and another of commercial advertising
Media influence
1. Democratic role of media
2. In india, litracy forms a substantial barrier to the
development of the country. In order to deal with this
type of situation radio especially community radio can
help to reach out to a large number of masses ,like the
poor people because it’s affordable and also uses less
electricity. Community radio lends a voice to the
community they serve with programmes in local
languages and also respecting the local culture and
tradition. It also provides a counterabalance to the
increasing globalization and commercialization of media.
• Any program can be successful, if the information
is disseminated at grassroots level.hence, radio
forms another major platform that help in reaching
out the rural masses, especially creating awareness
regarding government policies. The community
radio movement can help to create awareness
among the rural masses about the different
flagship programmes like digital india or Make in
india or Beti Bachao-Beti Padhao or Swachh
3. National TV channel holds educational programms. It helps in
educating the children.
4. Social networking platforms like face book has brought people
closer to each other. People now can easily connect with
their friends, relatives who resides abroad.
With technology advancements, such as the internet, have
made it possible to bring the various forms of electronic
media to our workplaces and homes at the click of a button.
To conclude the , influence of mass media is undeniable as it can
make or break the belief of the people, or start a movement
for a right causes.
Media and political system of the society

• The media has been reffered to as “the fourth estate”

with the important function of being the news media –
“the press” – and serving as the eyes and ears of the
A free press serves four essential purposes:(imp slide)
 Holding government leaders accountable to the people.
 Publicizing issues that need attention .
 Educating citizens so they can make informed decisions,
 Connecting people with each other in civil society
• Free media plays an important role in influencing
political discourse during election.
• When free and balanced, traditional media (print
and broadcast) foster transparency and the
determination of important election information.
• The rise of new media provide further
opportunities for participatory citizenship.
• Social media has become so important that now
it is reffered to as 5th pillar of democracy.
• The media have been the predominant source of political
information for citizen in a democratic society.
• Mass media has a colossal influence both on people and
politics, since it shapes public opinion and its role become
more powerful eapecially during elections when political
parties are sensitive in terms of how the media shows their
public appearences.
• Ideally the media should fulfill the political role by
“desseminating the full range of poltical opinions,
• Enabling the public to make political choices and enter the
national life.
• In democratic societies , for instance , the
media is a communication channel which
ensures the exchange of opinion both in
power and general public, government and
political parties don’t put direct pressure on
the media (depending on the country).
• (diagrams slide 44, 45 from mbl)
Media and economic system of society
 A free press is not a luxury.
 It is at the core of equitable development
 The media can expose corruption
 They can keep a check on public policy by throwing a
spotlight on government action.
 They let people voice diverce opinions on governance and
 Help build public consensus to bring about change .
 Such media help markets work better.
 Facilitate trade,transmitting ideas and innovation across
The media with specific reference to the
collective entity of
• Newspaper
• Radio
• Television and the
• International network(internet)
Play a very important role in national
• National development involve changes or advancement in a
nation aimed at improving
 The political
 Economic and
 Social lives of the people
• In the economic sphere, media can play their role in the
areas of
 Economic policy and growth
 Economic empowerment
 Advertisement and tourism
 Business and investment, etc.
Media psychology
• Media psychology is branch of psychology that
focuses on the relationships b/t media and
human behaviour
• This applies to individual and society as a
whole. Basically, professional in this field study
how people interact with media and each other
due to media influence.
• Media psychology focuses on the psychology
behind media and technology use and impact .
• Media psychology includes research and applications dealing
with all forms of media technologies:traditional and mass
media such as
 Radio
 Television
 Film
 Videos
 Newsprints
 Magazines
 Music
 Art
despite the fact that media is often associated with
newspapers, magazines, and television, media takes
on a broader term in this case to represent the
mediated experience of technology in facilitating
human social connection.
• Media psychology is central in cinema,including film
analysis, media assisted rehabilitation,
telecommuting communication , effective public
health , public service and public policy including
political campaigns.
• Media psychology is applied in medical education and
practice and in all forms of media publishing.
• These are only some of the myraid examples that could be
included in an increasingly extensive description.
• Media psychology represent a large and exciting realm of
opportunities for valuable effects research i.e., learning
more about how various news and entertaiment media
influence audience behaviour audience demographic and
audience numbers.
• This information is increasingly important in today’s media
saturated world.
Best of luck

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