CSEC IT NOTES - Term 2 Week 11 - Computer Networks Lecture 1

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CSEC Information Technology

Computer Networks Lecture 1

Term 2 Week 11
 To distinguish between low-level and high-level
programming languages
 Distinguish among the different generations of
programming languages
 List the sequence of steps associated with
implementing a program.
 Explain commonly used terms and concepts in
Review all slides in this PowerPoint presentation.
Answer all questions on the following slides in preparation for next
week`s class.
Login to classmarker: www.classmarker.com to do 14 Programming
Languages Paper 1 Multiple Choice questions
High Level Third
Low Level Second
High Level Third


Second Generation

Assembly Language

Machine Language

Syntax Error


Source code


 Distinguish among types of networks (local area network,
metropolitan area network, wide area network, mobile
 Explain the functions of the basic components of a network;
 Use terms associated with data communication and networks;
(a) Transmission media:
(i) Wired: twisted pair, coaxial, fibre optic
(ii) Wireless: infrared, microwave, satellite
(b) Switch, router, modem.
(c) Network interface card/network adapter.
 Data communication is the transmission of data
and information between two or more computers.
 This movement of data goes from one point to
another for direct use or for further processing
 from one computer to another
 from a cell phone to computer or vice-versa
 from a computer to fax machine.
 Data communication systems are made up of hardware,
software and communication facilities.

 They may span a small area or they may be set up over a

global area.

 Data is moved through these systems via transmission

channels or links.

 These channels are grouped according to their

 Bandwidth is a characteristic of a communication
channel that determines the speed at which data can be
transmitted over the channel. Essentially, how much data
can pass through the wire at a time. The wider the
bandwidth, the more data it can transmit.

 Bandwidths are grouped into 3 classes of data

transmission channels:
1. narrow-band
2. voice-band
3. broad-band
 Narrow-band channel transmits data at a slow
speed of about 10 to 30 characters per second
(cps). It takes a long time to download things.
Example: telegraph system

 Voice-band channel transmits data at a rate of

1000 to 8000 cps. Example: the telephone line
and is one of the most widely used methods of
transferring data.
 Broadband channel transmits large volumes of
data at speeds of over 100 000 cps.

 Example: communication satellite, fibre optic

cables, coaxial cable, microwaves.
 These are the ways and/or materials used to move
 There are two main categories of transmission
1. Wired Media
2. Wireless Media
 Twisted pair cable: This is a
convenient and cheap method of
connecting computers and
peripherals in a network.
 Used for home networking where
there is no great need for speed.
 Used in LANs.
 Coaxial cable: This is
more expensive than
twisted pair because its
transmission capabilities
are higher;
 Used to transmit voice,
video and data. Ideal for
medium-sized networks
 Fibre optic: They enable
large volumes of digital data
to be transmitted extremely
fast and virtually error free.
The inside tube acts as a
mirror, allowing pulses of
light to travel along it which
carry data.
 It is used by many
companies to transmit
telephone signals, Internet
communication, and cable
television signals.

a) Name the THREE types of cabling shown In Figure1.

A. Twisted Pair

B. Coaxial Cable

C. Fibre Optic

1. Communication 1. Bluetooth
Satellite 2. Wi-Fi
2. Microwave
3. Infrared
b) Identify TWO types of wireless media. (2marks)

Communication Satellite

Microwave Links
 This is a space station that receives microwave
signals from an earth-based station, amplifies
(strengthens) the signals, and broadcasts the
signals back over a wide area to any number of
earth-based stations.
 These are radio waves that provide a high speed
signal transmission.
 It is also called fixed wireless and involves
sending signals from one microwave station to
 A microwave station is an earth-based reflective
dish that contains the antenna, transceivers and
other equipment necessary for microwave
 This is a wireless transmission medium that sends
signals using infrared light waves.
 Mobile computers and devices , such as mouse,
printer, and smart phones often have IrDa ports
that enables the transfer of data from one device
to another using infrared light waves.
 Example: You can simply put the computer in
front of the printer and print a document, without
needing to connect the two with a cable.
 This a standard developed by electronic
manufacturers that allow any sort of electronic
equipment (computers, digital video cameras, cell
phones, PDAs, etc. to automatically make their
connections without wires, cables or any direct
action from a user.
 One disadvantage of Bluetooth is it cannot
transmit signals through walls and distances of
over 3 meters.
This short for wireless fidelity. It is a type of
broadband Internet connection that uses radio
signals to provide Internet connection to wireless
computers and devices.
This is a wireless network that provides Internet
connections to mobile computers and other devices.
They are used by mobile users to check e-mail, browse
the Web and access any service on the Internet.
They are often found at restaurants, train stations,
airports, military bases, libraries, hotels, hospitals,
coffee shops, bookstores, fuel stations, department
stores and other public places. Many universities and
schools have wireless networks in their campus.
b) Explain what is a ‘hotspot’ and give ONE disadvantage of having access to a
hotspot. (2marks)
This is a wireless network that provides Internet connections to mobile computers and
other devices.
They are used by mobile users to check e-mail, browse the Web and access any
service on the Internet.
Disadvantage: security risk since the connection may not be secure.

c) Name TWO devices that can connect to a Wi-Fi. (2marks)

Smartphone, Laptop computer

 A network is a group of two or more computers linked
together so that they can share resources (hardware,
software and data)and can communicate with one
 Local Area Network (LAN)
 Wide Area Network (WAN)
 Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)
 Internet
 Intranet
 Extranet
A LAN consists of a collection of microcomputers, such as
in an office building, department or school that can share
peripherals, files and programs.

Each microcomputer that forms part of the network is

connected either by cables or by a wireless link.
 https://www.liveworksheets.com/ht2041368yx
 Hardware such as printers can be shared.
 Storage facilities can be shared.
 Software and data files can be shared by many users.
 It is usually cheaper to buy one copy of application
software and pay the license fee than to buy individual
packages for each computer.
 Users can work together on a single document.
 User can communicate using e-mail.
 The initial set-up costs are high.
 There is a greater chance of data being corrupted-too many
 There is a greater risk from viruses because they easily
spread between the computers that are part of the LAN.
 If the file server fails, all workstations are affected and or
work stored on shared hard disk drives will not be accessible;
nor will it be possible to use networked printers, etc.
 Networks can be complicated to maintain and may require a
network manager. Additional costs may therefore be
 A school has acquired ten computers and related peripherals to set up a
computer laboratory. The school was advised to connect the computers and
peripherals in a network.
a) State the type of network that should be used to link the computers and
peripheral devices in the computer laboratory. Give a reason for your answer.

LAN , it is suitable for a small area such as a computer lab

b) List TWO benefits of networking the computers and the peripheral devices in
the computer laboratory.

1. Peripheral devices can be shared 2. It will be cheaper as a result of the sharing.

 A WAN can connect mainframes, LANs and PCs
across large geographical area such as a city, a
state or the world using a combination of many
types of media such a telephone lines, cables
microwave links, satellite

 WANs are mainly used by universities and

research centres and large organizations so that
information can be shared.
 This network connects LANs in a metropolitan
area such as a city, state or town.
 It includes one or more LANs but covers a
smaller geographical area than a WAN.
 It is usually managed by a single network
provider that sells the service to users.
 Telephone companies and cable television
operators provide connections to the MAN.
 This network is a micro-version of the Internet within a
company or organization.
 It offers the same features of the global Internet but limited
to a small area such as a factory site or an office.
 Authorized users within the company can use the
company’s intranet to find information easily and quickly.
 The documents in the intranet have links to other
documents in the network or outside the wider Internet.
 This network uses browsers and software just like those
used on the Internet.
 This is an Intranet that allows limited access to it
by people outside the company.

 A company may set up an extranet, for example,

to provide technical support information to its
customers based on products it sells or services it
An intranet is a private network that belongs to an
organization, and is designed to be accessible only by the
organization’s members, employees, or others with

When part of an intranet is made accessible to customers,

partners, suppliers, or others outside the company, that
part is called an extranet. An online banking application
is an example of an extranet.
 Outline the difference between an ‘intranet’ and
an ‘extranet’. (2marks)

An intranet is a private network that belongs to an

organization, and is designed to be accessible only by the
organization’s members, employees, or others with
When part of an intranet is made accessible to customers,
partners, suppliers, or others outside the company, that part is
called an extranet. An online banking application is an
example of an extranet.
 This is the world’s largest WAN.
 It is a network of networks that connects computers
worldwide via a huge set of telecommunication links.
 The Internet does not have a central authority. No one is
in charge of the Internet.
 There are organizations which develop technical aspects
of the network and set standards for creating applications
on it, but no one governing body or government is in
 Vast volumes of information are available on virtually
any topic.
 Information can be updated regularly.
 Much of the information is free.
 It allows people to telecommute i.e. work from home
using Internet facilities like e-mail, and keep in touch
cheaply and quickly with friends and relatives.
 It is convenient for many common chores e.g. booking
flights and Internet banking.
 It is easily accessible: all you need is a PC with modem
and a phone line.
 Lots of incorrect information is available; there is no
authority to check the accuracy of Internet documents,
 It can be difficult to find exactly what you need because
of the large volume of information available.
 Computer viruses can easily be downloaded without the
user realizing.
 There are lots of undesirable websites on the Internet
(pornography, racist, propaganda (half truths), etc.).
 The security of computers and WAN/LAN systems
connected to the Internet may be at risk from hackers.
 Computer hardware – a personal computer
and modem
 Communication link – a phone line or cable
or satellite dish
 An Internet Service Provider (ISP)
 Computer software – facility to implement
TCP/IP and an Internet browser.
A: Private Network

C: Private network with selected access

from public network users

B: Public Network
 A range of hardware devices are used to connect computers
together to create networks.

 Network cards
 Hubs
 Switches
 Routers

A Hub is a device that connects many cables together and

transfers network messages between those cables.
Many homes now have both a modem and wireless router.
 Modem, short for modulator-demodulator is an
electronic device that converts analogue signals to
digital and vice versa.
 It allows computers to exchange information
through telephone lines.
 Computers use modems to communicate with one
another over a network.
1.Review all slides in this PowerPoint presentation.
2.Do the computer networks fill in the gaps worksheet and the
computer network correct the teacher which are located in
week 11 folder on Ibis Link.
3.Login to classmarker: www.classmarker.com and do the quiz
on data communication and networks 25 Multiple Choice
 Youtube Video: Warriors of the Net
 Theory Notes on Bandwidth
 Theory Notes on Computer Networks
 Theory Notes on Intranets and Extranets
 Notes on Network Hardware

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